Doctor Who 7 x 05 The Angels Take Manhattan Posted by Kim "...Just make it a good one." And what a good one it was. I can't bear to watch the episode again. I woke up this morning, thought about it, and started crying again. Luckily Tumblr … [Read more...]
Archives for September 2012
Instant Reaction to The Angels Take Manhattan
Posted by Kim I'll be back tomorrow with a more detailed post (if I can survive watching the episode again to take notes), but for now...let me express my feels. … [Read more...]
“Take this compass. All great adventurers need one.”
Parks and Recreation Season 5, Episode 2: Soda Tax - Posted by Sage Taking last week's premiere and this week's episode into consideration, it's pretty obvious that the theme of this season of Parks will be Leslie adjusting to being the small fish … [Read more...]
Kim just can’t quit Grey’s Anatomy
Posted by Kim Yes. I still watch Grey's Anatomy. There was a long time where I was really embarrassed to admit that. I mean, seriously y' you remember the whole arc with Dead Denny and the ghost sex? Embarrassing. Those were dark days. … [Read more...]
“What needs to be done you can do, when there’s two of you…”
"Screw it, we're doing this." The fact that we both subscribe to this philosophy has always been one of the best parts of our friendship. In other words, when faced with a potential celebrity encounter, if one of us starts to chicken out, the other … [Read more...]
Why I am so Open with my Feels
It doesn't take much to please me. My friend Susan is the Associate Company Manager of Broadway's Tony Award Winning musical Once. And every week, she has to do reports that happen to be my job to collect. I am nothing if not open about how I … [Read more...]
Pick Your New Favorite IRL Ship for Amy Poehler
Look: We all know that Queen Amy don't need no man (snaps in Z-formation), but this is the internet. And on the internet, we like to dream up and flood the Tumblr tag of every possible pairing of attractive celebrities who probably have never even … [Read more...]
In which Kim rages over the Emmy Awards…
Honestly, I don't know why I watch the Emmys anymore. Because all I seem to do, beginning with the day the nominations come out, is hate on them. As a somewhat (HA!) passionate TV viewer, it just makes me nuts that so much quality television, … [Read more...]
“This planet, these people are precious to me…”
As Sage once BRILLIANTLY pointed out to Matt Smith (another story for another blog entry), the reason most of us tune in to Doctor Who week after week is not for the epic Monster of the Week story, but for the relationship between the Doctor and his … [Read more...]
“This planet, these people are precious to me…”
As Sage once BRILLIANTLY pointed out to Matt Smith (another story for another blog entry), the reason most of us tune in to Doctor Who week after week is not for the epic Monster of the Week story, but for the relationship between the Doctor and his … [Read more...]
Once Upon a Time in Astoria…
Once upon a time in Astoria, there was a magical castle called the HOTRS, where the finest theater administrators in New York gathered for theme parties and jungle juice. (Don't worry, I'm abandoning this fairy tale metaphor soon.) It was at these … [Read more...]