Honestly, I don’t know why I watch the Emmys anymore. Because all I seem to do, beginning with the day the nominations come out, is hate on them. As a somewhat (HA!) passionate TV viewer, it just makes me nuts that so much quality television, ESPECIALLY in the Comedy category is ignored every year. Heads up to Emmy voters, and I say this as a fan of the show, but there are more comedies on the air than just Modern Family. That being said…let’s look at what went down last night.
My Red Carpet Thoughts:
–I hope whoever invented the Mani-cam dies a slow and painful death.
–Hey, did you guys know that Giuliana Rancic is a mother now? *eye roll*
–I will never forgive E! for deeming the casts of Sherlock and Downton Abbey not good enough for their coverage. I NEEDED TO SEE MY BEAUTIFUL BRITS.
–I cheered when Tina Fey hit the red carpet in color. She so often sticks to black/neutrals and she looked flawless in that burgundy. She’s my best dressed of the night, with the runner-up slots going to Amy Poehler and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
–Least favorite dress was Emily Van Camp. I’m over illusion paneling and that color did NOTHING for her.
On to the ceremony…nothing will ever top Jimmy Fallon’s “Born to Run” opening ever. But nice try, Kimmel.
Supporting Actor in a Comedy: I refuse to acknowledge the legitimacy of this category as it does not include Parks and Rec’s Nick Offerman, Community’s Danny Pudi and Jim Rash and HIMYM’s Neil Patrick Harris. Honestly, I think they should put a cap on how many people from one show can be nominated because the Supporting Actor in a Comedy is TOO DEEP to fill 4 of the slots with people from the same show. Modern Family’s Eric Stonestreet wins (a bit of a surprise, I was expecting Ty Burrell) and gives a very sweet shout out to onscreen hubby Jesse Tyler Ferguson in his speech.
Writing in a comedy: I have to admit it. I cried when Community’s Chris McKenna lost. I wanted it for my show SO BAD. That being said, I really feel like the writing category is the only one that got it right with its nominees, and I can’t argue at all with Louis C.K. winning.
Supporting Actress in a Comedy:
I can’t believe that Kristin Wiig did not win for her final season on SNL. And that Julie Bowen talked about nipple covers for the majority of her acceptance speech.
Direction for a Comedy: Another win for Modern Family. I’m bored. I will say that the extended skit with Lily made me laugh though. And between Ken Jeong’s appearance and all the clips in the montage, I think the Emmy Broadcast promoted Community more than NBC ever has.
Lead Actor in a Comedy: The presenting patter from Melissa McCarthy and Mindy Kaling was flawless. But then the UNTHINKABLE happened.
Jon Cryer wins for Two and Half Men and I weep for the fact that STEVE CARELL NEVER WON AN EMMY FOR MICHAEL SCOTT AND NOW JON CRYER HAS TWO EMMYS.
As soon as Veep was announced, I knew that Julia Louis-Dreyfus was going to steal Amy’s Emmy. However, Amy and Julia’s bit with the acceptance speeches was amazing, and they both win at life. I love that these funny ladies are friends, and you know Amy would have done the same thing had she won and Julia lost.
But yes, isn’t it a shame that Amy Poehler didn’t win?
Reality Categories: All I have to say is that I’m thrilled for Tom Bergeron. He is great on DWTS and very quick witted on what is surely an INSANE show to host.
Supporting Actor in a Drama: This category is so rich with talent. Any one of those guys could have won and I would have been happy. Aaron Paul wins, and the hug he shared with costar (and presumed favorite) Giancarlo Esposito was one of THE moments of the night for me. And he ROCKED that brown tux.
Supporting Actress in a Drama:
Look. I love the Dowager Countess as much as anyone, but Christina Hendricks was robbed, y’all. ROBBED. And the fact that no one from Mad Men has ever won an Emmy is CRIMINAL.
Drama Lead Actor/Actress and Writing: Swept by Homeland, which proceeded to get bumped to the top of my Netflix queue. I feel like an utter failure for not having seen it. Damien Lewis winning over Cranston has to be considered the upset of the night though. I loved Claire Danes saying “Mandy Patinkin, holla!”. Also…who decided that Jon Hamm should be presenting right after he LOSES his category? #planning #sorryHammBone
Directing for Drama: Confession: I was completely bored by the first season of Boardwalk Empire and quit watching. Should I reconsider?
Variety Categories: Colbert and Fallon tackling Jon Stewart to the floor = amazing. Also I tweeted that Stewart was the epitome of class seconds before he started dropping F-bombs. Whoops! But you know what? I stand by that statement. Good on you Jon for calling out the Emmys for being so fucking predictable. You speak for ALL of us, sir.
How I feel about ALL the Miniseries Categories (aside from Julianne Moore winning):
That is all. Though I do agree with the sentiment that Sherlock should have submitted “The Reichenbach Fall” as opposed to “A Scandal in Belgravia”.
Best Drama Series: Homeland. In theory, I will have disc one in my mailbox on Wednesday. Though I won’t have time to watch it until Saturday…season premiere week and all. I did love how the EP thanked all the Showtime shows that came before them. Classy move.
Best Comedy Series: Surprising no one, Modern Family wins. And even the Emmy Producers are sick of them, as they cut off Levitan mid-speech and literally turned out the lights on him.
So those were the Emmys. According to them, essentially the only shows on television last year were Homeland, Modern Family and Game Change. Yawn.
The top 3 moments for me were (in chronological order):
1) Lena Dunham’s “Kathy Bates” . . . . because we said it in unison.
2) Julia Louis Dreyfus & Amy Poehler’s bit . . . . I mean . . . .
3) Claire Danes’ “Mandy Patinkin . .. Holla!” . . . it’s just true. Inigo Montoya does NOT fuck around.
Because I’m also a glutton for punishment, I still wish I had been on the couch screaming at the TV with you instead of on a plane. But I’m glad I didn’t have to watch Amy lose and I’m not sure I can go back and watch that speech, even though JLD is also pretty flawless.
Also Emmys? Fail on not having Benedict and Martin present together. I have no sympathy for the 89% of the country who has no idea who they are.
– Sage
Honestly, I agree with everything. I was so… underwhelmed by everything last night. Even the fashion! I literally could only think of about four actresses who deserved “best dressed.” As for the categories, I was thoroughly crushed that McKenna lost the only chance we had at a “Community” Emmy win this year. I’m also really tired of 4/6 of the Supporting Actor slots going to “Modern Family” cast members. It’s not that they’re undeserving, it’s just that it’s excessive to have that many people from ANY show in a category.
Overall, the highlight was Josh Groban singing One Direction and Aziz and Jane presenting their award in British accents.
That was amazing…until the bit was rendered moot when NOTHING BRITISH WON.
Bitter, party of one, your table is ready.
I agree with you on all points, including your failure for not watching Homeland. I can’t begin to express my fury over Jon Cryer winning ANYTHING for that hack show. Why is it so popular? It isn’t clever. It isn’t funny. It has never been either of those.
Kudos on the blog, Kim and Sage! And agreed – Modern Family and Jon Cryer = too many Emmys!!
It’s not that I hate Modern Family, cause I totally don’t. I love it. But spread the freaking wealth!!
I’m not going to lie – I’m super excited you have a blog again as you’re one of the only “friends” I have on Facebook who I actually enjoy reading status and posts from :). I agree with all of the above with the exception of Emily Van Camps dress which, while unoriginal and not exciting, I thought looked lovely (more than I can say for many – Mindy Kaling what were you thinking???).
I don’t understand why the Emmy’s don’t have any type of limitation on how many years you can be nominated/win, it’s ridiculous. There should at least be some rule where there has to be a major shift in the show to have it be eligible after it’s inaugural year. I think people like John Hamm and Steve Carrell miss out on the awards because there’s the thought that they’ll be nominated again next year.
You HAVE to watch Homeland – it’s sooo good! Damian Lewis pulled a Hugh Laurie on me, I had no idea he was British and still can’t wrap my head around it. Do you watch Dexter?
Ugh…I TRIED to watch Dexter. I did. I reeeeeeeeaaaaaallly did. I watched about half of the first season, and I just wasn’t able to get into it at all. And I LOVE Michael C. Hall. I will try again one day, cause I feel very uncool not being into it.
At least there is still TIME for Hamm. I will never forgive the Emmys for never rewarding Hugh Laurie for House or Steve Carell (you should have HEARD the screaming when he didn’t win last year…and I was at a party with friends.) I DO have a theory though…Carell is gonna come back for the finale, where he will be able to submit as Guest Actor in a Comedy and THAT is where he will win. Calling it right now.
I will start Homeland this weekend, I promise.
(And thanks, I am excited to be blogging again, especially with my pop culture soulmate as a partner.)
Congrats on the blog!
I agree with everything you said.
I’m happy Giuliana is a mom. She been through a lot these past years but the red carpet is not the place to talk about it. Also, it’s nice that she’s a fangirl but girlfriend’s gotta keep that in check when she is interviewing these people. It’s so unprofessional.
I love your idea on putting a cap how many people from one show can be nominated. I tried to think of what awards show did this because for some strange reason I felt like this was discussed on twitter. It turns on I was thinking about the Olympics. Remember the Jordyn Wieber situation?
I now want to watch Homeland and Breaking Bad. I was so excited for Aaron Paul’s win even though I’ve never watched the show. He is just such a wonderful human being.
I agree re: Giuliana. I know she has been through a lot. But there is a time and a place, and it’s not the red carpet, me thinks. It just seemed like it was every other word out of her mouth and after 10 minutes I just wanted her to SHUT UP ABOUT IT.
Ugh, Jordyn Wieber. That was the worst.
Oh, please start Breaking Bad ASAP. Aaron Paul is the most brilliant.
Since I have choir on Sunday nights, and have for the last 8 years, I’ve missed mostly every award show possible, with the exception of the Tonys that I’ve had shows performing in… so I’m extra glad for your recap and always glad when your blogging is back.
Also, I was totally going to weigh in with the Jordan Wieber-ness of it all, but someone already mentioned that, so never mind. I hate that Amy Poheler didn’t win, but only because I’m always really sad when my best friends don’t get everything they deserve. 🙂