Yes. I still watch Grey’s Anatomy.
There was a long time where I was really embarrassed to admit that.
I mean, seriously y’all…do you remember the whole arc with Dead Denny and the ghost sex? Embarrassing. Those were dark days. If I didn’t break up with the show then, clearly I am never going to.
The reason I just can’t break up with Grey’s is that it STILL gets me right in the feels after all these years. The Ninth Season (!!) premiere was no exception. There were tears and they were UGLY.
Even if I hadn’t known all summer that Eric Dane was leaving the show, based on the season finale I could have guessed that Mark Sloan was not long for this world. There was CLEARLY some internal bleeding happening there. And I knew as soon as Webber referred to 5 PM that they were going to be taking Mark off of life support before the end of the episode. Even with all that knowledge, I STILL wept when they actually did it. The scene was beautifully played by Patrick Dempsey (who has never gotten enough credit for how good he has been on this show) and Sara Ramirez. Callie and Derek were both losing their best friend, and I hope the show explores how those two are now bonded. Also, Callie clearly played a big part in reconstructing Derek’s arm and hand. We haven’t seen these two characters interact all that much, so I look forward to this hopefully becoming a new friendship. I also loved how Jackson said goodbye to his mentor. His last words, “Don’t worry…I’ve got this,” destroyed me.
Other Thoughts on the premiere:
–Nice call back to the pilot episode in the opening moments. So much of Grey’s music is iconic and that song instantly transported me to season one.
–Gaius Charles aka Smash Williams is an intern. And Tina Majorino! I wonder how much this new crop of interns is going to be integrated into the cast.
–Regarding Meredith Grey, it doesn’t surprise me at ALL that she now as the nickname Medusa. Meredith has ALWAYS been the one to show strength in a crisis (see also how she behaved after the mass shooting) and I love how that has been a constant trait for her character. But her reaction when she was on the plane still shows that she is incredibly vulnerable and dealing with her PTSD from the crash in her own way.
–Was Cristina always supposed to be in Minnesota with Mr. Feeny or am I missing something? Also, how quickly can we get her back to Seattle where she belongs? Also, what is the state of her relationship with Owen? I did not appreciate the tease that he was going to see her when he was really going to get Kepner to come back to the hospital.
–Speaking of Kepner, she has always been a character I could kind of do without. How is she going to come back to being a surgeon without being board certified? Is she going to repeat a year of residency?
–One thing I do NOT like his the de-evolution of Miranda Bailey. This is the NAZI we are talking about here. And now she is called Booty Call Bailey? I really think it is a disservice to both Chandra Wilson and the character. I’m glad she is happy and all, but the Miranda Bailey I know wouldn’t be blowing off patients to have sex with her boyfriend in an on call room.
–Good God give my precious Alex Karev a good story line. Sleeping with all the interns? Yawn. The Alex I saw in the last scene at the airport bar? That’s the Alex I want to see.
–On a shallow note, I like both Jackson and Alex with shorter hair. Shaggy does not work on them. Besides, with Dempsey’s head of hair all the other guys should just stop trying and keep it short.
–Nice fake out with Arizona. Is losing a leg worse than dying though? I’m very intrigued to see how her story plays out.
Next week we flashback to the aftermath and rescue of the crew in the plane crash. They were out there for a WEEK?! Geez.
Based on the response to the status on our Facebook Page many of you had some strong feelings about the premiere. Share them with us!
Craig W says
I has a sad after this episode. I actually didn’t know Eric Dane wasn’t returning. Also…am I the only one who thought Addison should know? Is that ridiculous of me?
headoverfeels says
No, that is not ridiculous of you. I haven’t watched the Private Practice premiere yet, but I assumed they didn’t mention it since it aired BEFORE the Grey’s premiere. Maybe they will in one of the coming weeks. CAUSE ADDY SHOULD TOTALLY KNOW.
Corinne says
Great Recap Kim!
They did not address Mark in the PPP premiere. However, clearly they show in the previews that Addison gets a very distressing phone call next week.. so that is probably her finding out.
However, one thing that bothers me with PPP and Grey’s cross overs is that they are not really on the same time frame. Shonda clearly forgets that when it serves her purposes. There have been times when Grey’s skipped ahead and PPP did not and vise versa.
I really enjoyed the Grey’s premier and I agree that Sara and Patrick were amazing in their scenes. I have very mixed feelings about Arizona at this point. Here in Atlanta there has been a 26 year old graduate student who caught a flesh eating bacteria and lost both her hands, her left leg, and her right foot. However, this young girl has been on talk shows and everything else with nothing but a positive, happy attitude. Grateful to have survived something that should have killed her. I am sure that she has had some very dark days.. I don’t doubt that… but her spirit is amazing.
It really turns me off to Arizona’s character that this is the choice she made to deal with things. I am glad that Callie gave her a major piece of her mind, and I hope that continues.
headoverfeels says
Seriously. I yelled “Mark is DEAD you selfish bitch!!” (I have ALWAYS thought Arizona was an incredibly selfish character.)
barrie15 says
OK. First of all great re-cap Kim! Snaps to you lady! I agree with your “feels” of the premier and I have some of my own.
First and foremost Meredith. Your husband’s best friend of life and your very close colleague has just gotten taken off life support and you’re just going to bail on him and attempt to go see Christina? I LOOOOVE the Twisted Sisters, but just thought that was poor decision. And Christina should’ve taken the time to FaceTime in and say a goodbye to Sloan. Getting too personally involved? Not realizing enough that these people aren’t real and not my friends? Maybe.
Also, I really wish Hunt would’ve gone to Christina. And now that Karev mentioned it, it’s going to drive them apart even further which saddens me to no end. They MUST get back together. For my sanity. And it’s clear Christina is coming back to Seattle…she’s going to eat Feeney.
And Kepner? Really? I’d really like to start a poll to see who else thinks she should stay on the farm with the pigs. I thought we were done with her and I was thrilled by that.
And they MUST find a way for Derek to get full mobility back. Even if they have to make up a cure that will fool all non-medical people.
I agree WHOLE HEARTEDLY with the Miranda Bailey statements. Like what!?!?! No. Get back on the witch wagon and evoke fear in the hearts of everyone you come across. That’s not Bailey and I hate who it is. Bailey used to be one of my fave characters and now…nothing.
Callie and Derek – Yes yes YES. Well done by both! So so SO impressed! Please become closer.
And finally…Arizona. I had a strong feeling she wasn’t dead, but well played Shonda on tricking us. My DVR started a couple seconds late and I thought I missed something huge. I thought she was in the psych ward or something the way she was going on and freaking out in the finale, but I didn’t expect the leg. And really – they lost TWO (maybe three – we never got the story on the airplane pilot who was in bad form) people out there – Lexi and Sloan. She’s not the type of character to freak out about something like that to this extreme and I’m anxious to see how long this will last and to what effect it will be.
Oh…and I hate Jackson Avery’s wife in real life. There. I said it.
Sorry I’ve written a book here, but none of my friends have seen it yet and I’ve been DYING to talk about it.
headoverfeels says
First of all, I will always be here and willing to talk about Grey’s. Perhaps I should do this post weekly.
THANK YOU for echoing my feelings re: Bailey. Like, I’m glad she is getting laid and all, but you can get laid and still get the job done.
Maybe Derek and Callie didn’t want anyone else in there? I was very confused as to why everyone was just waiting outside Sloan’s room instead of going in there.
Robyn says
I get that and all but Miranda’s outside while this man is DYING begging to get her nickname and making jokes! Like…you’ve worked with this man for 9 seasons. You guys are all close.
Please do a weekly Grey’s re-cap.