“Remember the Time”
Grey’s Anatomy 9 x 02
“This is a place where horrible things happen. You were right to go. You’re probably escaping disaster. Look at me. I practically grew up here, and you’re right, it’s hurt me in ways I’ll probably never get over. I have a lot of memories of people. People I’ve lost forever. But I have a lot of other memories too. This is the place where I fell in love. The place where I found my family. This is where I learned to be a doctor. Where I learned how to take responsibility for someone else’s life. And it’s the place where I met you. So I figure this place has given me as much as it’s taken away from me. I’ve lived here as much as I’ve survived here. It just depends on how I look at it. I’m gonna choose to look at it that way, and remember you that way. Hope you’re good. Bye.”
This week we flashed back to more of the immediate aftermath of the plane crash that ended Season 8 and it took us up to the events that happened in last week’s premiere. I thought the way they did it was fantastic. We only saw flashes of their time in the woods, and we saw the full picture through Cristina’s BRILLIANT monologue in the bathtub. That was all we needed. I saw everything that happened through her words and her glassy-eyed, dead inside, soulless delivery. I can’t get over the fact that Sandra Oh doesn’t have an Emmy for this role. It’s a travesty.
Can we talk about the amazingness that is Meredith Grey for a second? Because she is freaking awesome. What I have loved about these post plane crash episodes is how they all reacted exactly in character. And Meredith is a ROCK. You would think after all she has been though that she would become this bitter, angry, dark and twisty person (much like how she was in the early seasons) but she has become the opposite. She is strong and brave in the face of adversity. She is the one who keeps everyone together. She has come SO FAR from her tequila drinking “Pick me. Choose me. Love me. ” days. Basically, she’s my hero. And I LOVED her for telling off Cristina right before she left for Minnesota.
And of COURSE Cristina reacted to the crash the way she did. Cristina, who puts up such a brash facade, is scared of EVERYTHING. She runs away from her problems. She shuts off all of her emotions. We’ve seen her do this before…when Burke was shot. When Meredith almost died. After the mass shooting at the hospital. She is GREAT while things are happening (continuing to operate on Derek with a gun to her head, clearly being the fierce protector in the woods), but afterwards she shuts down. I’m not saying she’s weak, because she is not. She just has trouble dealing with her emotions and opening herself up to how they make her feel.
I loved Owen for how gentle and caring he was with her, especially considering the state their marriage was in before the crash. I mean if anyone knows how to handle PTSD, it’s him. I’m very curious to know the current state of their relationship, because they haven’t outright stated what it is in these first two episodes. Are they still married? Do they communicate at all with her being in Minnesota? This episode definitely showed that they spent time together while Cristina was healing, but she still chose to leave. But I still imagine Cristina will be back in Seattle by November sweeps, so I can’t wait to see what happens.
Ugh. That’s all I have to say about that.
Confession: Arizona is probably my least favorite character on the show. For someone who called Alex out for being selfish, I have ALWAYS found her to be incredibly selfish (Um, hello running off to Africa, and then returning expecting Callie to welcome her with open arms). I understand that she is angry and she is hurting and looking for someone to blame. And sure, it is easy to play the “what if” game and blame Alex Karev for the situation she is in. But this was WAY HARSH. It physically hurt me to hear her call him out for having no one and say that he is a horrible person, despite her mentorship. Because Alex HAS changed. He’s a better doctor because of his work with Arizona. He is a good person when he is not hiding behind his douchebag sleeping with the interns persona.
Clearly, I have a soft spot for Alex Karev. I wonder what that says about me? (Answer: I’m all about the “my love will heal him” characters.)
Shallow note: Sara Ramirez looks AMAZING this season. Getting married clearly agrees with her.
I love that Mark Sloan had such a dignified exit from the show. He was a character that was easy not to take seriously, and only when he leaves do we see the impact he had on the other characters. I was devastated that he didn’t get to see his daughter again before he slipped into that final coma. But Mark died knowing he had loved and WAS loved. It killed me how the Chief (I will ALWAYS call Webber that, even though he isn’t the Chief anymore) made sure that Mark set up his will and that he stayed by Mark’s side to the very end. Ugh. He will be missed.
Overall, this was a very powerful episode. I didn’t ugly cry like I did last week, but I was just as blown away by the quality of the acting and writing. We’re off to a very solid start for season 9. I hope they keep it up.
We’re on hiatus next week for the stupid Vice Presidential Debate. Boo election season.
Yeah, I said it. AND I’M NOT EVEN SORRY.
Ok I’m going to try and keep this short. I cried like crazy. I was a mess. Seeing Owen and Christina together like that was incredible and it gave me great hope for their relationship. Especially seeing how she reacted to his hugs and attention. And I’m pretty sure they are still married because when she was in restraints he was saying “That’s my WIFE.” Regardless, she’s coming back from Minnesota. There’s no doubt in my mind. Also, yes what a monologue!!! She deserves an Emmy…it baffles me that she’s still without. She’s my favorite character on the show hands down with Callie actually pulling up fast to take a close second. She is ROCKING it this season. Also, I LOVED how Christina heard what the interns were saying and chucked the vase at them. 🙂
AGREED on Meredith and might I add that I’m SUPER impressed with Ellen Pompeo’s acting this episode! I’m normally not a huge fan but she is stepping it up. Go Ellen! Side note – I always cry when Zola comes into the episode. I love how Grey’s face lights up when she comes in the room.
I’m not going to touch on Arizona – she just makes me mad. But the one who makes me the maddest (and my absolute LEAST favorite character on the show) APRIL KEPNER. Go home April, back to the pigs. I’m over you. PLUS I blame her for Sloan not getting to see Sophia before he died because she stalled Avery. There. I said it.
Zola is quite possibly the cutest baby ever.
And yeah, I don’t quite know what they are doing with April. And I agree. Devastating about Mark not getting see Sophia. -K
Great recap, Kim! On point with everything. I am going to miss Mark Sloan. I also agree that Sandra Oh’s monologue in the bathtub was brilliant and she should have won an emmy a long time a go for her work on this show..but don’t get me started. The Emmy’s are a freaking joke.
I am sure that there is an end game to this Arizona behavior, but she is truly disgusting so far this season. I also kept waiting for Callie to say something during that whole Alex tirade to try and defuse the situation and was pretty disappointed that she just sat there and let Arizona talk to him like that.
I also want to point out that even after she talked to him like that. Alex still tried to be the bigger person.. bringing her that slice of pizza and trying to make the situation better. He also was the one who ultimately saved her life and stood by her side when she was crashing. All “horrible people” should do such things.
I am also curious as to how they are going to deal with Derek’s hand this season. He seems outwardly to be dealing with it ok.. but clearly with his reaction last week with knocking over tools and how frustrated he was when that other surgeon botched up the procedure this week. he is not as ok with sitting on the sidelines and teaching as he would like everyone to believe.
Also, finally .. how cute is Zola.. that baby is just adorable.
I love that you pointed out that Alex was a bigger person. CAUSE HE TOTALLY WAS.
And yeah, Derek is definitely not going to be okay with be sidelined.
Great recap, Kim! On point with everything. I am going to miss Mark Sloan. I also agree that Sandra Oh’s monologue in the bathtub was brilliant and she should have won an emmy a long time a go for her work on this show..but don’t get me started. The Emmy’s are a freaking joke.
I am sure that there is an end game to this Arizona behavior, but she is truly disgusting so far this season. I also kept waiting for Callie to say something during that whole Alex tirade to try and defuse the situation and was pretty disappointed that she just sat there and let Arizona talk to him like that.
I also want to point out that even after she talked to him like that. Alex still tried to be the bigger person.. bringing her that slice of pizza and trying to make the situation better. He also was the one who ultimately saved her life and stood by her side when she was crashing. All “horrible people” should do such things.
I am also curious as to how they are going to deal with Derek’s hand this season. He seems outwardly to be dealing with it ok.. but clearly with his reaction last week with knocking over tools and how frustrated he was when that other surgeon botched up the procedure this week. he is not as ok with sitting on the sidelines and teaching as he would like everyone to believe.
Also, finally .. how cute is Zola.. that baby is just adorable.
I love that you pointed out that Alex was a bigger person. CAUSE HE TOTALLY WAS.
And yeah, Derek is definitely not going to be okay with be sidelined.
Well said and put Kimmie. Seriously always loved Sandra Oh and always will. Give her an Emmy. I always will be for the BFFs!!! “Your my person and always will be!!” Ahh YEAH
Meredith has turned into Medusa. She is the “rock”. She grew up and is a mom know. Get it done girl. And yes the Shepard family is amazing. Zola is one of the cutest babies ever.
Kerev is a mystery one minute I love him the next I hate him. I have a soft spot for him too!
And let’s say Arizona is on my list. I get what she is going through. But like Callie said that’s not her wife. I hope she realizes this and comes out stronger.
Callie – Sara r- I heart her that is all.
And dear departed mark sloane. I cried but not as much as last week. I didn’t realize your worth till it was too late. Rip and dance with Lexie in heaven. Poor baby didn’t get to see Sophia 🙁 boo
Thank you for this Kimmie
Xo xo
OK, I will make this brief. I agree 100% with all of the above comments. The show was amazing, and although I have never been a Christina lover, Sandra does do marvelous work. However, there were two moments in the show that literally made my hair stand on end and made me cringe.
1. When the Chief talks about “The Surge”. I know about that firsthand and have seen it a few times. I think what was heartbreaking was when Mark realized that it was indeed what was happening to him. That, and the fact that he never got to see his daughter one last time.
But the worst moment of all for me was:
2. “That’s when I realized they were fighting over Lexie…” Conjures up quite an image and I can only image the sounds and smells that would have gone along with that.
Shonda…Kill me now.
PS – as an aside to all of my AIDA peeps, I started reading this blog and was typing back a response when my iPod started to play AIDA! Ha ha. ♥Missy
Loving the blog! I see an E! show based on Head over Feels in your future. I had to wait to read this one to catch up on my DVR but SO agree with everything. Christina’s Monologue was Brill… I was tossed back several decades and thought “Oh, this would make a great Speech and Debate Solo Acting piece!! Ha! I have never been that big a fan of her acting, i.e.: her “cry” is painful… my husband and I mock it every time. But WOW blown away by her restraint. I also love that amidst the seriousness the writers can poke fun at themselves. “Nothing good happens here!!”