Fact: Clay Aiken was ROBBED of the American Idol Crown. I’m still not over it. I still call shenanigans. And no, I’m not saying this because he was *SO CUTE* and *OMG I LOVE HIM SO MUCH WHY DIDN’T HE WIN?*. I’m saying it principally because his voice is RIDICULOUS. I still consider his performance of “Solitaire” to be one of the all time great American Idol performances.
Also, that video makes me long for the simpler days when I LOVED American Idol and it didn’t make me all stabby and violent while watching it. Those were the days. And do yourself a favor and go to youtube and watch early Idol performances and LAUGH at the difference between Seacrest then and Seacrest now. It’s amazing.
Fact: Clay’s first album “Measure of a Man” is a flawless pop record. Sage will back me up on this. I knew I loved her before, but the day we discovered that we both loved this record really solidified her as the Leslie Knope to my Ann Perkins. We also quite enjoyed “tormenting” our friend T.J. on a recent road trip by blasting many of the songs from this album.
Earlier this week at work, “Invisible” came up on my Spotify playlist, so of course, I was jamming to it. A coworker who is a couple years younger than me walked by my desk and heard it. She stopped and then said, “I secretly really really love this song. I’m a little ashamed of how much I love it.”
To which I replied, “Why are you ashamed?! IT’S AN AMAZING SONG.” I don’t know when it became cool to hate on Clay…cause it seemed to happen right when this record came out. Sure, he’s a little cheesy. BUT ALL POP MUSIC IS PRETTY CHEESY. And that’s what makes it great. And I will say it again…the man’s voice is RIDICULOUS. I may not be a fan of what Clay has done musically since this record, but I will never deny the fact that he has a fantastic voice. He can sing circles around most of the pop stars today, and that’s a fact.
Sure, The Claymates are maniacal…but most pop music hardcore fans are. Especially when it comes to defending their choices…because so often they are scoffed at for loving what they love. Please. I will STILL get all up in your face about the flawlessness of the Backstreet Boys, and I will do that until the day I die. Clay was a media punching bag for a long time, so of course his fans get defensive. They’ve been through a LOT you guys.
All I am saying is if you were to close your eyes and listen to the song “Touch”, not knowing it was Clay Aiken, if you are pop music fan, you would love it. And if you won’t listen to me, listen to Queen Kelly Clarkson. She doesn’t duet with people who are awful, y’all.
In conclusion…I love this record and I AM NOT ASHAMED TO SAY IT.
Diana says
Ruben who? Seriously he was robbed!! Sony understand it. Unfortunely only some “right” people won AI
corinne says
This makes me ache for the early days of American Idol when the show wad about the contestents and not the judges.
I would also add the Clay Akin Christmas album to the list.That was great as well.
headoverfeels says
Is that?
Is that?
…how you measure a man?
I went to Wal-Mart at midnight to buy this album the day it came out. NO REGRETS. –S
Becky says
I bought tickets to his christmas show from a superfan. along with the tickets, she gave me a free membership to the pittsburgh claymates. I should probably carry my membership card in my wallet.
P.S. the xmas show was sooooo magical.
headoverfeels says
I know you’ve been secretly attended Claymate meetings since that day. You’re probably their High Priestess or Master of Ceremonies or something. –S
headoverfeels says
Michelle says
So the first time I ever saw him in concert I went with Meesh, her twin sister and our friend Ngoc because they loved Clay. We went to Vegas and saw him and Kelly in concert. It was amazing and though I only knew one song at the time I became a fan. I saw him probably 5 more times in concert after that and every time he was great.
headoverfeels says
Michelle, how have we not been BFFs for YEARS? -K
Allison (@v_streamer) says
Touch definitely would have been a radio hit had it been released. I know Clay didn’t like it, but he hasn’t the greatest taste – he just loves those 80’s balllads
headoverfeels says
In my opinion, “Touch” is one of the best songs on the album. And his preference for the 80’s-esque ballads/adult contemporary hits is exactly why I really haven’t dug any of his albums since. -K
Allison (@v_streamer) says
Touch definitely would have been a radio hit had it been released. I know Clay didn’t like it, but he hasn’t the greatest taste – he just loves those 80’s balllads
headoverfeels says
In my opinion, “Touch” is one of the best songs on the album. And his preference for the 80’s-esque ballads/adult contemporary hits is exactly why I really haven’t dug any of his albums since. -K