First of all, I must say that Sage and I are thoroughly enjoying destroying you guys every week with these playlist posts. It gives you a small glimpse into our daily lives, as we will often just IM each other lyrics and then flail over them everyday. That’s totally normal behavior, right?
Warning. This post is VERY Doomsday heavy. I’m sorry.
“The Scientist” – Coldplay
“Questions of science, science and progress
Don’t speak as loud as my heart
And tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Running in circles, chasing our tails
Coming back as we are
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it’s such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I’m going back to the start”
First of all, that is one of the meanest graphics I have ever seen. Is there a more heartbreaking scene than Rose and The Doctor pressed against the same wall in parallel universes, hands touching, yet not touching? (Actually, yes there is, though I didn’t know it when I watched Doomsday for the first time.) There is a moment where they both KNOW that they are as close as they possibly CAN be to touching…you see it in both of their faces. Their bond is so strong they can feel it through the void of time and space. It’s devastatingly beautiful and brilliantly played by David and Billie, especially when you consider that they likely filmed it without the other on set.
“I and Love and You” – The Avett Brothers
“Dumbed down and numbed by time and age.
Your dreams that catch the world the cage.
The highway sets the traveler’s stage.
All exits look the same.
Three words that became hard to say.
I and love and you.”
Um. Bad Wolf Bay, anyone? The first time I watched Doomsday I literally threw my remote across the room and yelled “FUCK YOU” at my television during this scene.
Quite right too.
“Over You” – Miranda Lambert
“Mid-February shouldn’t be so scary,
It was only December
I still remember the presents, the tree, you and me…
But you went away
How dare you?
I miss you.
They say I’ll be OK
But I’m not going to ever get over you.”
This song makes me think of Rose in the parallel world, especially this scene that lead her to Bad Wolf Bay:
ROSE : (voice-over. She sounds desolate, depressed) Last night I had a dream.
THE DOCTOR: (whispers) Rose…
ROSE: I heard a voice and it was calling my name.
THE DOCTOR: Rose… Rose… Rose.
ROSE: I told mum and dad and Mickey. Anyone else would think I was mad. But not those three. They believed it. Because they’ve met the Doctor. So they listened to the dream. He was calling me, and…And that night, we packed up…Got into dad’s old Jeep and off we went. Just like the dream said. Followed the voice… across the water… kept on driving hundreds and hundreds of miles. Because he’s calling.
“The Wanderer” – Marc Broussard
“Now I’ve seen a lot of special things around this world,
You can see them too, you can.
What’s that you ask?
I have no name, I have no name,
For I am known only as man.
I am known only as man.
I’m a wanderer,
I have no place or time.
I’m just drifting on this lonely road of mine.
If you like you can come along with me,
But I promise you that I am not the man I used to be.”
Meeting and falling in love with Rose Tyler changed The Doctor forever. I firmly believe that the Tenth Doctor is the way he is because of how his Ninth Incarnation sacrificed himself to save her. And he, to put it mildly, is in a bad place after he loses her. And what I love about Donna Noble is that she SEES this in The Runaway Bride. This song in general reminds me of The Doctor, but I think it especially applies to the scene at the end of The Runaway Bride where The Doctor asks Donna to come with him. The scene has such an air of melancholy to it…
DONNA: I’m not going to temp anymore. I don’t know. Travel. See a bit more of planet Earth. Walk in the dust. Just go out there and do something.
DOCTOR: Well, you could always…
DONNA: What?
DOCTOR: Come with me.
DONNA: I can’t.
DOCTOR: No, that’s fine.
DONNA: No, but really. Everything we did today. Do you live your life like that?
DOCTOR: Not all the time.
DONNA: I think you do. And I couldn’t.
DOCTOR: But you’ve seen it out there. It’s beautiful.
DONNA: And it’s terrible.
“E.T.” – Katy Perry
“You’re so supersonic
Wanna feel your powers
Stun me with your lasers
Your kiss is cosmic
Every move is magic
You’re from a whole ‘nother world
A different dimension
You open my eyes
And I’m ready to go
Lead me into the light…”
If this isn’t a song about The Doctor then I don’t know what is.
Sorry for the emotional torture, dear readers. Except I am not at all sorry. Come…revel in your pain with me.
Kim, stop it. [Please read that in Donna Noble’s voice as she’s talking to 10.5 in Journey’s End in response to his screaming-cause-no-one’s-listening bit.]
xoxoxoxo -K