It’s that time of year again.
People just named their Sexiest Man Alive for 2012.
And the winner is…Channing Tatum.
And we can’t really argue with that. After all…Channing gave us all this over the course of 2012:
I’ll allow it.
But what of the other men beloved by Head Over Feels?? We felt our favorites were SORELY lacking on People’s List, so Sage created a poll on our Facebook Page (PS have you liked us yet?) to crown the First Annual Head Over Feels Sexiest Man Alive. We are leaving the voting open thru tomorrow evening, after which Sage will do a post dedicated to our winner. Check out some of our nominees after the jump and then GO VOTE. Make your voice heard. It’s the second most important election of 2012!!!
Warning: blatant objectification of Men to come…
And many thanks to Chelsea for helping me compile all the eye candy.
Nominee #1: Adam Scott
The Sexy Elf King himself, Adam steals our hearts every week as perfect man Ben Wyatt on Parks and Recreation. And um, if you haven’t seen Friends With Kids…please do so immediately. And this will be a theme with many of our nominees…but his hair is practically pornographic.
Nominee #2 – Joel McHale
No Sexiest Man list would be complete without Community’s Most Handsome Young Man Jeffrey Winger. And I am not just saying this because Joel is my #1 carved in stone…but he for SURE wins the Best Body Award. #arms #shoulders #chest #RUDE #RUDE #RUDE (Also, Joel gives amazing snuggles. I know this for a FACT.)
Also Sexy snuggling puppies…
Nominee #3 – David Tennant
Lady Cassandra said it best: “Ooh, he’s slim… and a little bit foxy. You thought so too; I’ve been inside your head. You’ve been looking. You *like* it.” Also, Tennant wins the hair award. End of Story.
Nominee #4 – Tom Hiddleston
It’s a problem when the entire time you are watching The Avengers you are distracted by the sheer beauty of Loki…Tom also earns his place on this list for his unabashed fan boy-ness. Also, this first picture SHOULD BE ILLEGAL. EXPLAIN YOURSELF SIR.
Nominee #5 – John Krasinski
JKras is the third nominee from NBC’s Thursday Night Comedy Block…aka the place where a highly evolved and classy woman goes to for their heart-throbs. If you don’t want to marry Jim Halpert, you should have your head examined.
Um, name the time and place, John…
Nominee #6 – Michael Fassbender
Ugh. There is something so old Hollywood Glamour about Fassy. I want him to romance me with a night out on the town of dinner and wine and dancing. Yet at the same time, I want him to throw me over his shoulder and take me back to his cave with him.
Yes, I just wrote that. Not sorry.
We’ve also had several write in candidates! It’s not too late to get your favorite on the ballot!! Do it now!!
Also, a shout out to these two Idiots as they express what this post is likely to do to our entire viewing audience. Even the dudes.
storiesinyourhead says
Do I regret anything about writing in John Krasinski? The answer is no. No, I do not.
And if we weren’t already best friends, you cemented my love by including all those Magic Mike gifs. Thank you.
headoverfeels says
We live to serve. -K
Natalie Stone says
Oh, Fassbender. I mostly want the second half of what you mentioned about his appeal. I can’t even deal with how attractive he is. And blindingly charismatic. And confident. OK, I’m stopping now…
headoverfeels says
Yes, after Sage read my draft we went into a whole discussion of that purely primal quality Fassbender has.
I need a moment.
Margaret Holsinger says
I don’t know that he really fits in with the Head Over Feels theme of life, but my all time ultimate Sexiest Man Alive is Alexander Skarsgard. I have been in love with him since 2008 and Generation Kill. It has literally been the longest relationship of my life…to steal from you #notsorry.
headoverfeels says
He’s the only reason I watch True Blood. -K
headoverfeels says
Beautiful post is beautiful. Also, I couldn’t possibly hate any of these assholes more. I hope they’re fucking contrite for ruining my life. –S
Chelsea Eichholz (@Chels725) says
My life is complete. Thank you for using the one photo of Hiddles. I had a very unhealthy reaction to it when it was first discovered. So so so much pretty. I can die now. Goodbye
Chelsea Eichholz (@Chels725) says
My life is complete. Thank you for using the one photo of Hiddles. I had a very unhealthy reaction to it when it was first discovered. So so so much pretty. I can die now. Goodbye
Kaysie says
oh Fassy…. I want you to do rude rude things to me 🙂
Kaysie says
oh Fassy…. I want you to do rude rude things to me 🙂
kit says
Jesus, I didn’t even know that photo of tom existed. That’s just not allowed to exist, it’s too much for one person to take. Wonderful list though.
headoverfeels says
kit says
Jesus, I didn’t even know that photo of tom existed. That’s just not allowed to exist, it’s too much for one person to take. Wonderful list though.
headoverfeels says