Ladies and gays, prepare yourselves.
For the past two days, some of Head Over Feels’ favorite men have been in a heated race (mmmm…heated race…) for our own Sexiest Man Alive crown. The campaigning is over, and we’re ready to declare our winner.
Make that winners. It’s a tie!
Two contenders quickly rose to the head of the pack and stayed there deadlocked. It’s only fitting that these two morons are the chosen ones, as they embody every quality that makes a Head Over Feels heartthrob: comic genius, regular genius, latent dorkiness, and a delicious affinity for plaid.
This post comes pre-soundtracked, for your convenience:
Ready? Let’s do this.
The Sexiest Man Alive #1: Joel McHale
Yes, Joel. Just like that.
Like that too.
I mean, can Channing Tatum’s shadow do this? I don’t think so.
Fuck you too, Joel. Ugh.
It’s not just that he ruins lives, it’s that he enjoys it so much.
Annie = #gpoy
The Sexiest Man Alive #2: Adam Scott
Adam’s acceptance speech at the first annual Head Over Feels awards banquet.
Hair porn. All day, every day.
I think I could carve out some time for that, yes.
Lizzy Caplan: “Me too.”
Damn, Lizzy – let someone else have a turn.
*Unable to form sentence*
And as if Joel and Adam weren’t satisfied with separately destroying us, this happened:
I’ll be fine. Just give me a minute.
Thanks to everyone who voted and congratulations to our winners! Keep doing what you’re doing, boys. We only hate you a little bit.
[…] “Mr. Looks and Professor Books. He’s Looks.” Our readers would disagree. […]