Friends will forever be my favorite sitcom.
Yes. Even more than my beloved Community.
I grew up with Friends, as it premiered when I was 15 and ended when I was 25 (ugh, now I feel OLD). It (along with The X-Files and Dawson’s Creek) defined event television when I was in college. I often had rehearsal on Thursday nights, but I would set my faithful VCR (remember when you had to do that? #theworst) and everyone would come over to my apartment afterwards to watch together. I lived for the day when a season would get released on DVD and I could marathon it. The day of the finale, my best friend and I ordered The Joey Special (TWO PIZZAS?!) and watched our favorite episodes all day and then cried while watching the finale.
As a side note we did the same thing earlier that year when Sex and the City ended, except it was cosmos instead of pizzas. 2004 was a rough year for TV lovers.
Friends remains my ultimate TV comfort food. I tend to watch the entire series every year or so, so asking me to choose my favorite 5 episodes is a bit rough. But I’ve done it AND I have ranked them. So here we go…
5) “The One Where Ross Got High” – Season Six, Episode 9
All of the Thanksgiving episodes are CLASSICS. One of my favorite traditions is watching all of the episodes while I’m cooking Thanksgiving dinner…it’s the perfect way to pass the time while the turkey is in the oven. So why THIS Thanksgiving episode? Because I can never imagine an English Trifle without beef sautéed with peas and onions. Because whenever I am stuck somewhere I don’t want to be I do this. And because this is one of the greatest 96 seconds to ever happen on television:
If you watch the DVD commentary for this episode, you’ll learn that it took them FOREVER to get through this scene as the audience was laughing too hard with each confession. Amazing.
4) “The One With The Prom Video” – Season Two, Episode 14
Also known as the episode where Joey buys Chandler a gaudy gold bracelet that says “Best Buds” and they become bracelet buddies (THAT’S WHAT THEY’LL CALL US!!).
Also known as the episode with first appearance of Fat Monica. (“Shut up, the camera adds ten pounds!!” “How many camera are ON you?”)
Who am I kidding?
This is the episode where after MONTHS of torturing us with one of the most epic kisses ever and then immediately breaking up when he wrote a list comparing her to Julie (“She’s not RACHUM?!”), Ross and Rachel FINALLY got together for good. Well until mid Season Three anyway 😉
“See?! He’s her lobster!!” is one of the best responses ever. I remember screaming and jumping up and down when this happened. I should have known THEN what kind of fangirl I was.
3) “The One Where Everybody Finds Out” – Season Five, Episode 14
Season Five is my favorite overall season of Friends because I loved the storyline of Monica and Chandler sneaking around SO MUCH. Personally, I think Monica and Chandler falling in love (and more importantly STAYING in love) was the best things Friends ever did. Courteney Cox and Matthew Perry had a wonderful chemistry and played two deeply neurotic people discovering their soul mate had been in front of them the whole time perfectly. The show also built the way the group found out amazingly…from Joey to Rachel to finally the whole group finding out in this episode.
And who better to mess with Chandler Bing’s head than Phoebe? Their battle of wills in the climax of the episode is classic from her dance of seduction to Chandler being afraid of her bra to their almost kiss. And the line “I just thought you guys were doing it, I didn’t know you were in love!!” = everything a shipper wants to hear about her OTP. (ahem. JeffandAnnie. ahem)
Finally…favorite gif is favorite…
Don’t ever change, Ross.
2) “The One with the Embryos” – Season Four, Episode 12
I know. This is often thought as the ULTIMATE episode of Friends. But hear me out. The only reason this is not at number one is because Phoebe’s story is so separate from the epic trivia “Who Knows Who Best?” game. Sure her finding out that she is pregnant with her brother’s baby (“I’ll never get tired of you freaking out people with that”) is what brings everyone together in the end, but I feel like the trivia game would have been even more legendary with her in it. Could you imagine some of her answers??
That being said, this episode is flawless and everyone knows it. I’m being nitpicky for list-making purposes.
Also, steady hand or not, I NEVER would have bet that apartment.
1) “The One Where No One’s Ready” – Season Three, Episode 2
Because this episode is a perfect farce. Because this episode is the one I quote the most.
“Hummus, I got the hummus.”
“In the words of A.A. Milne, ‘Get out of my chair, dill hole.'”
“When I get back it’s Chair City, and I’m the guy who’s sitting in a chair.”
“You can’t go commando in another man’s fatigues!”
“I’m Chandler! Could I BE wearing any more clothes?”
“I’m breezy!” “You can’t SAY you’re breezy, that negates the breeziness!”
“If it IS a new message, then what was he calling to SAY.” “Yeah, I’ll try that.”
“You were going to drink the fat!” “Let’s see what else he’ll do.”
ALL from that episode. I rest my case.
What about you fellow Friends lovers? What are your favorites?
I can totally relate to this. Friends has been my #1 show of all time. To the point my college buddy nicknamed me “Feebs” (yes, he knows he spells it wrong) and still calls me it to this day. It’s one of those shows you can watch whenever, no matter what my mood I could throw one on and there is always something I could relate to. It is the reason I dreamed of moving to New York. If a marathon was on TBS I’d stop dead in my channel surfing tracks and watch, no matter how many times I’d seen the episode. This past year the one I’ve related to the most was TOW they all turn 30. After I turned 29 that was the one that stuck in my head.
Ugh, I love all of this.
omg.. this is absolutely hilarious. I LOVE friends too. My favorite thing said on this show ever is by Ross…. “FINE BY ME!!” I seriously just sat back, watched all of these clips, and wished I had every season on DVD.
18 pages! FRONT AND BACK.
bahahahaha! My 2nd favorite is definitely when Phoebe says “He’s her lobster!” but you already mentioned that one 😉
So I’ll get the weird part out of the way first—I don’t know you, author of this post, and I’ve only ever met the other contributor to this blog once, but when I saw this pop up on Facebook I absolutely had to read it, and now I feel so deeply compelled to comment on this gem. And so I am.
Moving on, I have the utmost respect for this post. I agree with 4 of the 5 choices but deeply respect your reason for including the episode holding the #5 spot. Personally, I find it really hard to put too much stock in any episode after season 5 (which I’ve frequently referred to as the “Abbey Road” of Friends seasons—something alienating me from Beatles fans, serious television critics, and most normal human beings). But that’s a different story.
As I was reading this post I kept thinking “PLEASE INCLUDE THE ONE WHERE NO ONE’S READY PLEASE INCLUDE THE ONE WHERE NO ONE’S READY” and you putting it at #1 proves you know what you’re talking about.
The One with the Embyros—total classic. Twenty-two minutes building up to the punchline that we as an audience haven’t understood (or necessarily even been informed about) Chandler Bing’s job? Genius.
And of course the whole “they don’t know we know they know we know etc. etc.” was beyond hilarious.
But here are three episodes I’d always put in my top 5-to-10 list that you didn’t mention:
1.) The One with All the Poker. It’s not necessarily the most hilarious episode ever, no, but it was back when the show was still relatively simplistic and it includes all six of them having fun together. It works perfectly in that ‘90s sitcom format—there’s some cutesy gender-role jokes (errr, a lot, actually), it’s fun, and it has a sweet ending, which let’s face it, Friends not only pulled off but really NEEDED in order to work.
2.) The One with the Blackout. Again, it’s pretty simplistic, early-series Friends. The majority of the humor is just Matthew Perry’s facial expressions with his voice-over. I spent most of my early teenage years wishing I could get stuck in an ATM vestibule with Jill Goodacre, so maybe I’m biased on this one. (Incidentally, Matthew Perry said this was his favorite episode to film. Imagine that.)
“I’m chewing someone ELSE’S GUM…”
“Yeah, like that thought didn’t cross my mind…”
3.) The One With Chandler in a Box. Maybe this one isn’t really legendary, but I’ve always thought it was hilarious that Chandler spends a substantial amount of the episode in a giant wooden box. And as far as I know it’s the only episode where any one character (Monica, in this case) has a quintuple-burn (“married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire, live in a box!”)
I would also like to submit this video (from an episode you mentioned) as David Schwimmer’s finest piece of acting ever (note: Greenzo is a very, VERY close second):
I’m also embarrassed to have to ask this, but which episode is the one where Ross and Rachel have their, like, first date, at the planetarium? The inclusion of that Chris Isaak (who’s also on the show!!!!!!!!) song is pretty great. That episode strikes me as classic, mainly because (like The One with the Embryos and the One with All the Poker) I remember watching it the night it aired– most of these I became familiar with on DVD.
I should never get started on Friends, because I’ll never stop.
The One with the Blackout would be my #6. Gum would be perfection.
And it was a close call between Chandler in a Box and Ross Got High for fave Thanksgiving episode. Chandler in a Box is my second favorite.
I BELIEVE that episode is called The One Where Ross and Rachel…You Know. I’ll have to double check.
I’m interested to know more on your feelings re: post season five. Cause I think seasons 6 and 7 have some pretty great episodes that I know I have included in my top 15 list.
Yes, I once made a top 15 list.
“My sister’s gonna have my baby!!” Best. line. ever. This show is literally my drug when I’m sad, happy, angry, etc. I turn it on and all is right with the world. Also, I agree with Greg, Chandler in a box was hilarious!
Ah Friends. This show is such a part of my growing up years I can’t even think about college and my first years in NYC without it! I remember going through Rush and having to VCR that Thursday night’s episode. It was the one where Rachel leaves Ross the voicemail and then the kiss we ALL were waiting on. I didn’t really know anyone yet except the girl down the hall who was also going through Rush and watched the show. I ran down the hall and banged on her door and was like THEY KISSED! 🙂 Also, calling my best friend Alice for the last episode while I lived here already and it was a show we watched every Thursday night together as roommates. Ugh.
So I’m going to have to add “The One Where Ross Finds Out” as a personal fave. Plus, I still laugh at Ross & Rachel drunk in Vegas and the very last moment of that episode I remember just screaming as they came out of the chapel so add “The One In Vegas, Part 2”. Plus, ack that trivia game still makes me laugh every time!
One last one (for now) is “The One with Phoebe’s Husband” where they are telling each others secrets. Love!
“You’re over me? When were you…when were you under me?”
I’d have to vote for “The One With the Cop” because PIVOT! I think the scene at the end with Ross trying to return the destroyed couch “for one that is not cut in half” is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.
If I were to pick top SCENES from Friends, that would be #1.
Shut up shut up shut uuuuuuuuuuuuu*gargled Chandler noises*ppppppppppppp.
Favorite SCENE isn’t even fair. The Phoebe/Chandler fake date is way up there, as is PIVOT, as is Ross playing the bagpipes. “Come on, you know the words!” –S
I’d have to vote for “The One With the Cop” because PIVOT! I think the scene at the end with Ross trying to return the destroyed couch “for one that is not cut in half” is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.
If I were to pick top SCENES from Friends, that would be #1.
Shut up shut up shut uuuuuuuuuuuuu*gargled Chandler noises*ppppppppppppp.
FULLY FULLY SUPPORT THESE RANKINGS. The One Where No One’s Ready is the pinnacle of Friends for me. It’s so quotable.
I just can’t pick any other Friends favorites. I just…can’t. So I give you all of my respect for this post, because it’s not easy.
FULLY FULLY SUPPORT THESE RANKINGS. The One Where No One’s Ready is the pinnacle of Friends for me. It’s so quotable.
I just can’t pick any other Friends favorites. I just…can’t. So I give you all of my respect for this post, because it’s not easy.
OH MY GOD KIM I LOVE THIS LIST SO MUCH I COULD CRY! My personal fave is “The One Where Everybody Finds Out” I know every line in that episode by heart, but your number one is a close second. FAVORITE BOTTLE EPISODE FOREVER. I think some other I would’ve included would be “The One Where They’re Up All Night” and my thanksgiving favorite “The One with the Late Thanksgiving” which I also know by heart “Pies? I thought you meant PRIZE!” “Grand Supreme Little Darling?” “Congratulations!”
Even though I live in Honduras and I never watched Friends live, I hold it dearly to my heart. Let me explain why it is my favorite sitcom of all time too. When I was 13 I suffered a great loss and tragedy in my life. My whole family was in a car accident we lost someone and everything was horrible. My sister with whom I shared a room broke her femur. FRIENDS aired in a latin american channel called Sony entertainment television (where they air community eps from monday to friday now I LOVE THAT CHANNEL) BUT they were switching network to Warner Channel where they air reruns now. Anyway because they were switching networks they aired every episode from season 1-7 for a month monday to friday and THEN marathon of every episode aired during the week on weekends. Since my sister couldn’t move from the bed we watched it all the time! It served as comfort for us and I will never forget just how much it helped through the hard times. I don’t think a comedy will ever be so dear to me like this one. FRIENDS FOREVA AND EVA.
Awww!!! That is such a touching story. And it’s why I love Friends and television in general so much. It can be a joy and comfort in any time. I KNOW I am in a bad place if Friends can’t make me laugh!
Of course it would be near and dear to you after that! I’m glad you and your sister were able to find a way to get through that time together. I think Friends may have actual healing properties. 🙂 –S
OH MY GOD KIM I LOVE THIS LIST SO MUCH I COULD CRY! My personal fave is “The One Where Everybody Finds Out” I know every line in that episode by heart, but your number one is a close second. FAVORITE BOTTLE EPISODE FOREVER. I think some other I would’ve included would be “The One Where They’re Up All Night” and my thanksgiving favorite “The One with the Late Thanksgiving” which I also know by heart “Pies? I thought you meant PRIZE!” “Grand Supreme Little Darling?” “Congratulations!”
Even though I live in Honduras and I never watched Friends live, I hold it dearly to my heart. Let me explain why it is my favorite sitcom of all time too. When I was 13 I suffered a great loss and tragedy in my life. My whole family was in a car accident we lost someone and everything was horrible. My sister with whom I shared a room broke her femur. FRIENDS aired in a latin american channel called Sony entertainment television (where they air community eps from monday to friday now I LOVE THAT CHANNEL) BUT they were switching network to Warner Channel where they air reruns now. Anyway because they were switching networks they aired every episode from season 1-7 for a month monday to friday and THEN marathon of every episode aired during the week on weekends. Since my sister couldn’t move from the bed we watched it all the time! It served as comfort for us and I will never forget just how much it helped through the hard times. I don’t think a comedy will ever be so dear to me like this one. FRIENDS FOREVA AND EVA.
Awww!!! That is such a touching story. And it’s why I love Friends and television in general so much. It can be a joy and comfort in any time. I KNOW I am in a bad place if Friends can’t make me laugh!
Of course it would be near and dear to you after that! I’m glad you and your sister were able to find a way to get through that time together. I think Friends may have actual healing properties. 🙂 –S