“Bells and Whistles”
#SmashBash 2×08
Well, dear SmashBashers, we’ve made it to the halfway mark of the season. I know. It feels like the premiere was a decade ago.
The official episode synopsis for this week is as follows: “When Ivy brings Sam, back to town, Tom finds himself in an awkward situation. Jimmy and Derek clash over their vision for “Hit List,” while both Ana and Karen struggle to stand up for what they want.”
So in other words, it’s like every other episode of the second season. To the gifs!!!
“You see it wrong, no offense.”
Am I the only one bothered about “Let Me Be Your Star” clearly being in a lower key?
“I could really use a breather.” IVY. I love you , bb…but come on. After fighting so hard and wanting to be Marilyn for SO LONG, when you actually GET her, you start complaining about how grueling the role is?
Though I must say, it is a MASSIVE failure to not have her share a scene with Jesse L. Martin. As it was with Sean Hayes and Debra Messing never having a scene together. What does this show have against reunions?
Sam is back. Still bitching about HAVING to be on the Book of Mormon tour. WHO COMPLAINS ABOUT THAT?!?!?!
“I prefer to call it ‘an intellectual salon’.” Yes, because all shows are directed by diplomacy, Tom.
“Lea Michele?? LEA MICHELE?!?!”
“If you say it one more time, she magically appears!” That is perhaps Derek’s finest one liner in the entirety of the series.
“It’s MY show!!” Yes, Brooklyn Jimmy. Continue to be the most likable character on the show. *eye roll* #aloneinmyprinciples
“We expect our directors and writers to work together.” Is Theresa Rebeck still writing this?
No, seriously. Who regrets having a LEADING ROLE in The Book of Mormon?
“You don’t have a good story, Eileen.” Truer words have never been spoken. Poor Anjelica.
Karen: (trying to be sexy) “I think it’s my shirt.” Brooklyn Jimmy: “Did you go to Fort Hamilton Brooklyn?” Reminder: Brooklyn Jimmy is from Brooklyn.
I don’t understand this whole shirt seduction thing. AT ALL.
(Seriously, was she going through his laundry or something?)
“His connection with you is special.”
I love how everyone at Tom’s party is so well versed in his songbook that they knew a song from his failed musical about the 60’s in Vegas.
“Call the Mormons!” Or maybe call Actor’s Equity cause Sam is in violation of his contract.
“This isn’t Broadway!” It’s the New York Theatre Workshop where Rent started. Or whatever the hell their fictional name for it is!
“The show doesn’t need opening up, it needs to be true to what it is.”
“I promised Sam.”
I DID love how Julia was the only voice of reason when she said not only did that number not work in Bombshell but that promise was 12 hours old. I get confused when Julia is rational.
“Is this about Karen?” Yes, everything is about Karen and her “talent” and the apparent gold in her ladyparts.
“Are we buying pot?” I love how whenever any character ventures downtown they are transported back to the seedy underbelly of New York City in the 80’s.
Regarding Derek’s LED Screen Set, Jimmy expresses the feelings of every viewer: “This is Ridiculous.”
“They offered me Mike Nichols!!” (I’m pretty sure Mike Nichols doesn’t offer himself to anyone. Other than Diane Sawyer.)
(Also, I feel like they are just throwing every possible love interest in the air for Julia.)
Seriously Tom and Derek. They are the true love story of this show.
To emphasize the fact that Ana is a free-spirited hipster, they dress her in contrasting animal prints. Now all she needs is hipster glasses.
Derek grovels to Brooklyn Jimmy about his vision for the show. Because if there is one thing that Smash wants to teach us is that Tony Winning Directors should ALWAYS defer to the nobody writer because he is supposed to be the second coming of Jonathan Larson.
Every song in Hit List is a freaking power ballad.
I’m more convinced that Brooklyn Jimmy is the second coming of Frank Wildhorn instead of Jonathan Larson. Theatre geek points to anyone who gets that reference!!
I don’t understand Karen’s dancing in this song.
“Watching him hit on that guy for Kyle has me all melty.” Oh, Karen. Look at your choices.
Ana decides to sing Beyonce’s “If I Were a Boy” at a BAR (Coyote Ugly style no less!) to convince Derek she can play the Diva.
“I left my job for a lot of reasons” Including stupidity and misery at being in a blockbuster musical.
BERNADETTE IS COMING BACK Y’ALL. (I mean we saw that coming as soon as they mentioned Marilyn’s mother, but STILL.)
“DO YOU LIKE ME OR NOT?” Oh, Karen, don’t you know you should just pass him a note asking that?
Ana to Kyle, after she sees him mooning over Jimmy: “We’ve all wanted things we can’t have.”
Unlike Eponine though, Kyle takes solace in the lighting designer (Blake, btdubs)’s tonsils.
Jimmy and Karen go at it on the Table. I’mma gonna let you finish, Smash, but New Girl did this way better two weeks ago.
And then the preview for next week!! I fear Karen and Jimmy’s romance could end with this:
Come back next week as we get both Bernadette Peters and a glimpse at Brooklyn Jimmy’s troubled past!!!!
That three tits gif is EVERYTHING.
I was quite proud of that one 🙂 -K
I love that the EW recapper called Jimmy “The Human Sour Patch Kid” perhaps the most amazing and truthful description of his character ever! 🙂