This past Saturday morning, I was enjoying some lazy snuggle time with my dog when my phone started going BESERK with text messages. Now, I only know two people who would text me early in the morning on a Saturday, and my mother isn’t nearly fast enough to fire off several text messages in a row, so I knew it had to be Sage. So I rolled over and picked up my phone. And rather than tell you about it, I’m going to SHOW YOU:

Yes, dear readers, it’s true. David Tennant and Billie Piper are returning for the 50th Anniversary special, which is filming RIGHT NOW. The BBC released a picture on Monday of Matt and David at the read-through (OMG DAVID HAS DOCTOR SIDEBURNS AGAIN). What appears to be Ten’s TARDIS has been spotted by people trying to get a glimpse of filming. IT’S ALL HAPPENING.
Common sense would dictate that Tennant is returning as the meta-crisis Tenth Doctor, lovingly known as TenToo, who was last seen taking Rose Tyler’s hand on Bad Wolf Bay in the parallel world in “Journey’s End”. I have always said that other than the need to give Rose Tyler the happy ending she deserved that they came up with TenToo to give David Tennant a legitimate way to return to the series at anytime.
But this IS Steven Moffat we’re talking about so common sense clearly doesn’t necessarily apply. And he hasn’t been the biggest fan of Rose Tyler in the past (JERK). So we could be in for a whole world of PAIN come November. But until then, I am going to remain in my happy bubble and squee over the thought of seeing Rose and TenToo happy and kicking ass with Eleven and Clara. BECAUSE THEY ARE HAPPY, DO YOU HEAR ME MOFFAT? Russell T Davies SAID so. David Tennant said so. So keep them happy and don’t kill anybody, okay?
Obviously, all the songs this week are about Rose and TenToo, so let’s get to it, shall we?
“I’ll Follow You” – Jon McLaughlin
“They say the future is our enemy
Time eventually will set the sun
But I believe in you and you believe in me
How can we ever go wrong?
As long as you’re around I’ll follow you
Heart is never gonna break
As long as you’re around I’ll follow you
I will be wherever you go
So be patient baby
Hold me close
I hope you understand
You’re a beautiful woman
And I’m just a man.”
I had a different song picked out for this post, but as I was heading to meet Sage for dinner earlier this week, “I’ll Follow You” came up on my iPod’s shuffle. This verse played and I paused as I was overwhelmed by Rose and TenToo feelings (the life of a fangirl, I swear!). And then I hit the back button and started the song over again. This song is so beautiful and delicate and McLaughlin’s voice conveys such a gentle earnestness that it made me think of this scene:
TenToo: I’m part human. Specifically, the aging part. I’ll grow old and never regenerate. I’ve only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you. If you want.
Rose: You’ll grow – grow old… at the same time as me?
TenToo: Together.
Look at Rose’s FACE in that gif. Such a look of disbelief…the best KIND of disbelief. She’s saying “Really? We get to be together forever??”. It’s like she can quite believe what she is hearing. All she has ever wanted is standing before her…and is saying he wants to be with her. If she wants him to be. And as Sage just said to me: For the first time, forever means the same thing for both of them.
Excuse me. I need a moment.
“You are the air in my breath,
Filling up my love soaked lungs.
Such a beautiful mess intertwined and overrun.
Nothing better than this,
Oh, and then the storm can come.
You feel just like the sun…
Just like the sun.
And if you say we’ll be alright
I’m gonna trust you, babe.
I’m gonna look in your eyes.
And if you say we’ll be alright
I’ll follow you into the light.”
It had to be weird for Rose though. To stand on the beach and watch the TARDIS disappear with the man she loved WHILE she was left with the man she loved. It makes my head hurt just thinking about what must have been going through her mind. I’m sure there was an adjustment period for them. After all, TenToo, while still being the same man, is not QUITE the same man. As Ten put it (oh so perfectly): “That’s me, when we first met. And you made me better. Now you can do the same for him.” It had to be a bit terrifying for her actually. You can see it in her face as she watches the TARDIS fade away.
But then TenToo steps up and takes her hand. Like The Doctor did so many times before. And they look at each other and there’s this moment of “Hey…I’m here. I’ve got you. We’re going to be all right, you and me.” And in that moment you believe that they WILL be.
“I don’t get many things right the first time.
In fact, I am told that a lot.
Now I know all the wrong turns
The stumbles and falls brought me here.
And where was I before the day
That I first saw your lovely face?
Now I see it every day.
And I know
That I am…
I am…
I am…
The luckiest.”
“Firstly, Rose is neither shallow nor stupid. She doesn’t settle for second best. She gets the person she fell in love with. And, as a bonus, he’s now able to spend the rest of his life with her, as she with him. Secondly, the very same person who experienced the heartbreak of losing Rose for the first time now experiences joy at the prospect of a lifetime in her company. In this full sense, the Doctor who lost, finally wins.”
– Paul Dawson [From Doctor Who and Philosophy: Bigger on the Inside]
I found that quote whilst scrolling through the Rose x TenToo tag on Tumblr and I think it’s PERFECT. There’s really nothing better I can say than that.
Also, I clearly need to read this book immediately.
“First Day of My Life” – Bright Eyes
“And you said “This is the first day of my life
I’m glad I didn’t die before I met you
But now I don’t care
I could go anywhere with you
And I’d probably be happy”
So if you want to be with me
With these things there’s no telling
We just have to wait and see
But I’d rather be working for a paycheck
Than waiting to win the lottery
Besides maybe this time is different
I mean, I really think you like me.”
I’m pretty sure this gif is a behind the scenes shot of David and Billie filming, but in this context I’m viewing it as TenToo flirting with Rose and being all bashful about it. The end.
I mean look at him. His face is very much saying “Oh, I like you. Do you like me?”. Can you imagine what kind of triangle would have existed had Ten not left Rose and TenToo in Pete’s world? To quote our favorite omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness…I can’t tell you what I am thinking right now.
“When We’re Together” – Joshua Radin
“It’s the whiskey and the water
The fire and ice
No pleasure without sacrifice
The shore and the ocean,
The moon and the sun —
One without the other and both are done.
I believe in what’s supposed to be
It’s supposed to be you and me. I’m with you forever
‘Cause we’re the best when we’re together.
I’m with you forever.
You are the only one and we’ve just begun.”
I understand why the scene where Ten gives Rose and TenToo a means to grow their own TARDIS was cut from “Journey’s End”. It was too wordy and it cut into the pure emotion of the scene. But man…I am glad it exists out there in the land of the internet and DVD special features. Because it’s canon. I LOVE the idea that they have their own TARDIS and are off having adventures in Pete’s world. Rose Tyler and the Doctor in the TARDIS. Just as it should be. Always.
What are your feelings on Rose and TenToo, dear readers? And are you as excited for the 50th Anniversary as we are???
Dumb Question. Let me just leave you with TenToo’s dumb face then.
Let me just leave you with TenToo’s dumb face then.
Hee hee hee.
Well, it IS a dumb face. 😉 -K
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
::gasp wheeze::
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
(p.s. is not dumb, is new and still confused cut him some slack already wouldja OI WOTCHIT EARTHGIRL)
Hey! That comment is supposed to be full of cheering flails! As in fwd-slash, zero, backslash. Silly tricksy html shenanigans now just look weird. And rude.
And not ginger. 😉
Ah well. I still approve of this post. Yea muchly. Also, OI.
::peeks in::
Just heard Josh Ritter’s “Joy to You Baby.”
Flailed. Checked playlist for it. Whuh?
Rushed here to suggest. This is Ten AND Eleven in I AM INTOXICATE LONELY GOD mode.
::peeks back out, wishing I were as cute as Clara as I do so::
Checking it out now… -K
I just watched The Journey’s End and can’t form proper sentences quite yet but fully approve of the dumb beautiful face. And of the fact that they get to age together. And of the phrase “chunk of TARDIS, grow your own.”
I KNOW. All the feels! -K
I just reread this and might be tearing up but it’s fine I’m totally fine.