Smash 2×12
“Opening Night”
Opening night of Bombshell is upon us at LAST. Will it get good reviews? Will Karen seethe with jealousy? Will Brooklyn Jimmy somehow find a way to ruin it all by being the worst? In a word, yes.
To the gifs!
Seriously, Bernadette’s Bombshell costume and look is a straight up rip-off of one of her looks in Gypsy.
Gulliver’s Travels the Musical. Lord of the Flies the Musical. Julia is clearly perusing Leo’s school required reading lists for musical ideas.
“A musical can be built around the poetry of Ezra Pound.” WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT?
“Julie Taymor-y with Puppets.” Oh, Smash. You and your theatre references.
“Text him that you’re not wearing any underwear.” Oh, God. I did NOT need that mental image.
How did Eileen have enough tickets lying around to invite the entire cast of an off-Broadway show? Also, I feel that will DEFINITELY end well.
“The whole cast wasn’t the lead of the show.” Let’s not forget that it was a show you quit WILLINGLY, Karen.
Adam is not just Jimmy’s dealer but his BROTHER.
Directing that show is a full-time job. Is it? IS IT REALLY?! *head desk*
Also a big YES to a revival of City of Angels PLEASE.
Step AWAY from the message boards Ivy! (At least she was on All that Chat though and not Google like Tom was a few episodes ago. She knows where to go.)
LEO. And I love that the FIRST thing we hear him asking about is Ivy’s nude scene.
Gatsby the Musical. I could get behind that actually.
(Side note: please, oh PLEASE let this movie be good.)
“I’m gonna talk to Karen tonight…about everything.” Yes, because a Broadway Opening is a PERFECT place to tell your girlfriend all about your sordid past Brooklyn Jimmy.
Shaiman and Wittman cameo. It’s about time, actually.
“You have until the curtain goes up to tell me about your brother.” Again, a totally appropriate place to be having this conversation, guys! Shouldn’t she have called Jimmy as soon as Ana told her all of this? Eh, what does it matter?
“Kyle saved me.” On the lonely barricade…wait…
“I wasn’t a good person, but since I met you that’s all I want to be.” Oh, Brooklyn Jimmy. Blatantly stealing lines from romantic comedies.
“You fought like hell. And you got that role. You are Marilyn Monroe on Broadway.” Hell yes you are.
I have to admit that Ivy seeing all the people who got her to this point (EVEN KAREN BUT WHATEVER) as she sang “Don’t Forget Me” got me a little choked up in spite of myself.
And, as we all knew she would, Ivy KILLS it. Let’s all take a moment to appreciate Megan Hilty and say a prayer that she finds a project worthy of her amazing talent.
Rosie Cameo!!
Karen’s FACE as Derek cheers.
Her bitch face rivals Taylor Swift’s. Again. YOU QUIT THIS SHOW OF YOUR OWN FREE WILL, LADY.
“Good shows transfer fast.” But that would have to mean Hit List is good AND IT’S NOT. Their evil plotting to take down Bombshell IS amusing though.
At least this line is accurate. See also: Once, which announced its transfer to Broadway on its opening night Off Broadway.
“I want your finger on the refresh button until it comes through.” Also known as me and Sage all week waiting for the news about Arthur Darvill being in Once to break.
“This isn’t about you. I want to make a name for myself as a director.”
“I can’t stop comparing myself to you.” I do not understand this, Ivy. You are a million times the Marilyn she was, love.
“No one could have been better than you tonight.”
Also, I am VERY confused by Karen talking sense.
“You do some tiny show at the Fringe and then it’s the can’t miss event of the season.” I don’t get it either, Ivy. Also, stop flattering her.
“Oh look, it’s Jimmy’s boyfriend.”
“The Chorus of Hit List”
“Karen you don’t understand!” Actually, Brooklyn Jimmy, I think, for the first time in her life, Karen understands perfectly.
“You scare me, Jimmy.”
“How can we call ourselves partners if I am plan B?” Ouch.
(Unless she had said “Thank you for quitting.”)
God forbid we go an episode without Karen and her world peace bringing talent being in the spotlight somehow.
That being said, “That’s Life” was awesome. But Ivy schooled her.
“I wonder which one the Tony Voters will prefer.” Saint Karen, obviously. We all know where this is going.
Ivy does the math and figures out that she was Derek’s rebound from Karen.
“You’d jump back into bed with me again? So to speak.” None of the women on this show know how to flirt. But come on, Scott. KISS HER.
“I’ll let you know if I need you again.”
If anyone deserved to get laid that night, it was Ivy. Perhaps she finally scored with the guy who plays JFK? Head canon accepted.
KYLE AND TOM. (In my mind they thought about Brooklyn Jimmy and Derek during their hook-up. #sorrynotsorry #smashslash)
“You don’t get that without a rave from the Times.” Tell that to Wicked. Other than a love letter to Kristin Chenowith, it got a very mediocre review. And it is now approaching its Tenth Anniversary and is still one of the top grossing shows on Broadway.
Yes, that is Megan Hilty as Glinda.
Tune in next week as “An off-the-rails Jimmy threatens Hit List’s future, as Karen, Derek, Ana and Kyle join forces to try help him before things take a turn for the worse. Tom and Julia’s partnership is at breaking point just as Ivy, Eileen, and the entire Bombshell team are running themselves ragged to outshine their competitors.”
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