For those of you who have been living under a rock, the annual nerd-fest known as San Diego Comic-Con was this past weekend. While Sage and I were not there (SOMEDAY!!!), we WERE glued to Twitter and Tumblr all weekend to devour all the news coming out of the con since so many of our favorite life-ruining people were there. It was feels HEAVEN. Here is a list of the top eleven moments that left Sage and I screaming at each other on Twitter, Text and gChat all weekend…
1) Tom Hiddleston’s existence
Is there anyone who enjoys his life more than Hiddles? I don’t think so. The man is the living embodiment of JOY. –Kim
There are celebrities who dutifully show up to Comic-Con to half-heartedly promote their studio blockbusters. There are celebrities who swoop into Comic-Con to fanboy/girl their own projects and have meaningful interaction with fans. And then, 5-6 levels above that, there’s Tom Hiddleston, who basically embodies the SDCC spirit. If Comic-Con declared a winner, it would be him. –S
2) David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in general
We were already in an emotionally fragile place after writing about our top 15 X-Files episodes. Then these assholes had to go and make it worse. –Kim
HOW are we supposed to stop worshipping them when they just keep getting more charming and attractive with every passing year?
Hopefully this panel and the clearly demonstrated fan interest will further the progress of greenlighting XF3. DO YOU HEAR THE PEOPLE SING, 20TH CENTURY FOX? –Sage
3) The How I Met Your Mother cast’s general flawlessness at their first (and only) Comic-Con
There are interviews where they all collectively get choked up about this being the final season and I CAN’T HANDLE IT. Plus, a group singalong to “Let’s Go to the Mall”, which should basically just be the Canadian National Anthem by now! –Kim
HIMYM has had its ups and downs as any long-running show will, but it goes out as one of the most original network sitcoms of the past 15 years. And that’s something to celebrate in style. –Sage
4) Dan Harmon’s return to Comic-Con and the joyfulness of the Community cast
It’s been a tough summer for the Community fandom with Season Five not having a set air date and learning that Donald Glover will only be in 5 episodes (I have so many angry feelings about that, but I am not going to share them here). Aside from some iffy comments regarding Jeff and Annie (#pathological), Dan Harmon, along with most of the cast did much to calm any fears we had about the upcoming season. Being a Community fan can often feel a bit like a bad relationship (“Something always brings me back to yoooooooooou. It never taaaaaaaaakes too long”) but this panel helped remind us why we love the show so much and fought for it so hard in the first place.
Just…don’t do a second D&D episode please. Be better than that, Dan. –Kim
Whatever drama has happened behind the scenes or in the catacombs of NBC (I imagine they have catacombs), Community has always given it all up to their fans. Plus, the entire cast continues to be a lovable cartoon family come to life. Go ‘head, Human Beings. –Sage
5) Matt Smith
And thus begins Matt Smith’s farewell Doctor Who tour. From walking around the con floor in a Bart Simpson mask to being adorable with Jenna Coleman (and crashing Richard Madden’s Nerd HQ panel with her) to making ovaries everywhere explode from being precious with a shy little Whovian girl named Sydney at Nerd HQ, it seems Matthew is determined to kill us all with feels before he regenerates this Christmas. Also, I know we all freaked out when he shaved his head…but hot damn it works on him. –Kim
A haiku, for Matt Smith:
Beautiful giraffe,
Must you torture us with charm?
Jenn: not excepted.
6) Everything at Nerd HQ, but especially THIS:
As Sage so blithely quoted Kelly Kapoor on our Facebook page…”I have a lot of questions, but number one, how dare you?” –Kim
And that’s all I have to say about this. –Sage
7) Karen Gillan’s Bald Head
When I saw the gifs of this appear on tumblr, my first response was to quote Amy March…”Jo! How could you?? Your one beauty!”. I’m still in mourning over Kazza’s beautiful ginger hair being gone…but I have to give her props for being ballsy enough to go there. Plus, now her haircut matches her secret husband’s haircut. #sorrynotsorry. –Kim
But how fabulous is she going to look in the inevitable, gamine pixie-cut?? –Sage
8) The Trailer for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special
It was epic enough to have serious journalists resorting to caps-locky text. Look at Moffat, he’s being withholding. –Sage
9) Jennifer Lawrence being Jennifer Lawrence
We got a double dose of J-Law between panels for both Catching Fire and X-Men. That Oscar win has not gone to her head…she’s still the goofy, self-depricating, flawless queen we all fell in love with. We just want to be best friends with her already. Also, Catching Fire looks AMAZING. Is it November yet? –Kim
Rumor has it that J.Law is back with X-Men co-star Nicholas Hoult, but if that doesn’t work out, Matt is up for it. They’d give Richard Madden and Jenna Louise Coleman a run for their money in the King (in the North) and Queen of All Fandoms department. I approve. –Sage
10) The Bromances of the X-Men cast.
The Boys of The Avengers may get all the press, but one of the great unsung current Hollywood love affairs is that of X-Men‘s Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy. This year’s Comic-Con marked the return of the ship gloriously known as “McFassy” with bonus love from Hugh Jackman, Sir Ian McKellan and Sir Patrick Stewart. First of all, seeing Fassy/McKellan and McAvoy/Stewart together makes you see how flawless the casting is. And second…all of these pictures make me question my choice to kick Fassy out of my Top 5. –Kim
Anticipation for the new Wolverine movie is hardly at a fever pitch, so it was a genius decision to announce that a Days of Future Past teaser is hidden in those final credits. Because that? WE WANTS. Also, these pictures have me patting myself on the back for keeping McAvoy IN my Top 5. Well done, me. –Sage
11.) The Pannibal, or, Hannibal <3’s Tumblr.
We know for a fact that Hannibal‘s second season will be a reality solely because of demonstrated fan support – support beyond ratings. (Shout out to the folks behind #EATTHERUDE.) This is a series that’s gloriously tuned into its online fandom. They hired the right people to run their official social media accounts, that’s for sure. And SDCC gave us the first opportunity to see this fan/artist communion in the wild. It was like my Tumblr dash came to life.
Fannibals were also treated to a gag reel that made its way online. Here we have confirmation that Hugh Dancy is actually doing okay (UNLIKE WILL GRAHAM) and that Gillian Anderson’s laugh is still as infectious as a million baby angels singing “Call Me Maybe.” –Sage
Aren’t you all proud of us for overcoming our feelings of psychotic jealousy for long enough to write this post? It wasn’t easy. But even though we couldn’t be there, at least we know that it HAPPENED – all the cosplay and the lines and the teasers and the good-natured fan-trolling (looking at you, David and Gillian). That’s another SDCC in the history books. Nerd warriors, famous or otherwise, we salute you. See you in New York City this October, where we will party hard.
YES to all of this. Y-E-S. (Specially Hiddleston because he ruined my life for better or for worse).