Posted by Sage As if our obsession with each other wasn't already groan-inducing enough, I'll tell you that my blog wife and I have a yearly celebration of the start of our friendship. Friendaversaries are the shit. I highly recommend celebrating … [Read more...]
Archives for August 2013
Live Blogging the VMAs
Posted by Kim and Sage We weren't going to do this. We really weren't. And THEN we were promised a reunion of epic proportions. *NSYNC, you guys. This had BETTER be happening. So join us here at 8/7C PM for our VMA liveblog. We're … [Read more...]
*N The Mix: The Defining VHS of A Generation
Posted by Sage My hopes have risen and fallen with every confirmation or denial from "sources close to the band," but this might really be happening, friends. When the New York Post first broke the rumor that my ride or die boy band was planning a … [Read more...]
In Appreciation of Joey Tribbiani
Posted by Kim Well after doing our Ross and Phoebe appreciation posts, one thing became clear. We HAD to give all six of our favorite friends their moments in the sun. Let's give Joseph Francis Tribbiani some love today, shall we? To put … [Read more...]
Live-Blogging the 12th Doctor Announcement
Posted by Sage The BBC is announcing the casting of the 12th Doctor live at 2pm EST and we are - to put it mildly - FREAKING OUT. Kimmie will be watching the broadcast on the go, but I'll be right here live-blogging with you. Who'll be taking over … [Read more...]
“Welcome to the high ground.” – Checking in on The Newsroom
Posted by Sage We're three episodes in to the second season of The Newsroom, one of the most highly anticipated and exceptionally frustrating series of the last few years. It's super-scribe's Aaron Sorkin's first foray into premium cable, and … [Read more...]
In Appreciation of Phoebe Buffay
Posted by Sage Get ready to feel old as the hills, y'all, cause our favorite flighty Friend turned 50 this week! Well, Lisa Kudrow did anyway. And that makes now the perfect time to post my companion piece to Kim's In Appreciation of Ross … [Read more...]