Scandal 3 x 14
“Kiss Kiss Bang Bang”
Well then. That was resolved quickly, wasn’t it Gladiators? If there’s one thing I love about Scandal, it’s the fact that the break-neck pacing of the storytelling rarely leaves the fans hanging for way too long. So, taking a cue from Shonda and company, let’s get right to the gifs, shall we? Because really, it’s the only way I can express my feelings.
R.I.P James Novak
“Can you work with me on this, or do I need to stop liking you?”
“We’re going to find them and they are going to go to jail for the rest of their life.” WHAT is Olivia going to do when she finds out the person she is after is her fake boyfriend??
Catatonic Cyrus
And now we flashback to James and Cyrus first meeting because Shonda Rhimes enjoys punching people in the feels.
“You didn’t read it…except you made it all the way to the end.” James is flirting SO HARD with Cyrus and I kind of can’t stand it and for some reason I always thought Cy was the initial pursuer in the relationship, so my mind is blown.
You think I’m going to take fashion advice from a guy with a neck-beard?” But even when he’s flirting James can throw shade like no other.
This Amateur Press Secretary though. Where is C.J. Cregg when we need her? Oh yeah, she’s wasting her talents on a Chuck Lorre sitcom.
David shutting Abby out. I mean, I get it. How DO you tell someone the truth about this, as I am sure Jake will kill him if he does.
“I’m in the middle of something right now but sure no problem.” says Jake to Liv as he buries his kills. Me thinks this fake relationship is heading for real trouble.
“You blew up a plane!” “That was personal.” The degree of casualness Mama Pope has about this is terrifying.
“Why use so many words when a simple “I failed you” would do??” Even in the throws of grief, Cyrus will put you down.
“Let me work. I need to work.” And just like that Cyrus becomes Dana Scully.
“Indulge?! Cyrus, I’m not a dessert.” I don’t know, James. You seem pretty tasty to me.
“Even though you’re a republican you have a very hot mouth…”
“That was my move.” “Damn right that’s your move.” WHY ARE THEY DOING THIS TO MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?
Yes, PLEASE send Andrellie to Houston ALONE so they can have all the sex.
And now we just know how ruthless Liv’s Mom is.
Jake just stone cold lies to her at first. Well I guess that is one way to play it.
“I AM PROTECTING THE REPUBLIC!” You NEED me on that wall!!!
“Fitz gave you the keys to the office and IMMEDIATELY YOU BECAME MY FATHER!!!”
“James Novak died in a car jacking. Accept that and the world keeps spinning.”
“And if I don’t?” YES OLIVIA!
“Bad things happen to good people all the time…”
“I’m not some dirty little secret, I am your boyfriend!” JAAAMES.
Jake cornering David in his office. I’m going to fear for his life now and always.
“I don’t know what the point is of this. Of democracy and freedom…if there are no white hats.”
“If no one is worth saving, what is the point??” Liv FINALLY hits the depths of despair.
“Being the hand of God is already the worst punishment in the world.”
“In the face of darkness you drag everyone into the light. THAT is the point. At least I’d like to think that is the point of you.” In other words, rage, rage against the dying of the light, Olivia Pope.
Fitz doesn’t even want to thank Mellie for her work on the gun lobby.
Andrew and Mellie arguing and getting drunk and it’s so hot…
“It’s a shame he can’t see you the way I do.” CAN WE PLEASE KEEP ANDREW PERFECT AND NOT MAKE HIM A MURDERER?
AND WE HAVE ANDRELLIE FLOOR SEX. Also Sage and I both thought Mellie’s bra was super pretty.
“You are my heart. What happens to you happens to me.” Call me crazy, but I think these two may just make it, if they managed not to get murdered.
“That’s the price I have to pay for being alive.”
“You come for some more teeth? A finger?”
“I came here to put you down…” Uhhhhhhhhh…come again, Huck?
“Somewhere in there you’re still a gladiator.”
QUIN AND HUCK KISSING. I mean I used to kind of want it BUT NOT LIKE THIS.
“If you’re not gonna kill me get the hell out.”
“Stand with me and turn this into a cause.” LIV AND DAVID FTW
FITZ COMFORTING HIM. Proving (I GUESS) that he can be a decent human being every once in a while. Though, the move could also garner sympathy votes, so I take it back. He’s still the worst.
LIV TAKING OVER. Like the hardcore professional bitch we expect her to be. WHITE HAT ON PEOPLE.
OMG JAMES WAS STILL ALIVE. Meaning that Jake didn’t go for the kill shot and James died a horrible painful death and I AM NOT OKAY WITH THIS.
“I’m sorry I had to be so sloppy with you.”
“I’m going to sit here with you.”
“You’re not alone.”
Best episode of the season so far? I think so. Leave your thoughts and eulogies for James in the comments!
I don’t really get how Fitz is still the worst after Jake, you know, shot someone in the back in such a way that they died a lingering death. I think Jake wins for this episode.
I had been angsting all week over what I wanted to give up: my David/Abby happiness or my Cyrus/James fireworks. I couldn’t decide. I thought, though, that James would be spared because he’s more easily manipulated than David, but David’s more powerful. I will miss James even more thanks to the flashbacks. I was in tears at the end. O Publius, my Publius…
My biggest cheer of the night was when Mellie finally got her side piece. I adore that woman. I’d watch a show of just Season 1/2 Liv, Mellie and Sally. I miss Season 1/2 Olivia so badly. She was the woman who knew everything, knew how to take care of everything, and was bad-ass enough to have the President on the side. I don’t like weepy, angsty Liv at all.
Now that I’m in my dotage (ok, my 40s) I have moved to a wardrobe of practical beige and white bras. I think Mellie/Shonda have inspired me to change that up a little. I’d love to see this week’s sales figures of colored bras.
The Janis Ian GIF was everything. Also, JAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank dog I don’t ever have to watch this show. I just wallow in the glory that are these gif-caps.
ALSO This Amateur Press Secretary though. Where is C.J. Cregg when we need her? Oh yeah, she’s wasting her talents on a Chuck Lorre sitcom. YES GOD YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES HAHAHAHAHAHA SUCKAS