“The Doctor in the TARDIS. Next stop: everywhere.”
We were thrilled to be invited to take part in our first (and hopefully not last!) Mind Meld panel over at the Hugo Award-winning SF Signal this week. And though the question wasn’t a particularly easy one to answer, we can’t argue with being included in this company. Acclaimed fantasy writer Paul Cornell? Novelist and sister to Captain Jack, Carole Barrowman? Erika Ensign, one of the fabulous Verities? Yes, please.
The truth is, every Whovian has devoted an extensive amount of internal dialogue to this topic. It’s the dream, after all. The million dollar question posed to our panel of Who geeks was this:
If you could take one trip in the TARDIS, where would you go?
For our answers and the rest, head over to SF Signal.
Then, leave your TARDIS fantasies in the comments. And don’t forget to always keep a bag packed and ready to go. We won’t tell. And you never know.
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