Let’s get this out of the way first:
“Say Something” is a wretched song. It’s cloying and overly simple. The plodding piano. The generic lyrics. If I had to guess its runtime off the top of my head, I’d put it somewhere near “Paradise by the Dashboard Light.” But it is good for one thing and one thing only and that is to soundtrack the angsty-est ships in the land. “Say Something” and its blanket melancholy can easily apply to to any OTP who are kept apart by their own inability to JUST SAY IT, ALREADY. (So, all of them.) For today’s Fan Video spotlight, we’ll be taking you on a tour of sexual and emotional frustration of every stripe. Don’t blame us. Blame A Great Big World, Christina Aguilera, and the artists who edited these clips.
Deacon and Rayna — Nashville
Talk about a couple who keeps getting in their own way. Deacon and Rayna are bogged down by so much history – the history that also makes them clear Nashville endgame. And while career success and other relationships might bring them fleeting happiness, neither of these beautiful humans is going to be wholly satisfied until they’re back together. And “That’s just never not been true.”
John and Mary — Sherlock
John Watson is a hero. Mary Morstan is his only match. And real life couple Martin Freeman and Amanda Abbington nailed John and Mary’s journey from easy home life to unimaginable betrayal to acceptance and forgiveness. Now, please excuse me while I watch this on repeat and grow old and grey waiting for Season 4.
Josh and Donna — The West Wing
Rhett and Scarlett — Gone With The Wind
Fan-vidding: it’s not just for SuperWhoLock anymore! The most ill-fated of classic film couples gets their turn here and again, the song strangely works.
Charles and Erik — X-Men
The “anywhere, I would have followed you” lyric especially hurts here with our favorite star-crossed X-lovers. Extra points for working in the elder Cherik, for a particularly delicious note of regret.
Will and Alicia — The Good Wife
Will Gardner and Alicia Florrick are the very definition of an OTP that can never get their shit together. They are the definition of bad timing and never being able to fully articulate feelings. Oh, and there’s the obvious obstacle of Alicia’s marriage to Peter and the fact that despite his many infidelities (and her eventual affair with Will at the end of S2 thru mid season 3) she NEVER leaves him, despite obviously being in love with Will. They are longing, they are spontaneous kisses, they are passion turning anger into hatred, they are everything a tortured OTP should be.
Will they have eventually gotten their timing right? WE’LL NEVER KNOW NOW THANKS A LOT SHOW. –K
Beth and Daryl — The Walking Dead
I’m not completely sold on this song for Bethyl, since it usually applies to more established idiots. Beth and Daryl were juuuuuust on the verge of figuring their thing out (“Oh.”) when Scott Gimple a walker sneak attack cruelly ripped them apart. Here’s to a reunion in Season 5 and to (finally) more than two episodes of material for fans to fashion into shippy music videos.
Rose and The Doctor — Doctor Who
“If they get back in touch…if you talk to Rose, just tell her…tell her…Oh, she knows.”
Sometimes, I don’t know why we put up with him.
Matthew and Mary — Downton Abbey
Just when I think I’m over losing Matthew Crawley, I’m reminded just how pure and lovely he was. And how essential Downton was to us, once upon a time. Was Dan Stevens’s departure to thank for the dip in the show’s quality? Maybe not entirely, but the two were certainly concurrent.
Darcy and Elizabeth — Pride and Prejudice
Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth are the definitive Lizzie and Darcy. And my theory is that every good ship is a direct or distant descendant of Jane Austen’s most durable OTP. Seriously, this is a thing. Every fictional couple I’ve ever obsessed over has at least a few elements in common with these two. The misunderstandings, the fragile egos, the fear of giving in, and, of course, the bitchy rival. So I give you, Miss Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, the parents from whose loins all great pairings have sprung.
Thorin and Bilbo — The Hobbit
This video starts with Lord of the Rings-era Bilbo gazing fondly at Sting, ruminating on lost love, and then just gets better from there.
Sherlock and Molly — Sherlock
Yes, this is the second Sherlock pairing tribute on our list. Because Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat’s London is a hot bed of hopeless crushes, longing looks, and gut-wrenching character development that may mean those crushes aren’t so hopeless after all. Again, I say, if Sherlolly isn’t happening next series, then WHY ARE YOU MAKING US FEEL THESE THINGS?
Steve and Bucky — Captain America
Because it’s Friday the 13th and “Say Something” is a seriously popular fan vid choice, we’re bringing this showcase up to lucky number 1-3. The Steve/Peggy bedside scene was bittersweet and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a positive, visceral reaction to its Steve/Natasha moments. (Don’t tell Clint!) However, when it comes to Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the ship to beat is clearly Steve/Bucky. OTP: ‘Cause I’m With You Till The End of The Line.
The goal of Fan Video Friday is to bring your feels to the surface and your productivity to a standstill. Let us know in the comments if we succeeded. Or, to put it in other words, SAY SOMETHING, I’M GIVING UP ON YOU.
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