Fan Vid Friday returns from a Feelies-related hiatus! We’re back with some visual goodies to guide you through those few excruciating hours that stand between you and two days of freedom. Well, relative freedom. Do your laundry. Wash a dish.
This week’s selection is Justin Timberlake’s “Not A Bad Thing,” the second single off the second volume of The 20/20 Experience. It’s a departure from the style we’ve come to expect from JT’s solo career – a mid-tempo, guitar-driven love song. The Timbaland beat is still there (yes, still in our lives), but I’m partial to the song because I can almost close my eyes and pretend I’m listening to a long lost *N Sync track. It’s rare for J. Timb. to break out of his falsetto, but I think he can wring more emotion out of his voice when he stays in his lower register.
Seeing as it’s a love letter to just being there for someone, “Not A Bad Thing” is a fan video artist’s go-to choice for “just friends” types, particularly of the sitcom-y persuasion. (I have no greater fan vid pet peeve than when someone assigns a comedy couple a way-too-schmaltzy ballad.) Maybe someone in our ship needs a little convincing. Maybe she’s looking everywhere else but where she should be. But Justin (and our hero) could be “that guy”! He’s got a guitar and he’s telling you “you’re worth it”! See what’s right in front of you, you fool!
Even the official video to “Not A Bad Thing” is a fan vid of sorts. Justin and his team made it their business to track down a couple who got engaged on the LIRR thanks to the song and met a bunch of adorable couples on the way. We’re so close to mainstreaming this concept, you guys.
Okay, without further ado, here are our picks for the best in “Not A Bad Thing” fan videos!
Emma and Hook – Once Upon A Time
I confess that I don’t watch Once Upon A Time, but these people are really pretty and look like they like each other a whole lot. That’s really all I’m looking for in a fan vid.
Danny and Mindy – The Mindy Project
There’s no question that this is a Danny/Mindy song all the way, though I do wish this artist could have held out till the end of the season to set their budding ship to the sweet, sweet sounds of our reigning Prince of Pop. It starts off all hopeful with the “I kissed Danny” and the I’m-carrying-soccer-balls-and-looking-at-the-girl-I-love crooked grin and then ends with sadness and solitary cigarettes and “Why did you even start this?” Can we get a Version 2.0 over here?
Ross and Rachel – Friends
Kim sent this link over to me prefaced with “I KNOW you are anti-Ross/Rachel…” I mean, fair. But I wasn’t always! And I can admit that this song suits their ship better than it would have Joey/Rachel. Cause nobody pined like Ross Gellar pined. But I ask you, Friends video artists: where’s the Mondler version of this video? And if one of you decides to make it, can you please omit the weird, scroll-y watermarks we have here?
Oliver and Felicity – Arrow
Baahhh, I don’t watch Arrow either. But I do have a casual, from-afar crush on Amell and this cute girl with the thick-glasses and dark eyebrows. They have a pleasing height difference.
Emma and Knightley – Emma Approved
This vid on the much-awaited sequel to The Lizzie Bennet Diaries wins for best interpretation of the song’s very first line. (And what a first line – I always get the flutters.) It may also take the prize for style-envy – who does the wardrobe for Emma Approved and can he/she take me and every guy I have to look at shopping?
Rory and Amy – Doctor Who
It took Amy two and a half seasons to prove to Rory that being with him was in no way settling. They were each other’s hero; the Doctor was just a friend they loved very much. I’m making myself cry. Bye.
Jake and Amy – Brooklyn Nine Nine
The best of the bunch, in my opinion. I love what Brooklyn did with Jake and Amy in its first season. There was playground teasing, harmless flirtation, and some nicely sincere moments from Andy Samberg. I like that Amy is looking for professional respect, not for every boy to like her. And I like double-like that Jake doesn’t punish Amy for her obliviousness. Once he becomes aware of his motives for giving her a hard time, he changes course. This song fits their vibe perfectly; whenever I hear it from now on, I shall think of Detective Right All The Time and Detective Terrible Detective.
While we’ve got this playlist of “Not A Bad Thing” fan videos, I’ve also found some egregious oversights. How can there possibly not be odes to these couples set to this song? Get on these, respective fandoms:
Harry/Sally (“You say things like that and you make it impossible for me to hate you.”)
Chandler/Monica (“How about we move in together and you understand what I’m saying?”)
April/Andy (“That’s what makes the sauce so awesome.”)
Early Days Beslie (“Aw, Mean Ben has a soft spot.”)
Jim/Pam (“Um, I don’t know, Mom. He’s my best friend.”)
Bridget/Mark (“But the thing is, um, what I’m trying to say – very inarticulately – is that, um, in fact, perhaps despite appearances, I like you. Very much. Just as you are.”)
That’s all we’ve got for this week, readers. Take to the comments to tell us about your favorite or to suggest songs for coming weeks. Now go enjoy that weekend.
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