Welcome to Fan Video Friday, where we seek to give you all the ways to procrastinate before you leave the office for the weekend. This week we’re diving in to the delightful treasure trove of Disney and Doctor Who. Why do Disney songs work so well for the Time Lord and his companions? I think it is because Disney writes such perfect “I Want” songs that just lend themselves to an epic story like Doctor Who. In fact, I found SO MANY Disney/Who mash-ups that I had to force myself to limit this post to one video per movie (because there is a video to basically every song from Beauty and the Beast) for the sake of variety. So, sit back and enjoy, and allow me to ruin your favorite childhood songs with Doctor Who feelings. I know *I* can never listen to “A Whole New World” the same again.
“I’ll Make a Man Out of You” – Mulan
There are lots of videos to this song with companions kicking ass, but it could not be more perfect for Rory Williams, the Last Centurion. My only complaint with this otherwise perfect video is that it was made before series 7, so it doesn’t have Rory’s badassery in “Asylum of the Daleks”.
“When She Loved Me” – Toy Story 2
I don’t understand Eleven and Amy shippers (how can you when Rory is in the picture and he’s perfect). But this devastating ballad from Toy Story 2 is not about romantic love, but the love between a toy and its owner. Or the love between the girl who waited and her raggedy Doctor. Get the tissues out for this one, folks.
“Be Prepared” – The Lion King
Sit back and bask in the perfection of this video and John Simm’s Master. Bonus points for the excellent use of Captain Jack Harkness.
“Let It Go” – Frozen
In my youtube search, I found several “Let It Go” videos that were Doctor-centric, but they just didn’t feel right to me. Then I stumbled on this one featuring child of the TARDIS, River Song, and suddenly it all made sense. Well done.
“I See The Light” – Tangled
This song is tailor-made for Rose and the Doctor, and I think you should be proud that I showed this much restraint by waiting till the 4th video in this post before putting an overtly shippy video in.
“He’s a Tramp” – Lady and the Tramp
“He’s a tramp…but I love him. Breaks a new heart everyday.” Yep. Sounds like the Tenth Doctor to me.
“Strangers Like Me” – Tarzan
I had originally settled on this video that featured the Eleventh Doctor, especially because it featured our favorite companions that never were, Craig and Stormageddon. But then I REALLY listened to the second verse and watched this one. Yeah. It’s Rose and Ten. I also immediately added this to the Rose and the Doctor playlist. Sorry not sorry.
“Something There” – Beauty and the Beast
Speaking of the Rose and the Doctor playlist, “Something There” has been on there since the very early days. It’s so perfect for the Rose and Nine relationship: “There’s something sweet and almost kind…but he was mean and he was coarse and unrefined. But now he’s dear…”. BRB, having lots of Nine feelings.
“A Whole New World” – Aladdin
I’ve featured this video before, in a Rose and Ten feels post, but I would be remiss not posting it here. “A Whole New World” is a perfect song for ALL the companions, and this is one of my favorite fan vids ever. The moments are so perfectly timed and rather rude, specifically regarding what is shown for “I can’t go back to where I used to be”.
“You’ve Got a Friend in Me” – Toy Story
I had JUST been complaining that there was a SEVERE lack of Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who fan videos, aside from cameos. Then I found this. Thank you, internet. Perfect song choice.
“Out There” – The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Hunchback remains one of my favorite Disney scores. It’s incredibly sophisticated and complex, and I MARVEL that it is even a Disney movie aimed at kids. When I saw it in movie theatres, I applauded after “Out There” and then looked around, embarrassed that I was the only one doing so. It’s such an EPIC “I Want” song and it doesn’t get nearly enough love. It’s also a perfect song for the tortured Doctor. The use of scenes from “Human Nature” and “Family of Blood” is especially heartbreaking.
“Belle” – Beauty and the Beast
Okay, I lied in the intro about only using one song from a movie. This video of “Belle” (using the OBC recording) is FANTASTIC and the first “Bonjour!!”, which I will not spoil here, is perfection. Also making Mickey Gaston (pre super villainous Gaston anyway) is inspired.
And that’s it for this Fan Video Friday. With the abundance of Disney Who videos out there, I am sure we’ll eventually do a sequel, but we’ll return to our normal format next week. Till then, share your favorite Disney songs in the comments!
westwingwolf says
Hard to pick a favorite, but I’ll probably go with Be Prepared because it matched so well. All of them were really good though.