We should know by now that when we issue the SleepyHeads a challenge, they always rise to the occasion. When John Cho won Most Handsome Young Man, we wondered if they would keep the award in the family when it came to the ladies (as the men of Sleepy have held the title for the past 2 years). Congrats, guys!!!!! Nicole Beharie is your Most Perfect Sunflower of 2014.
While she faced some fierce competition from our runner-up, Nicole had the lead for most of the voting window. What we DID love about this poll for the ladies is that the votes for all of our nominees spread out pretty evenly. We loved people telling us that this poll was harder than it was for the men. So all of our ladies should be proud and know that they are all perfect sunflowers on their own.
But for now, let’s celebrate our winner! We already waxed poetic on WHY Nicole deserved to win the title when we wrote about all the nominees. So let’s just have a photo essay on her beauty and her personality, shall we?
Nicole will be retiring to the Hall of Fame of Perfect people next year, joining her co-stars Tom Mison and John Cho. So….Lyndie Greenwood for Perfect Sunflower 2015? Challenge extended.
Congratulations, Nicole! May your reign as Perfect Sunflower be long and beautiful and filled with gifable reactions. We must give credit to our runner-up for making it a hard-won victory. It’s only fitting that our runner-up is Gillian Anderson, as Dana Scully paved the way for Abigail Mills. Can you IMAGINE Scully and Abbie together? It would be too much. I need a Sleepy Hollow and X-Files crossover stat. Should Nicole not be able to fulfill her Perfect Sunflower Duties, Gillian is waiting in the wings.
Also, Gillian losing is entirely The TV Mouse‘s fault. Please send all your complaints to her inbox. (THOUGH YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE COMPLAINTS BECAUSE NICOLE IS FLAWLESS.) Let’s take a moment to appreciate Gillian’s eternal beauty…
Leave your thoughts on the amazingness of these two women in the comments.
Clinton (@comedy4cast) says
Well done, people. All were great candidates. Fine choices here.
HeadOverFeels says
We were the most proud of our list!
Kelly Connolly says
Taylah Talks says
REALLY happy about this! Honestly given the candidates any win would’ve been a good win, but it’s nice to see Nicole’s talent and beauty recognized by the interwebs! And I voted for her, so I’m obviously a winner here, too.
Cindy Jackson (@Cindycjax) says
*Happy Dance* SO well deserved!!
yay(@nurseya33) says
Now that’s what i’m talking about! Well deserved because my love for Nicole knows no bounds! All the nominees were worthy sunflowers. Next year should be Lyndie Greenwood(of course) but also my newest obsession from The Flash Candice Patton.
yay(@nurseya33) says
This just further proves that ichabbie will happen right?
Jess says
Yes ! Congrats Nicole !!!!!! She deserves it !
flo says
A Sleepy Hollow / X-Files crossover, I don’t think I could take it! Can you imagine? Oh my goodness the FEELS! FOX make it happen!