Ten years ago today, the Ninth Doctor grabbed Rose Tyler’s hand and told her to run for her life. For those who had grown up with the classic series, it was a thrilling new beginning. For those of us who had never heard of this time traveling alien in a big blue box, discovering the adventures of the Doctor and his companions was life changing. So how do you celebrate this momentous occasion? If you’re us, you imagine a ten year high school reunion and then you make a yearbook of all the modern Doctors and their companions and friends, of course. If all of these characters went to high school together, who would have been the class clown? Prom Queen? Most likely to succeed? Read on to find out! You’re getting a serious look at our head canons here…
– Kim
Best Couple: Rose Tyler and the Tenth Doctor
Rose Tyler
Senior Quote: “So what happened after he climbed up the tower and rescued her?” “She rescues him right back.” – Pretty Woman
Activities: Head Cheerleader, Prom Queen, Cross Country team, Glee Club, Soup Kitchen Volunteer, Chips of the Month Club
The Tenth Doctor
Senior Quote: “Love? Above all things, I believe in love. Love is like oxygen. Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love!” – Moulin Rouge
Activities: Physics Club, Model UN, Track & Field, French Club, Prom King
Biggest Flirts: Captain Jack Harkness and Amelia Pond
Amelia Pond
Senior Quote: “I know what boys like.” – The Waitresses
Activities: Detention
Captain Jack Harkness
Senior Quote: “It’s called chemistry, I have it with everyone.” – Jeff Winger, Community
Activities: Track Team, Captain of the Innuendo Squad, Handsome Men’s Club, Homecoming King, President of the Gay-Straight Student Alliance
Class Clown: the Eleventh Doctor
Senior Quote: “We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams” – Arthur O’Shaughnessy and Willy Wonka
Activities: Captain of the Football Team, Modern Dance, Millinery and Haberdashery club, sole member of the Giraffe Appreciation Club, National Forensics Champion in Storytelling
Wittiest: Donna Noble
Senior Quote: “No one’s ever gonna shag you if you cry all the time.” – Love Actually
Activities: School Newspaper, Junior Detective’s Club, Typing, Improv Team, Library Assistant
Biggest Bad Boy: the Ninth Doctor
Senior Quote: “I’m a loner, Dottie. A rebel.” – Pee-wee’s Big Adventure
Activities: Smoking in the Boys’ Room
Most School Spirit: Mickey Smith
Senior Quote: “All you need is for one person to think you’re cool, and you’re in. Everyone else will be scared to question it.” – Never Been Kissed
Activities: School Mascot, Humane Society Volunteer, Model UN Representative for Earth 2
Most Athletic: Danny Pink
Senior Quote: “Something’s missing, and I don’t know how to fix it.” – John Mayer
Activities: ROTC, Gymnastics, Mathletes, Crossing Guard Trainee
Most Likely to Succeed: Clara Oswald
Senior Quote: “Bitches get stuff done.” – Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
Activities: Literary Society, Captain of the Debate Team, Archery Club, Students for Feminism, After-School Tutor, Champion Souffle Maker
Most Dependable: Martha Jones
Senior Quote: “You’ve got a friend in me.” – Toy Story
Activities: Student Council, Organizer of the School Blood Drive, Power Walking Squad, Shakespeare Society, Biology Club
Most Underappreciated: Rory Williams
Senior Quote: “One question: are you here ’cause you need someone, or ’cause you need me?… Forget it, I don’t care.” – Say Anything
Activities: Whatever Amy’s Doing
Best Hair: River Song
Senior Quote: “Gun in my purse. Bitch, I came dressed to kill.” – Nicki Minaj
Activities: Homecoming Court, Prom Court, Marksmanship Team, Fashion Club, Junior Memoirists, The Popular Table
Most Changed: the Twelfth Doctor
Senior Quote: “Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better? But…because I knew you, I have been changed for good.” – Wicked
Activities: Diplomacy Club, Hall Monitor, Auto Shop, Heckling ROTC, CLARA
Mr. Congeniality: Craig Owens
Senior Quote: “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.” – J.K. Rowling
Activities: Carrying Sophie’s Books, Home Ec Club, Child Development, School Store Clerk, Football Team (Bench)
Most Studious: Sally Sparrow
Senior Quote: “Rules control the fun!” – Monica Geller, Friends
Activities: President of the AV Club, Staring Contest Champion, Yearbook Editor, Film Appreciation
Favorite Faculty Member: Sarah Jane Smith

Activities: Head of the Alumnae Council, Head of the Journalism Department, History Teacher, Restoration Society

Regretting putting on the thickening mascara.
GENIUS. I am so emotional, GENIUS.
There must be some kinda dust storm in my office. WHY ELSE WOULD I BE CRYING!
Just got a chance to read this. BEST EVAR. And that’s coming from a former HS *and* college yearbook editrix.
Awwww! ❤️
Hey! This thing cut off part of my comment! ::grumble:: Anyway, pretend you see a string of applause hands, then
“Also dying laughing at ‘French Club.’ Snerk. Allons-(smooch symbol here)!
P.S. — I am SO Donna. But also Clara and Sarah Jane!