Scandal Season 4, Episode 20
“First Lady Sings The Blues”
Posted by Sage
Nothing like the exquisite chaos of the last few episodes of a Scandal season. Let’s get straight to the gifs.
Quinn comes into the OPA office early morning, turns on the lights, puts on the coffee, and sees Jake bleeding out. “Oh, they got you. Oh, I let them get you.” WELL, that’s one way to open an episode.
“Still warm.” “Warm enough?” Huck slams Jake on the chest without warning. He wakes up. JAKE BALLARD IS GONNA LIVE FOREVER.
“If Jake goes to a hospital, a digital trail is created.” Dirty warehouse, it is!
“It’s coming, it’s all coming. You guys called me ten minutes ago!” Charlie provides a safe house and a sketchy mob doctor. Charlie’s a genuine part of the team now, which is weird but not unpleasant.
“Mrs. Grant, you already have a job.” Mellie is starting her campaign for Senator in Virginia and the sexist bullshit has already begun pouring in.
“How deeply insulting – not just to our intelligence, to the people of Virginia. And to all the gracious and patriotic first ladies who quietly and proudly served our great nation before her.” Sally Langston is running her mouth and someone’s gotta put a stop to it.
Also, remember when First Ladies had cute nicknames like “Ladybird”? Can we bring that back?
“Somebody always dying.” So, sketchy mob doctor = not exactly a cheery gig.
“Pretty lady looks familiar.” The doctor tries to talk about Olivia in front of her. Olivia schools him by responding in fluent Russian.
“You help my friend, I help yours.” Sketchy Mob Doctor is tight with a Russian assassin who Olivia and others presumed dead. Black Sable is her code name. Also a really nice defining shade for a classic smokey eye.
“Now you, scared man with glasses…” Will can always answer to that.
“These days it’s Mary…Mary Peterson. Come on in, I just baked cookies.” Olivia and Huck find Black Sable, but she’s not exactly the kind of woman they were expecting.
“Growing up, we were poor. Not American poor. My little brother starved to death because we didn’t have any food: Russian poor.”
“Why would I say no to that? It was the greatest thing that every happened to me.” Mary became an assassin out of necessity. It pulled her out of poverty, even though she never saw her family again.
“The people telling me who to kill stopped telling me who to kill.” But why didn’t she go to like, Fiji or something? Escape to Washington DC? Be the FBI’s next-door neighbor? Great plan, Nana. REAL GREAT.
“Putin’s hit the re-start button.” It’s on this puppy.
Mary’s been contacted about a job. She doesn’t know what it is, but she fears for her life if she doesn’t do it.
Sally has gotten the nation all riled up about Mellie’s run. Now they think there’s a conflict of interest because Mellie is “sleeping with the president.” Heeeeyyyyy.
Except the only thing more frigid than Fitz and Mellie’s marriage was my dead, black heart before I discovered Harry Styles.
“First Lady is not a job, it’s a title.” Can’t be accurately called a job if this is what you do all day:
“I wanna hear what Abby has to say.”
“You need to distance yourself from your husband.” I’m listening.
“So, Mellie Grant’s run for Senate is legal because of misogyny. In this instance, misogyny is our friend.” Abby calls David to find out if the haters have a point. In this case, the haters are our friends.
“Quinn, we need blood.” Quinn ties up some techs and raids a blood bank for Jake. Aw, guys. We got some real camaraderie happening happening over here.
David is giving a phone interview with the talking head show while overseeing the warehouse with Jake. Huck watches Mary’s handler make the drop.
“Blood!” “Blood?”
“Ballard has been eliminated.” “Untrue.” Rowan, is Mycroft aware that you’re boring the Diogenes Club?
“Then find him, and cut the thread.” Fly, my pretties.
“You’ll get busy and use my body in any way you want, however many times that you want. Conversation optional.” Russell booty calls Olivia in an attempt to keep her on the line and trace her phone. I hate it when that happens. Men, amirite?
“Does she buy meat here?” Mary’s handler is a butcher. Olivia goes to his place of business to intimidate him, but he’s got jokes.
“Some people have bark, some people have bite, I have both.”
“I know what happens to traitors. So you’ll have to pardon me if I’m not afraid of some lady and her mutt.” Huck is the mutt in this scenario.
“Time stood still. I had all this time. I’d never really thought before about all these jobs I had over the years…I can’t kill this man. I can’t kill anyone. It’s not who I am any more.”
“I know, I hate myself for saying it. I threw up in my mouth a little while I was saying it.”
Team Mellie needs to send a representative to Mellie’s show. And to please her Bible-thumping, lady-oppressing audience, it’s gotta be a dude.
“You’ve got to be kidding.” GUESS WHICH ONE.
“I called your daughter, but she wouldn’t bite.” ROWAN SHOOTS RUSSELL IN ARM. “Maybe now, she will.”
Fitz is being confusingly supportive of Mellie and it’s the least I’ve ever wanted to punch him in the ballsack.
“And my dear friend, Mr. Cyrus Beene….” Sally welcomes her old body-burying buddy to the show. Their barely concealed loathing for each other sets the cameras practically smoking.
“No one should be able to tell any woman she can’t hold a job, Sally. It’s sexism of the purest and ugliest form.” Bless you, Cy.
“Being a mother isn’t a job, it’s who someone IS…let’s not diminish it by calling it a job.” He’s pandering to her audience even better than she does.
“So you’re saying women should get paid in fried chicken now?”
“You seem bitter…You believe it should be you out there.”
Maybe, but everyone with eyes and ears knows that Cyrus would make a TERRIBLE candidate. He married a prostitute like two weeks ago. Publicly berating his underlings and his colleagues is a personal hobby.
“If you’d been elected president, would you have stopped Daniel Douglas, rest his soul, from working outside the home?” OOP. There it is.
Olivia rushes to Russell’s bedside when she hears about his injury. And knocks him out. Russell makes like Rowan and B6-13 are responsible for his injuries, but Olivia doesn’t know yet just how true that is.
“We just can’t hide forever. We need to go on the attack.” Just go home, everyone. Have some tea. Watch DWTS. Take a damn break.
“You go to Putin with the head of Command, you’d be a national hero.” Olivia brilliantly gives Rowan’s identity to Mary’s handler to save Mary while eliminating Rowan. A win-win for OPA (AND JUSTICE) in one fell swoop. Also, another Putin reference: DRINK!
Russell ends up laying side by side in the warehouse with Jake, which is very, very bad, considering the doctor just told him how fragile he is. Jake comes to and tries to get up. Russell opens Jake’s stitches and pulls out a tube.
Russell overhears Olivia talking about Kostia the butcher killing Rowan.
“48% of those polled after thinks Cyrus Beene should have his own talk show.” I’d watch it.
The President’s approval rating is down 5 points, Americans still don’t approve of Mellie.
“We leak that your marriage is over.” Lizzy Bear has a plan and it involves Mellie SPREADING HER WINGS I LOVE IT.
“I’m not lying to the American people about our marriage. Fitz and I are a team. We came in as a team and we are going out as a team.” I mean, whatever you want?
“Why are you calling me?” Fitz calls Olivia for her input because of course he does.
“I wanna help her. I wanna do the right thing. I’m trying to make up for the sins of my past. I’m trying to do better.” I’m so confused. Up is down, left is right. Dogs and cats living together. Fitz is being a kind person.
Olivia gives them the angle they need. Mellie is a senator with access – use it – that’s how Mellie wins. She can’t help herself from throwing them a lifeline.
“You’ve saved my life multiple times. And all I can do it is hold your hand, sit here, and hope that you don’t die.” Shoulda stayed on that island, ya dumb-dumb.
“You were right. We never should have left that island.” Jake wakes up and Russell sees him, but Liv is oblivious. Meanwhile, Huck can’t find Kostia. Olivia goes to Mary’s house to find her and her grandchildren are all dead. Kostia is dead in her trunk.
“What have I always told you, Olivia? Against me? You’ll never win.” We need a new villain, already. Joe Morton for the win always, but good god, someone please take Rowan out in the finale so we don’t have to hear this conversation one more time.
“We are no longer moving forward against B6-13.” The Doctor leaves Jake because Olivia didn’t save Mary.
Liv tells David to cancel the grand jury, but he argues that they still have Huck and Quinn to testify. Charlie doesn’t see Quinn’s viability as a witness: “She was in B6-13 for like ten minutes, she barely qualified for the health plan.”
“I’m going to call my father and tell them game’s over, he’s won.” Olivia instructs everyone not to take “a single step” against Rowan. One more will kill them all.
“Those media types in New York.” We meet Mellie back on the campaign trial, where she’s playing up her accent, and her marriage. I admire the hustle.
“Vote for me because I have my husband the president wrapped around my finger.”
This kills, because people are terrible. Mellie recognizes Olivia’s work.
“It’s all any of us will be remembered for.” Cyrus believes that Mellie running on this campaign will somehow wipe out Fitz’s entire two-term presidency and replace his legacy in the history books with “whipped husband.”
“It irritates me to know that he’s still breathing.” Rowan talks to Russell about a mission known as “Foxtail.” Russell plans to keep him abreast of Liv’s movements.
He rejoins Olivia in the bedroom, where she straddles him and puts a gun to his temple. SHE KNOWS.
“It’s Olivia and this is definitely going to hurt.”
Will Jake pull through, Gladiators? Will we actually see the end of B6-13? How hard would you campaign for Mellie if you lived in this reality? Leave your answers to these questions and others in the comments.
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