The Modcloth “New Arrivals” section is all pumpkins and aubergines; the fall premiere dates have been set; and autumn is breathing down our necks. But we’re not giving up on summer just yet. Or on Fan Video Fridays. Or on distracting you from the important work you’ve got to do at your grown-up job. (As always, you are so very welcome.)
Fittingly, this week’s theme tune is definitely a strong contender for “Song of the Summer” 2015. Walk The Moon’s “Shut Up and Dance” has all the qualities you need to distill the fleeting freedom of the season down to 3:30 minutes: it’s upbeat, romantic, and has a great sense of abandon to it. It’s also the perfect track to build a multi-fandom video around, since it syncs up perfectly to every dance move ever. This is some magical shit, right here. Don’t believe me? Check out this week’s crop.
Classic TV Mash-Up
Kim: GOOD GOD I LOVE A MONTAGE. People always complain about them at the Academy Awards, but I LIVE for them. There is something about watching one and squealing every time you see something you love. Jim and Pam’s Wedding! Troy and Britta! ER! Will and Grace! Happy Endings! The Scrubs Musical! This has em all!
Sage: Ainsley Hayes! Rose Nylund! Badger! My So-Called Life! This video digs deep. If you can’t find something in here that you love, then let us design a syllabus of TV history for you. Seriously, let us. We’d love it.
Jake and Amy – Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Kim: These two are precious, I must add this show to my binge list.
Sage: My little pumpkin pies, how I adore you. (YES, KIM, YOU DO.) Like any will-they-won’t-they couple worth watching, Amy and Jake had the maybe-this-is-more-than-I-think-it-is dance. And their banter and relationship development have just been so warm and good-hearted and fun. This song suits them as well as they suit each other.
Marvel Actors
Kim: Or, all of these assholes must be stopped because I can’t handle this. Also I love that Hiddles is getting great buzz for the Hank Williams movie because the thought of him doing the Awards Season Red Carpet makes my heart explode with rainbows and sparkles.
Sage: Personally, I strongly believe that Mark Ruffalo should dance like Michael Jackson in more of his films. (“Matty! Matty, it’s ‘Thriller!'”) Also, the fact that this mash-up is 60% these fools shaking it in real life to 40% clips from movies says a lot about the Marvel talent stable.
Movie Mash-Up
Kim: I appreciate the liberal use of Romy and Michelle’s High School Reunion. This is another one where I squeal with joy as the video progresses with each clip. Well, really, that’s the theme of this whole post. JOY. Also, props to ending with the MUCH under-appreciated Only You. BB RDJ, you guys.
Sage: Only You is SO MAGICAL, y’all. And it’s on my Top 15 Rom Coms list, plug plug. Anyway, is that Sister Act: 2 I spy up in here? It’s good to see good/bad movies like that, BAPS, Three Amigos, and Music & Lyrics share a compilation with all the best classic movie musicals. Gotta love a nice mix of high and low culture.
Rick and Kate – Castle
Kim: Let’s talk about how Nathan Fillion is one handsome mother fucker.
Sage: Okay, let’s. The first topic is, which is better: his face or his butt? (Also, show, you listen to me: if you break up Caskett, so help me, I will not be there by the time your inevitable 15th season rolls around.)
Multi-Fandom Mash-Up (DIAMOND DAN ALERT)
Kim: Every Jane Austen movie in existence AND Diamond Dan’s magic moves all together? BLESS THIS VIDEO.
Sage: This one has two of my favorite discoveries of 2014: Chris Messina’s naaaaaaaasty dance skills and the adorable indie comedy Austenland wherein Keri Russell’s Darcy-obsessed character goes on vacation to an immersive Jane Austen resort. I watched it in the middle of the night while delirious on a plane and I’m still surprised no one complained about my snort-laughing.
Maks and Meryl – Dancing with the Stars
Kim: I refuse to give up hope that these two will actually happen. Get it together, Maks and Meryl. Those big mean Russian Ice-dancing babies Bear and Bear aren’t going to make themselves.
Sage: Good, GOD. Either something really did happen or these two should get the fucking Oscar for dance acting. The sexual tension is obscene.
Disney Mash-Up
Kim: It would have been super easy to keep this one to just the Disney Princesses, so I applaud this video for going the interesting route. Dancing cartoons, amirite?
Sage: Wow, okay, so now we know it only takes 2 seconds of Wall-E footage to get me crying about it all over again.
One Direction
Kim: If this doesn’t get you on the One Direction train, I don’t know what will. May God have mercy on your poor joyless soul.
Sage: OT4, my darlings. This mash-up is brand new and the footage is fresh – that was my concert in Pittsburgh earlier this month where Liam pulled on that Very Hungry Caterpillar suit. I think the vidder put this together to combat the band and fandom drama that’s been going down lately. (Seriously, I’ve been a fan for five months and the Lord has already tested me so much.) Mission accomplished: this is 3 minutes and 21 seconds of joyful abandon and boys lovin’ on boys. My favorite.
Doctor and Rose – Doctor Who
DOCTOR: You just assume that I don’t dance.
ROSE: What, are you telling me you do dance?
DOCTOR: Nine hundred years old, me. I’ve been around a bit. I think you can assume at some point I’ve danced.
ROSE: You?
DOCTOR: Problem?
ROSE: Doesn’t the universe implode or something if you dance?
DOCTOR: Well, I’ve got the moves but I wouldn’t want to boast.
(Rose turns up the volume on the radio. It is still Moonlight Serenade.)
ROSE: You’ve got the moves? Show me your moves.
DOCTOR: Rose, I’m trying to resonate concrete.
ROSE: Jack’ll be back. He’ll get us out. So come on. The world doesn’t end because the Doctor dances.
That’s basically this, right? RIGHT.
Sage: Exactly. Swap in Moffat’s ongoing use of “dancing” as a euphemism for doin’ it, doin’ it, Tardis doin’ it, and the title of this song becomes the battle cry of every companion who’s ever had a crush on the Doctor.
Modern TV Mash-Up
Kim: This was the first video Sage sent me when she suggested we use this song for a Fan Vid Friday. There are so many clever moments in this, from using an OTP every time the song says “this woman is my destiny” to showing Kurt and Blaine on the line “Teenage Dream”. But what really cements this one is the PERFECT use of Cristina Yang telling Meredith Grey to shut up and dance it out. I miss Cristina Yang. Also my only complaint with ALL of these TV videos…WHERE is Mulder and Scully dancing to “Walking in Memphis”?
Sage: Kim, I ALMOST used a gif of that for the header but it felt like false advertising. Alas, no Mulder and Scully slow-dancing. But we do get a Braverman dance party, the drunk giraffe, the Bluths’ chicken dance, CLONE DANCE PARTY, Jimmy Jr, and Barney and Robin on “We were born to get together, born to get together.” This video makes me proud to watch TV.
And the movie mash-up that started it all…
Kim: There’s a reason this video has over 6 million views. It’s flawless. I remember the first time I saw this video. We were having an X-Files night at TVMouse‘s house (as you do) and I had gotten there early. “You’ve GOT to see this movie dancing video,” she said. “It’s the happiest thing you’ll ever see.” And she was right. It WAS.
Sage: Dancing of any kind instantly takes a movie up three points in my personal ranking system. I don’t care about the context. This video is that dance-high, extended, without having to wade through any of the talking and stuff to get to it. I guarantee it will brighten your day.
And that’s it for this week! Do have a favorite “Shut Up and Dance” video that we missed? Let us know in the comments!
Mindy Haltiwanger (@westwingwolf) says
Well, now I have another song I have to buy off iTunes. Thanks to these fanvids I was thinking about how much dancing shows up in TV & Movies that wouldn’t normally have them. It’s just part of human nature that at some point in our lives we have to dance even just for ourselves (which is the time I do most of my dancing when no one is around.) Fox Mulder even listed dancing as one of the activities zombies miss about being human. It’s as essential as eating, drinking, and making love.
grandefille says
I enjoyed that first one more than any human should, but I swear, I think something broke in me when McAvoy, Fassbinder and Jackman got in that line. Something very important.
Also. “She took my arm …”