Welcome folks, to the Miranda Administration. Like everyone else who cares about ART and AMERICA, we are the trash of the thing. Hamilton is the cultural gift that keeps on giving, even as it takes and it takes and it takes – mostly, my money. The themes of the show are so universal, the hero’s journey and downfall so familiar, that all it takes is a little imagination to apply Hamilton tracks to other fandoms. The great work is hardly finished though. Where are all my Parks and Recreation tributes? What about a Doctor video to “Wait for It”? If editors are creating mash-ups like they’re running out of time, it’s only because there’s too much left to be done. Here are some of our favorites so far. –Sage
Team Cap – “Right Hand Man”
Kim: Bucky is Steve’s right hand man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know we’re going Avengers-heavy in these posts this summer but how can we NOT when there is so much good stuff out there?
Sage: “Are these the men with which I am to defend America?” – Steve, all through Civil War. I also screamed in delight when T’Challa comes flying at Bucky at “INCOMINGGGG.” I miss T’Challa.
Rey and Luke – “History Has Its Eyes On You”
Kim: I have GOOSEBUMPS. “Let me tell you what I wish I’d known, when I was young and dreamed of glory. You have no control, who lives, who dies, who tells your story.” This is SUCH a passing of the torch song and that’s exactly what is happening in the Star Wars universe right now. Are we sure Lin didn’t WRITE Hamilton as a low-key ode to Star Wars?
Sage: Lin is IN Star Wars, sooooo…I don’t think we can rule it out.
Disney Princesses – “The Schuyler Sisters”
Sage: But The Muses as the chorus, though. And Gaston pulling up on Belle while Burr pulls up on Angelica. I bet Burr also used antlers in all of his decorating. Isn’t that what everyone did in the 18th century?
Jon Snow – “Alexander Hamilton”
Kim: This IS Jon Snow’s arc though. There’s a million things he hasn’t done, just you wait. Game of Thrones lost me during season 5 but I’ve heard so many great things about season six that I’m thinking of going back. Once I have like 5 extra hours in every day, that is.
Sage: I also quit this show – mid-season 4 for me – but I’m low-key invested enough in Jon Snow’s rise to glory to read spoilers every week. He’s got the bastard/orphan thing down. OR DOES HE.
Whouffaldi – “That Would Be Enough”
Kim: BYE. *jumps off a cliff*
Sage: This is like Whouffaldi baby-fic set to music, and I hate you forever for finding this, Kim.
The Bartlet Administration – “History Has Its Eyes On You”
Kim: We watched selected episodes of The West Wing for a good portion of our day on July 4th and now I am feeling a series rewatch coming. Thus far, this is the ONLY fan video of The West Wing and Hamilton and that needs to CHANGE. CAN YOU IMAGINE THE OPTIONS? A Josh and Donna video to “Helpless”? A CJ Cregg video to “Satisfied”? An ode to Bartlet set to “One Last Time”? I AM EMO.
Sage: I’ve spent most of the last 24 hours thinking about this, and Josh Lyman is the spiritual love child of Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Hear me out, don’t touch that dial: “Death doesn’t discriminate” = his personality is shaped by survivor’s guilt. But he’s as balls-to-the-wall, bull-in-a-china-shop, act-first-ask-questions-later as A. Ham. Also, “He doesn’t hold a grudge, that’s what he pays me for” is so Hamilton/Washington that it should just be added to the score.
Kylo Ren – “Wait For It”
Kim: “My mother was a genius, my father commanded respect…” HAN AND LEIA, AMIRITE? “Wait for It” is my favorite song in Hamilton and I am super impressed with how well this works in regards to Kylo Ren (that punk bitch). I love love love how the vidder uses that great shot of Kylo Ren turning around with his hand extended and the lightsaber blazing for the moment the song EXPLODES with “wait for it”. Well done.
Sage: *is relieved this isn’t a Reylo shipper video*
Tony and Steve – “Your Obedient Servant”
Kim: OF COURSE Tony Stark is Aaron Burr in this situation. He always DOES want to be in the room where it happens. And the betrayal he feels towards Steve in Civil War runs SO DEEP it hurts.
Daredevil – Hamilton Medley
Kim: I REALLY need to watch Daredevil (or pick it back up, I should say, I watched a handful after NYCC last year) because all of this fits SO WELL. THE TEN DUEL COMMANDMENTS. Also the TAG of this video OMG.
Sage: I lost all control when Stick entered to “What’d I Miss?” But I VEHEMENTLY disagree that Claire is the Peggy of this show. It’s Matt, obviously.
Disney Babies – “Dear Theodosia”
Kim: We screened this one at our Fourth of July party and the apartment was filled with wails of agony and feeling too many things, if that tells you anything about this video.
Sage: Could have done without the janky Little Mermaid straight-to-video sequel footage, but there’s enough baby Hercules to make up for it.
Luke Skywalker – “Alexander Hamilton”
Kim: Other than the implications that Padme was a whore, this is SO PERFECT for Luke Skywalker. The ENDING. “I’m the damn fool that shot him…”
Sage: Padme Amidala gets no respect.
Captain America: Civil War – “Guns and Ships”
Kim: The casting of Wanda Maximoff as LaFayette in this video is so delightfully unexpected. And we’re all agreed that Natasha is Hercules Mulligan, RIGHT?
Sage: I enjoy the irony of the Bucky/Sam car seat petulance over “soldiers who will yield for you.”
Star Wars: The Force Awakens – “My Shot”
Kim: “Young, Scrappy, and Hungry” = The Rebel Alliance. They’re not throwing away their shot.
Sage: “I’ve never had a group of friends before, I promise that I’ll make y’all proud.” Is this Finn or is this Finn? And the Resistance are my favorite “bunch of revolutionary manumission abolitionists.” Investigate why every Hamilton song fits Star Wars so well.
The Disney Princesses – “Helpless”
Kim: Is there a more perfect song for the dreamy eyed Disney Princesses? Methinks not.
Sage: I’m still pretty helpless over Prince Eric, so I get it.
Did we leave out any killer Hamilton/other stuff mash-ups? We love links in the comments!
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