In every Comic Con, there’s That One Day. You know it: it’s the day where everything you want to do is happening with little-to-no breaks in between. The day where you have to woman-up, be your best pre-planned self, and power through so you end That One Day with some sore feet and mild fatigue but no regrets. This year at SDCC, that was our Friday. Tally ho. –Sage
The Big Bang Theory Writers Panel
It is the very nature of Comic Con that you will have to sit through some panels you’re not interested in because you want to have good seats for subsequent panels. That’s just how it works. The Comic Con Gods have QUITE the sense of humor because for the second year in a row the schedule dictated that we sit through The Big Bang Theory Writers Room panel. (Okay but WHY don’t they bring the cast? The cast member moderators are always charming AF and I can guarantee I would at least enjoy a panel with all the actors even though I can’t stand the show. SOMEONE EXPLAIN.) Let it be known that both times we’ve endured this panel we’ve gone into it with the intent to just sit silently and read our fanfic and ignore it. (Please note how Sage’s face is lit up from her kindle.) But we can’t remain silent when a white male writer jokes that the female Latina writer (the only woman on the panel BTW) actually meant SORTING SOMBRERO while she was talking about what Hogwarts House she would be sorted into and we can’t remain silent when someone pipes up that Penny’s lack of last name didn’t matter until she got married. It’s like they are DARING us to rage tweet with gifs. (I don’t know how we got through that panel last year without the gif keyboard. THANKS TWITTER.)
Once again our buddy Graeme Burk storified all of our tweets. You can find them here. You’re welcome, America. — Kim
My fervor for Bones may have weakened over the past few years (“HOW IS BONES STILL ON?” “I DON’T KNOW.”- me and Kelly over gChat multiple times) but as soon as they announced a farewell panel that would feature the entire cast (in recent years they’ve just brought David and Emily or skipped the con entirely), I knew we were going to have to be in the room. I felt even more strongly about this when Season 11 closed with its strongest finale in YEARS. YOU GUYS. Zack Addy is back. And he’s the Marionette Killer. (He’s not. He will be redeemed, he has to be. MAKE IT SO.) It’s a genius move by the Bones team and it feels like a way to bring the beloved series full circle. I can’t wait to see what they do with these final 12 episodes (The pipe dream is that it will have one continuous arc without some of the It feels so good to be excited about Bones again. Just when I think I’m out…they pull me back in. — Kim
- The sizzle reel that served as an ode to a decade of Bones made me SUPER nostalgic. When Bones was firing on all cylinders, it was EVERYTHING to me. The way Booth and Brennan pined for each other was some Mulder and Scully REALNESS…except they were way more blatant in VOICING their pining, which almost made it worse? GAH.
- With the season finale having just aired the night before, many fans were unaware of the Zach reveal since they were all Comic-Conning. (THANK GOD FOR PRESS SCREENERS CAUSE I WOULD HAVE BEEN SO PISSED.) The lovely girl sitting next to us had NO IDEA what was coming and her squeal of delight made me smile so much. This is WHY I hate spoiler culture because a reaction like that was so pure and good and that’s how we should ALL watch television. *gets off soapbox*
- While I love the idea of having someone who has been a part of the show moderating (it was done PERFECTLY with the Supernatural panel on Sunday), Dave Thomas had a hard time corralling the rowdy panel. Though I imagine MOST people have a hard time corralling David Boreanaz. He is a precious flower but he is also A LOT. He had the energy of a small child who chugged a case of giant Pixy Stix. I kept waiting for Emily to bop him on the nose to get him to settle down.
- “I have no idea what’s going on but what I do know is that Hodgins can get it.” — Sage, who has seen exactly two episodes of Bones but knows exactly what’s what.
- The first thing Emily Deschanel did after sitting down was shade Fox for only airing the last 20 minutes of the finale on the West Coast because Trump’s RNC speech ran for a million years. Add that to the long list of reasons he shouldn’t be president.

- When TJ Thyne and Michaela Conlin were asked about the strain put on Hodgins and Angela’s marriage this season and their road to recovery, TJ earnestly replied “I think Jack and Angela will always make it.” GOOD. Those episodes where it seemed like they were going to fall apart absolutely DESTROYED ME.
- Tamara Taylor revealed that Cam and Arastoo WILL get their wedding in the final season. Bones has always done weddings well so I can’t wait to see what they have in store.
- Emily: “You’re more likely to get struck by lightning than bitten by a shark.” David: “Says who?” Emily: “Science.” Their real life banter is SO Booth and Brennan it caused me physical pain.
- Regarding the return of Zack, showrunner Michael Peterson simply said “You asked for it, we brought him back.” He also confirmed that they have Eric Millegan for “3 to 4” episodes and there is a definite arc plotted out that promises to be very exciting. Personally, I hope they spread his appearances out throughout the season instead of knocking it all out straight away.
- When asked about their favorite episodes, Emily chose “Double Trouble in the Panhandle” aka the Circus episode where we first met fan favorite aliases Buck and Wanda Moosejaw. David chose the 200th episode and Michaela chose season one’s Christmas episode. All fine choices but we know the CORRECT answer to that question is “Aliens in a Spaceship,” which is what TJ chose.

- In a confession that rocked me to my very core, TJ admitted that he has always hated bugs and that playing Hodgins has done nothing to change that. MOM HOW MANY LIES HAVE I BEEN LIVING?
- “I feel like I’m the boss everywhere I go,” Tamara quipped when asked about how playing Cam has affected her in her personal life. Always be the boss. That’s a good life philosophy to have.
- Since Bones has never been afraid of killing off characters, a fan asked if we can expect more of that in the final season. “A little bit…maybe,” Peterson said evasively. (That means yes.) Later, Eugene Byrd, who plays Clark Edison, crashed the fan Q&A, saying “You were talking about killing recurring characters?” He joined the panel full-time after that, with Emily going as far as going backstage to get him a chair. Precious.
- The panel had their own little song “Fan questions, fan fan questions” that got longer with each new fan that stepped up to the mic. One fan took a long pause before finally asking her question. “I didn’t want to interrupt their singing!”

- Whenever David got a question about his past work on Angel, he graciously steered the question back to Bones and his castmates as quickly as possible. (This resulted in a long back and forth about who everyone would play if they spun off together in a Whedon show.) It was SO classy. I get that fans want to talk about Angel but a panel celebrating the show David has done for over a decade is neither the time nor place for it.
- “David ALWAYS needs the last word. We call him Last Word Jones on set.” This does not at all surprise me.
- Needless to say, there was a huge amount of love on the panel. “It’s such a great environment to be a part of. I’ve been blessed to be with these people, they’ve seen me through a lot,” David said. TJ shared that the things he is going to miss the most about Bones are “the in-betweens. All the stuff you don’t see that’s just for us.” Aw, shit, now I am going to cry.
- Fittingly, the last fan at the mic was a Brennan Cosplayer which made Emily squeal in delight.
- I flitted off to the bathroom as soon as the panel ended as to not miss the start of The 100 panel. I skipped the super long line at the ladies room right outside Ballroom 20 and opted for the shorter line much further down the hall. I chose wisely because it was also the ladies room that the talent used and I saw Michaela and Tamara and good lord they are gorgeous and TALL.
The 100

What a difference a year makes. Last year the cast of The 100 entered Ballroom 20 like rock stars, triumphant off their critically acclaimed second season and ready to take on the world with season three. This year the vibe was…weird and subdued. It’s no secret that season 3 of The 100 was tumultuous, both on and off-screen. Questionable character decisions were made (JUSTICE FOR THE CHARACTER ASSASSINATION OF BELLAMY BLAKE), The City of Light was a whole bunch of nonsense, and minority characters were disposed of carelessly. While it wasn’t QUITE Sleepy Hollow level, it was completely disheartening to watch a show that had previously been so BOLD in its choices slowly implode over the course of 16 episodes. Then there were the reports of what it was like on set. After fan favorite Lincoln was shelved for most of season three and then unceremoniously executed (SERIOUSLY his final shot was from a distance and he didn’t even get a goodbye), Ricky Whittle spoke out about the conditions on the set, accusing showrunner Jason Rothenberg of essentially bullying him off the show by cutting down Lincoln’s screentime. (No wonder he was delighted when American Gods offered to pay him in candy and cuddles.) Needless to say, we were fully prepared for this panel to be awkward as hell. What we weren’t prepared for was the fact that it was so effing boring (YAY screening the hard questions so they wouldn’t have to address the mess. *Side-Eye*) that we popped out as soon as we found out on Twitter that our next destination, Room 6BCF, was walk-in at that current moment. — Kim
- There was a LOT of Lincoln in the sizzle reel which was really just rubbing salt in the wound.
- The sizzle reel concluded with a massive storm cloud overtaking the tower at Polis, setting up the theme for season four: The Earth Strikes Back. We’ll be getting back to the survival aspects in season four as Clarke deals with the knowledge that they only have six months left to live on the ground. GOOD. The man vs. nature element is SO much more compelling that all this warring tribe nonsense we’ve been embroiled in.
- Notably absent from the panel was Bob Morley (and his broad shoulders). Bob had been previously announced for the panel but mysterious “scheduling conflicts” prevented him from making it. I mean, we’re gonna TRY and not read anything into that, but knowing what we know now, it’s hard not to. Even more troubling is the fact that Bellamy wasn’t mentioned ONCE in the panel, other than the fact that they once toyed with the idea of Kane being Bellamy and Octavia’s father. If there was one character arc that we NEEDED some reassurance on, it was Bellamy’s (please…try and justify those decisions, I beg you), so it was incredibly disheartening that it was swept completely under the rug.
- “Octavia tried to bandage the hole in her heart by taking revenge, but we all know that doesn’t work,” Marie Avgeropoulos explained. “She’s going back to what she knows best next season, which is killing people.” RIP Linctavia. Rise, Octavia Blake, Warrior Princess.
- Lindsey Morgan hinted that Raven may have run out of fucks to give in season four. “I’ve been to hell and back and frankly it was kind of boring. What else do you got?'” she said regarding Raven’s ordeal with ALIE. Rothenberg added that Raven was due for a little fun in Season Four. YA THINK?
- “I love that for him, honestly,” Richard Harmon said regarding Murphy’s blossoming romance. “For the first time, I can see the possibility of a happy ending for him.” HA. We’ll see about that.
- “Foolishly, I thought I would win the election.” – Henry Ian Cusick talks as if he is actually Kane, you guys.
- Bob and Ian call each other Dad and Son on set. UGH.
- The City of Light is DEFINITELY gone (THANK YOU JESUS) and Lexa is DEFINITELY done on the show (sigh).
- When asked what other characters they would want to play, Eliza said Monty, while Henry said he loves Kane and would only want to play him (aw). When Richard commented that he would want to play Lexa, Lindsey quipped that it was only because he loves make-up. “Damn straight,” he replied, flashing his painted nails. We love a man who appreciates a good manicure.
- Richard also dropped that he originally auditioned for Bellamy. That would have been an INTERESTING choice.
- “What Alycia did was untouchable,” Richard commented regarding Lexa. There was a LOT of love for Lexa throughout the cast and I’m not going to say it felt pointed but it felt pointed.
People of Earth and Powerless
One of out favorite things about SDCC is getting to see sneak peeks of new shows. We’re sorely lacking in our current comedy repertoires (filling out that section for the Feelies every year is SO HARD), so we LOVED that we got to screen the pilots of two VERY promising new shows: People of Earth and Powerless. Both pilots were followed by mini panels with cast and creators, which was lovely but also SAD because we barely got any time with them due to squeezing 44 minutes of television into a 60 minute panel. (It was especially rough for Powerless, which featured Geek Royalty Alan Tudyk and Danny Pudi. It could have easily been a full panel on its own.) While I wish we had gotten more time with the panelists, the most important aspect of the panel was getting us excited for the shows and both were strong enough to let their pilots do the talking. — Kim
- “Aw, it’s like Go On but with alien abductees.” – Sage on People of Earth. That assessment is dead-on. People of Earth focuses on a reporter who infiltrates a support group of Alien Abductees for a story who then bonds with them when he has a close encounter of his own. The pilot had many laugh out loud moments and is VERY quirky, which makes it a perfect fit for a network like TBS. Comedy vets Wyatt Cynac and Ana Gasteyer lead the very strong ensemble.
- Jon Cryer moderated and we liked to think that his pink shirt was an ode to Duckie.
- The quirk factor of People of Earth comes as no surprise considering it comes from Conan O’Brien and David Jenkins. “I was abducted just before I wrote this,” Jenkins deadpanned.
- Conan shouted out TBS for giving them “total creative freedom” with the show. He also joked that TBS has been moderately good to him over the years.
- Michael Cassidy (Zach from The OC) plays a rich dude bro and is DELIGHTFUL.
- Powerless focuses on a regular group of office workers who live in a city populated by superheroes and how they deal with the inconveniences that supers can bring, like being late to work because of a battle on a subway car. It’s completely charming and irreverent and it airs on NBC, which has me immediately setting myself up for heartbreak when they cancel it.
- Between this and her performance in Grease, Vanessa Hudgens is having QUITE the creative resurgence this year. She’s spunky and rocks an adorable haircut.
- “If Danny Pudi is the romantic lead of this show, I am going to set myself on fire.” – me. Guys, it’s SO great to see Danny back in action. He brings just enough Abed to this role to be comfortably familiar. (He later quipped that Abed would have a LOT to say about this show and sometimes I miss Community so much it hurts.) We shipped his character with Vanessa’s immediately. There’s a moment in the pilot between them that reduced us to a pile of squee. GET READY HE IS THE CUTEST.
- Alan Tudyk is DELIGHTFUL as the slimy self-absorbed boss man. “I wouldn’t call him a douche, I would call him a tool.”
- There is a fantastic running gag with trying to determine if one of the co-workers is actually Green Lantern. Someone on staff HAS to be a secret super, right?
- I can’t believe I have to wait until midseason for this.
American Gods
This was a DAY, right? And out of this entire wall-to-wall TV addict’s fever dream of a Comic Con Friday, American Gods was the one panel I was going to miss over my dead body. Though, in American Gods terms, being dead doesn’t super-limit your mobility. Anyway, spoilers.
Neil Gaiman’s profound and peculiar 2001 fantasy novel was lent to me a few years ago. I’d spent maybe an hour talking about geeky stuff with a coworker’s husband at their house when he went to his bookshelf and came back. “Have you read this? It’s going to blow your mind.” It was the beginning of my relationship with Gaiman and still my favorite of his canon so far. The adaptation rights have been floating around for a while, but I didn’t know if I could trust anyone with bringing such a rich and strange world to the small-screen until Bryan Fuller came along. (Kim asked me to give her the quick synopsis before the panel and I struggled to even do that. “See, there’s this convict? But he’s a good guy. And some gods that are old, but also some gods that are new. But they’re also people and sometimes they don’t go by their real names. Also there’s a road trip, and…”)
My confidence in this production only grew when The 100’s Ricky Whittle (who is OWED a great experience) and Ian McShane were cast as Shadow and Mr. Wednesday. And I’m not alone there. The room was jam-packed by the time the People Of Earth/Powerless panel began, and most of it was waiting for some footage of the American Gods. That’s some excellent buzz for the upcoming Starz series. And the fanning only continued on Twitter and in the blogosphere once that jaw-dropping teaser hit the web. Let’s all watch it again, because our eyes crave it, then to the panel –S
- The panel was moderated by the beautiful and talented Yvette Nicole Brown, who Bryan later referred to at the TCAs as a “lovely person made of light.” Fact.
- Neil Gaiman got a standing ovation simply for walking into the room. More authors should get that kind of treatment.
- Neil said it was very fitting to be debuting footage of the show at SDCC, since the first chapter of the novel was written on a train from Los Angeles to San Diego for what was certainly a much smaller Comic Con 15+ years ago.
- Yetide Badaki plays Bilquis and loves that American Gods is “an immigration story.” She shared with the panel that she’d become an US citizen three years ago to that very day we were all sitting in 6BCF together. Also she’s a huge sci-fi geek who’s loved the book for years. What an incredible thrill it must be to get to bring it to life.
- I won’t spoil it but for those of you who know: that thing Bilquis can do with her body? That was Yetide’s audition scene.
- Ricky went on tape 16 TIMES before getting the role of Shadow. Ian McShane got a call, because he’s Ian friggin’ McShane. Both of them seem equally happy and humbled to be there.
- Why did Ricky want to do the show? “They promised me candy and cuddles.” Not to make this weird but can you imagine what a stupendous big spoon that man would be?
- “Ricky and I have a natural rapport,” Ian said. The relationship between Shadow and Wednesday is so layered; it’s going to be fun to watch them play it.
- A new panelist joins the table when Kristin Chenoweth is announced as the goddess Easter. That makes American Gods officially a Pushing Daisies reunion. Bryan told us the first time he saw Cheno perform was her last Wicked as Glinda. “I was thinking ‘what’s the big deal’ and then she came down in that bubble and I got it.'”
- Anyone who’s read the book knows that it’s not a condemnation or mocking of any faith. The show takes the same position. Bryan: “People assume that we’re going to crap on religion and that’s not it.” Ricky: “If you believe in something that gets you thru a whole day of pain, who am I to take that away from you?” Cheno was quick to add that she’s very religious and sees no judgment in this show. “Though, Easter IS pretty pissed that Jesus took her holiday.”
- Ricky: “I sit there reading my scripts giggling like a schoolgirl.” Guys, he’s free. No more toxic sets for Ricky Whittle.
- Bryan: “We have a VP nominee who thinks that gay people should be shocked…there’s an absence of love.” The showrunner also touched on the “climate of hate” generated by a culture of internet trolls.
- Neil Gaiman was happy to let the show take its own path and expand on the source material. (Shadow’s wife Laura’s role has been beefed up, for example.) But he laid down one perfect rule: “The only thing I was hardline on the book is that they maintain the same racial make-up…no whitewashing.” Bryan chimed in to say that this should be the “baseline for adaptations.” This.
- Neil: “Is there a God of atheism? What a lovely question.”
- Asked if any of the Hannibal cast would be considered for roles, Bryan was enthusiastic and welcoming, of course. “The door is always open for those lovely folks.”
- “As a general rule, if you love it in the book, it is going to turn up on-screen,” Neil said. “If you’re wondering if Gillian Anderson will ask Shadow if he wants to see Lucille’s tits, she will.” RIP Tumblr.
- A fan asked Bryan and co-creator Michael Green about their relationship to the source material. Bryan claims Hannibal and American Gods as “basically fan fiction” in that he’s a huge admirer of the original works and wants to pay tribute as reverently as he can.

- One of the sequences Neil wanted to incorporate in the original novel took place in a Japanese internment camp. It was fully written but cut before publication. It may show up in season 2 of the show.
- Speaking of Neil Gaiman writing more American Gods (besides the short stories Shadow has shown up since then), a sequel is “more and more likely.” The show’s writers must be wiping their brows with relief to hear that.
- Bruce Langely plays little deified shit Technical Boy, but his co-stars don’t see the resemblance. “Funny enough, he’s crap at Twitter.”

- “It’s such a pleasure as an actor to work on a project like this that has ideas behind it,” said Pablo Schreiber who plays alcoholic leprechaun Mad Sweeney. He went on to say how gratifying it is to put a show like this out into the world to start conversation.
- Shout out to our absent buddy Orlando Jones by Ricky Whittle who had the highest praise for his work as Mr. Nancy.
- Give it to us now.
Orphan Black
Next up: Orphan Black in the show’s last SDCC appearance, since season 5 will be it for the Leda clones. The tone of these panels are always relaxed and silly. Led by chilled out ray of sunshine Tatiana Maslany, this cast has the outside-the-biz vibe that you’d expect from a show shot in Canada instead of Hollywood. Scott Aukerman of Comedy Bang Bang was our moderator. –Sage
- Tatiana was greeted with a standing ovation. How does one stay so down-to-earth while being universally praised? Show business unicorn.
- Kristian Bruun immediately spotted a Leekie head in the audience and beckoned for it. Jordan was not a fan.
- Tat was into the cosplay, as usual: “So many Ukranian Cosimas!”
- After the season 4 sizzle reel: “I’ve made out with a LOT of people on this show.”
- “We’ve seen all the reverence all the other characters have for her.” Lots of love for what the panel called “the Beth episode.” “It’s fun to actually get to flesh her out and fill in those blanks,” Tat said. Co-creator Graeme Manson added that filling in Beth’s story was “one of the hardest things we had to do in the writers room.”
- We will never be over Jordan’s normal speaking voice.
- The idea of Fe’s biological sister coming into his life was born out of a fan desire to see Fe in a relationship. The writers and Jordan didn’t feel that a romantic commitment was in character for Fe, so they explored that idea through a familial relationship instead. The point was to see how he related to someone outside of Clone Club.
- It wasn’t fun to watch Sarah and Fe out-of-sync with each other this season, and the actors know it. “Her instinct is to always do what she wants,” Tat said of Sarah. And that showed in her jealous reaction to Adele’s presence.
- Tat certainly goes through it more than anyone in this show, but Kristian isn’t a far second. This year: Donnie goes to prison! “The background people that day were TERRIFYING.”
- So much love on the panel and in the audience for Tatiana’s stand-in Kathryn Alexandre. Very classy and correct to include her in this group.
- Delphine/Cosima shippers, your pain was only temporary. The French beauty was always coming back. “It was always our plan, it just involved schedules,” Graeme said. Paul remains very, very dead.
- Boos all around whenever the words “final season” are uttered. “We all think it’s cooler to cancel yourself than to get canceled,” Graeme said. We may also have been witness to the conception of a holiday special. “A Very Helena Christmas!” A new family tradition, let’s hope.
- The Orphan Black gag reel! Always a delight. And the corpseing culprits know who they are. Tat: “I feel like we’re the most irritating on set.” Kristian: “Yeah, for sure.”
- Tat’s background is in improv, so Scott Aukerman challenges her to improvise as different clones. She slips into it so easily, it’s scary. Donnie and Allison went to a Trump rally. Sarah gave Art directions. Krystal made Felix want to tear his hair out.
- Season 5 predictions? Kristian on Donnie: “I think he’s gonna become a mountain man and grow a big burly beard.” Kevin Hanchard on Art: “He’ll either get some piece of mind, or he’ll get dead.” Jordan wants Felix to achieve some professional success with his art. A show with pieces that Krystal will ruin “with her press-on nails.”
- A fan asked how Sarah identifies and Tatiana recounted a conversation she had with Graeme and co-creator John Fawcett about the night she self-destructs at the club. “Boys, girls?” “Both, definitely.” Tatiana believes Sarah is bisexual, even though Sarah herself might not care to put a label on it.
- Tat’s season 5 dream is to shoot a long-take with multiple clones. John: “That sounds technically difficult…let’s do it!”
- The lock for Jordan and Tat getting their parts was their chemistry read. “It was like we knew each other even though we had never met.”
- Tat announced a BBC America contest where one fan will win a walk-on role, so look out for that!
Preacher Live Read
Forever ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about comics of all kinds, I have nonetheless had THE BEST TIME watching the first season of AMC’s Preacher. It’s a narrative mess and often too gross to get through in one sitting, but hear me out. Dominic Cooper is doing a Southern accent! Ruth Negga is SLAYING as a conscience-free bad girl! Misfits’ Joe Gilgun is an alcoholic Irish vampire who loves his best friend the “Padre”! There’s blood and guts and angels and demons and that guy from Outlander and REALLY BIG LOCATION TITLES just like in Captain America: Civil War. It’s fucking fun, is what it is.
Preacher made its Comic Con and its Hall H debut at the same time this year. Our calculations were correct and it was late enough in the day that we were able to walk right into the room to score second row seats. We missed most of the actual panel because we are young and we had afterparties to get to. But we were there for the performance-based half of the two-hour slot: a live reading of the penultimate episode of season 1 introduced by co-executive producer and my bae for life, Seth Rogen. –Sage

- The full Preacher cast couldn’t be in attendance so Seth rounded out the reading with some stand-ins. Kevin Smith, Jason Mantzoukas, co-EP Evan Goldberg, and Danielle Panabaker all stepped in to help. Most of the actors read more than one role.
- Seth read the stage directions and, as you can imagine, there are paragraphs and paragraphs of them. Also they’re sarcastic and delightful.
- *Seth finishes reading the entire cold open wherein the Cowboy mows down every living thing in Ratwater* Kevin Smith: “That was so fucking metal!”
- *Ian Colletti comes out on stage* Us: Aw, he looks so nice with a mouth.
- Ruth’s Southern drawl is life-giving.
- Evan and Jason improvised some romantic moments between DeBlanc and Fiore that were much appreciated.
- I’ve never seen someone regret so many things in real time as Danielle Panabaker did that day. She did not know what she was getting into and I don’t think her Nielsen box will be tuned to this show anytime soon. Look at her faceeee.
- This episode included that scene where that character we previously assumed innocent did something 100% self-serving and indirectly violent. (THIS IS HARD TO EXPLAIN WITHOUT SPOILING) The reaction filled the room. It must feel amazing for this company to get to see thousands of people respond so strongly to that moment all at once.
- The live read stopped right at the last sequence of the episode, the second half of the Ratwater vignette. We watched that all together live.

- Props were given to Doctor Who/Sherlock/Flash/Legends director Rachel Talalay on this panel by Kevin Smith, who brought her up as one of the worthy parties who’d attempted to get a Preacher series going in the past. We would have loved to see what she would have done with it.
- “We got one of those Talking shows!” Seth Rogen on the mark of true success.
- Joe: *answers a question deliberately and very slowly*
Kevin: “It’s a good thing they’re not doing a piss test on this panel.”
Joe: “Oh, I’d be fucked, man.”
SherlockeDCC Party

It’s elementary that you can always find us at the SherlockeDDC after-party. We had so much fun boozing and photoboothing with friends there last year, so we were all over it as soon as tickets went on sale. Unlike the Fandom Wikia party we attempted to get into on Thursday, we had guaranteed entry to this bash. And when you wait in lines all day, guaranteed party entry is worth the $$$.
It’s our Sherlock party tradition that we always walk into the event room at the San Diego Public Library in the middle of “surprise” guest Steven Moffat’s Q&A. We are lucky enough fans that we’ve heard Moff speak in person several times, so we headed straight to the wine and cheese. He knows we love him, it’s fine.

We stayed till the bitter end catching up with friends and hearing about their con days. There were vendors to peruse and a raffle with the most legit prizes I think you’ll find at any fan party. (How does a t-shirt signed by the entire cast sound?) When the party closed down, we took it to the streets. Stealing dance music from the party on the library patio, we did the Cha-Cha Slide on the sidewalk while we waited for our Ubers. I think somebody caught a Pokemon. Comic Con is home. Nerd friends are the best. And to all a good night.
One more #SDCC post to go! Our Saturday and Sunday recap is coming soon.
[…] “That’s so f***ing metal!” – SDCC 2016, Part II […]