Welcome to our second installment of Bones Week!! It’s Friday, so you know what that means…FAN VIDEO TIME. We’ve scoured the depths of YouTube (with the assistance of our resident Bones expert Kelly) to bring you the best of the best of the shipper videos (both angst ridden and not), the best brOTP montages, and the best celebrations of the entire Bones family. What I love most about Fan Videos is that they are like digital scrapbooks of a series. They have the moments that make you go “Aw, I FORGOT about that scene” and “OMG that’s my favorite!!” and they are all set to some of our favorite tunes. (There are songs out there written explicitly for fan videos, no?) So settle in and enjoy the fruits of these GIFTED artists’ labor. (Seriously guys, how do you do it?) — Kim
“Something I Need”
Sage: I was shown this video by my very mean friends on the night of my Bones indoctrination. Now every time I even HEAR this song, I can feel the wine and new ship endorphins coursing through my system. This video really highlights the rock solid partnership of Booth of Brennan and gets a lot of mileage out of the “I wanna die with you” lyrics. Because they HAVE almost died – together and separately – A LOT.
“Raise Your Glass”
Kim: What a stone cold pack of weirdos. “Raise Your Glass” is the ULTIMATE fan video song to celebrate a giant ensemble of odd balls. What’s so beautiful about the Jeffersonian crew is that on their own, they ARE just a group of underdogs who never really fit in anywhere. But together? They are a family. Kudos to the vidder for tying in “It’s so fucking on right now” to Booth shooting the door down in “The Proof in the Pudding.” Perfection.
“All This Time”
Sage: I usually think of Hodgins and Angela as “the fun ones” but this video proved me wrong and then laughed in my face. It may not seem so after being stretched out over 12 seasons, but Hodgela have been through as much angst as Booth & Brennan. (More, when you take Jack’s paralysis – which this video doesn’t include – into account.) But even when they were broken up, Hodgins and Angela had nothing but love for one another. To me, the “all this time” in the lyrics refers to that long, bittersweet period when they took their sweet time getting back to each other.
“What Makes You Beautiful”
Kim: Well, it wouldn’t be us if we didn’t find a way to work One Direction into this post. This song works so perfectly for Booth and Brennan because while Brennan knows empirically that she’s beautiful but for the longest time, she couldn’t see what made her beautiful to BOOTH. This whole video is basically an ode to Booth’s pining face. (Don’t worry, we’re going to wax poetic on that later this week.) She really DOES light up his world like nobody else, you guys. And one only need to watch the sexy librarian scene from “The Passenger in the Oven” to know that the way she flips her hair gets him overwhelmed.
“A Thousand Years”
Sage: It’s been done for every OTP, but you know why? Because “A Thousand Years” always delivers. I love that the editor chose the duet version for this video so they could show the long road to FINALLY being a couple from both Brennan’s perspective and Booth’s. Nearly every major B/B pining moment is represented here. Putting Booth’s “I’m that guy” move over the “I will be brave” lyric is aggressive, but that’s how I like it.
“Girls Just Want To Have Fun”
Kim: I mean, this is basically Brennan’s theme song, so we HAD to include this one. Will I EVER get over Booth’s awe and blatantly adoring heart eyes in the karaoke scene? The answer is absolutely not. Look at that head over heels in love ASSHOLE.
I love that this video celebrates all the complicated and powerful ladies of Bones. The women have always been the driving force of the ensemble and that’s what has made the show so special to so many people. They’ve got all the dudes wrapped around their little fingers while the men just wonder how they got so fucking lucky that these incredible women chose them.
“I Run To You”
Sage: Love the running.
“A Tribute to Sweets”
Kim: Listen, I came DAMN close to quitting Bones when they killed Sweets. I held it against Aubrey for two solid seasons, refusing to learn his name, only calling him “Not Sweets”. (Dear Aubrey, precious cinnamon roll, I apologize. I was in pain.) So now I’m gonna go cry in the corner of my precious baby duck. GET THE TISSUES FOR THIS ONE, IT IS ROUGH.
“Keep You Forever”
Sage: NGL, I was disappointed to learn that there aren’t any popular M/M ships on this show. But Bones more than makes up for it with one of the great femslash pairings of all time. Before Booth came around, there was Angela. She was the one person who made Brennan feel tethered and loved. There’s never any judgment between them – no jealousy. Just an affectionate, open life partnership that canonically could have turned the corner at any minute.
Kim: ANYTHING SCORED TO THIS FUCKING SONG IS GUARANTEED TO MAKE ME WEEP. This is basically just the musical version of “What goes on between us…that should be ours.” LEAVE ME HERE.
“Just Give Me a Reason”
Sage: “Just Give Me A Reason” is my favorite “I love you, but you really fucked up” ballad. So if I had to relive the gambling/separation storyline at all, I’m glad it’s like this.
“Dance With Me Tonight”
Kim: So. Much. Goofy. Dancing. (Also WHY do I not remember these dancing promos??? They are glorious.)
“I Lived”
Sage: No, OneRepublic did not sponsor this post. (Though, they CAN support us on Patreon, if they’re so inclined.) But “I Lived” is such a great choice for a tribute to the entire Jeffersonian/FBI family and all their ups and downs. Births and deaths get their screentime, but so do the series’ best Double Dare-style lab experiments, small but memorable character moments (Brennan pressing her forehead to Zack’s at the hospital, PLEASE), and some really well-selected snatches of dialogue, starting with a matured and less rigid Brennan’s rationalization of the coexistence of science and love. For all 12 seasons of Bones, science and love pretty much covers it.
Bones Week will be back tomorrow and continue through the day of the series finale! But right now we’d love it if you shared some of YOUR favorite Bones fan videos in the comments.
My fave fan video is set to a very slow, but cool cover of “teenage dream” – I don’t know how, but they managed to match up the clips and lyrics perfectly.
Oh my god I found it and it’s amazing
Sorry I didn’t think to post link – glad you found it!
And I concur, vehemently! 🙂
Sweets death is going to kill me isn’t it? I stopped watching around the wedding, but I’ve been spoiled to his death. Do I need to make sure I’m alone when I watch it? The video here had me in tears.
No favorite video yet, but I will enjoy searching for one!
I would def watch alone.