Supernatural Season 12, Episode 19
“The Future”
Posted by Dawn and Erica
Two major things you need to know about this recap before we get started:
Yes, we finally got the angel back.
The fandom is in mourning over an inanimate object.
Let’s begin. This was a Robert Berens and Meredith Glynn-penned episode, which means there was a lot of action, making for a tight and tense hour that felt more like 20 minutes. In fact, a lot of fan reaction to this episode basically boiled down to “There’s no way that was an hour.” But it was. Time goes quickly when writing is done well.
Even on rewatch, it felt so fast. So the best way to handle this recap is by feels, in a series of lists. We are happy to welcome Rebecca back this week, too, because sometimes three fangirls are better than two.
Good Feels
1. WE GOT OUR ANGEL BACK. After WAY too many episodes of him missing in Heaven, we finally got Castiel back. And at first we thought, hooray, because he even told the Winchesters the truth about where he had been and why.
2. Angry Dean is Best Dean. Look, we love us some Dean. All kinds of Dean, like Badass Dean and Snarky Dean, Single-Man-Tear Dean, Sexy Dean, and even Demon Dean. But Angry Dean is some Chuckdamn terrific Dean, and boy did we get a lot of that this ep. We all know Dean has some issues, and abandonment issues are real high on that enormous list. Mary has not helped that this season, so when the angel skipped off to Heaven and wasn’t answering the phone, then showed up again without warning like it was no big deal, Dean was pissed. He was Purgatory Dean levels of pissed, which pretty much all of the SPN fandom agrees was one of the most amazing Deans. And it makes sense. Check the comparison below – on the left is scenes from 8×2, on the right is 12×19:

4. Lucifer is scary AF. Again, sometimes we forget this. Mark Pellegrino has a grand time chewing up the scenery as Lucifer the comedian, and most of the time it’s enjoyable. But it’s not really Lucifer; it’s not even really SPN’s Lucifer. Funny, snarky, wiseass Lucifer was the one created in Sam’s head, when Sam was hallucinating. Somehow, that version became the “real” Lucifer, which isn’t really canonical, even though it’s canon now. So we forget how absolutely frightening Lucifer can — and should — be. We got a reminder of that this week, and it was terrific in the true sense of the word–something that inspires terror. When Lucifer found out that Dagon lost Cas, Kelly, and therefore Lucifer’s unborn son, he was enraged. It was a slow burn of anger and more than a little madness over just about a minute and a half, and then the Morningstar lost his shit entirely. Watch:
Dawn: I am a horror fan. I love horror. I don’t scare easy. But I sat way back in my chair when Mark let out that scream of rage. It was perfectly terrifying.

Erica: See, that’s the stuff of nightmares right there. That’s the kind of scream that keeps you up at night, and how Dagon didn’t shit herself right then and there is beyond me, because I absolutely would have. And almost did, truth be told. And it is always amazing to me how Mark Pellegrino just…he just puts everything into a scene, especially this one. You could FEEL the madness and the anger in that scene. Well done. *clap*
Rebecca: Chained to a chair in the depths of Hell, he was able to reach out and cripple Dagon. He probably could have killed her, but he needs her, which is the other thing I missed about Lucifer; he strategizes. The fact that he punishes Dagon out of parental rage makes it even scarier.
Scary Luci (cause look at Dagon’s face tho):

5. Cas has his own room in the Bunker. Sure, it’s super Spartan and neat as a pin to the point where even Sam probably looks at that room and thinks it could use some personality, but that’s not the point. The point is Cas has his own room, in the Winchester home. He’s a Winchester now. Our hearts. So melt. Much love. And speaking of Cas and the Bunker and the Winchesters….
6. The subtext. OK, Destiel fans, we admit it. This ep was fuel for your fire and we will not fight you on it. Dean made Castiel a mixtape, FFS. Cas knew the thing we are going to talk about in a minute would be hidden under Dean’s *pillow.* It’s not our ship and it’s not canon, but you absolutely win this round. And we ain’t even mad atcha.

WTF Feels

And we are going to take a stand on this right here, right now — that thing is not “good.” That thing is its father’s son and nothing about that is good. It is a FETUS, kids. It’s not born yet. It’s not viable yet (as far as we know). But it is sentient, manipulative, and powerful. Powerful enough to take over the will of a powerful seraph who is one of God’s favorites. Voldemort fetus is not fucking around.
Erica: The fact that this even needs to be a conversation irks the crap out of me. Before he touched the belly and got all attached, it was an abomination. There was an entire episode about nephilim being abominations. But now? Because he touched the belly and felt it kick – now it’s okay for it to live? Now it’s not an abomination. NOW he can take the chance?!? Why?? What’s changed about it, other than Kelly’s whole “well, you’re gonna be the daddy now” thing. I just…I can’t even. Seriously, Cas, what is WRONG with you?

Rebecca: You remember that whole Great Flood thing that God did to cleanse the world? Yeah, he did that to rid the earth of the nephilim. He literally wiped out ALL of creation except some folks on a boat and a few critters, because that is how dangerous nephilim were to the world. Oh yeah, and they were also giants. Which Cas KNOWS. So there is absolutely no reason to spare this nephilim, which is the offspring of not just a bunch of horny angels who thought human women were hot, but a friggin’ Archangel. The most powerful Archangel, in fact. Cas has just been given a chance to make things right with the other angels, and the first thing he does is go “Nah, I felt a fetus kick, so I’m going to toss out everything I know and believe and hoped to achieve.” Something about that seems very, very wrong. They make it clear Cas isn’t human, so why is he having a human reaction to this fetus?
Dawn: Cas is a Winchester now. Winchesters form attachments to inappropriate women. Cas’ thing seems to be damsels in distress, especially ones with kids, like his boss at the convenience store back when he was human in Season 9. He thinks the grace extraction is going to work and then he and Kelly and Voldebaby are going to move to the burbs or something, and he will sing Voldebaby to sleep every night with the theme from “Greatest American Hero.” He means well, and he self-sacrifices like a Winchester. Shit, he wears guilt like he wears that trenchcoat now, like another second skin. Welcome to the family, Castiel. Help yourself to whiskey and self-loathing.
2. Writers, we have a request: either someone needs to make a decision about Lucifer and power or someone needs to seriously explain how much power Crowley *really* has, because something isn’t quite gelling. Yeah, ok, angelic wards are on the chains, but that doesn’t seem like enough, quite frankly. Also, Crowley bound Lucifer’s grace to the vessel, which strikes us as one hell of a neat trick. And then there was that thing in 12×12 where Crowley just casually snapped an archangel’s weapon in half. Yet, in this episode, Lucifer had enough power, while still in those chains, to not just communicate with Dagon but to put a pretty serious hurting on her. So either Lucifer is just biding his time (which doesn’t make a lot of sense, but sure, why not) or Crowley is a whole lot more powerful than previously explained. Please let it be the latter. We can forgive a multitude of plot holes if it’s the latter. Just saying.
3. Demonic prenatal care is really, really terrible. For someone who is so attached to Lucifer, Dagon makes a lousy nursemaid. We’re just not sure that chaining Lucifer’s babymomma to a wall with her hands over her head is conducive to optimal fetal health. Maybe she is jealous because she is Lucifer’s “side piece.”
4. Going back to Cas for a minute, can we just talk about the fact that he KNOCKED THE BOYS OUT WITH HIS ANGELIC TOUCH?? These are supposed to be his brothers. This is supposed to be his FAMILY. And he KNOCKED. THEM. OUT. After healing Dean’s arm. And heartbreakingly, Dean’s quiet “don’t” right before getting knocked out hurt like a mofo. We ask again,Cas: da fuq, dude?
Rebecca: He also left them unconscious in a playground next to the portal to Heaven. Because they are so well loved up there and all. I think we have to assume that Cas is no longer driving his vessel and instead is a tool of the most powerful fetus ever to gestate.
Dawn: IMPERIOUS CURSE, Y’ALL. Voldebaby has the angel.
Erica: #voldebaby needs to be a thing next episode, I think.
Angry Feels
1. CHUCKDAMNIT, CASTIEL You just play with our hearts, you cruel, sexy seraph. You disappear away off to Heaven and make us miss you for like three episodes, then you come back and just go running straight into Bad Decision Land. YOU TOOK THE COLT, CASTIEL. Dean’s response was spot-on.

And as if that wasn’t enough, you let Kelly steal Baby. And when the Heaven or Hell has it EVER worked out to do the opposite of what you and the boys already agreed was the smart choice? You are an idjit, Castiel. That’s right. Idjit.
2. DAGON MELTED THE COLT??? KILL HER. Pour one out for the Colt, SPN fans. We are in mourning over an inanimate object, and quite right, too. Dagon melted it. Butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, but our first-loved SPN weapon melted to sludge in her hand. Requiscat in peace, old friend. You were a terrific plot device and we will miss you. And speaking of Dagon…
3. Dagon is a Chuckdamned PRINCE of HELL, and we are NOT PLEASED that she was reduced to “Lucifer’s side piece.” Making her Lucifer’s delusional mistress SUCKED. It sucked. It robbed her of the power of an ambitious, (if psychotic), independent woman with her own agenda and turned her into the Devil’s whore. No. Just NO. Also, she instantly became less scary. You should have done better, SPN. You have done better. FFS, you created God’s own sister and she was pretty damn badass. Dagon may not have been our favorite villain but she deserved better than that. And speaking of screw-ups…
4. Please don’t air an episode with a suicide attempt without remembering to post a hotline message after the show. Especially this show, and all the hard work this cast has done and continues to do with regard to mental health awareness, suicide prevention, the Always Keep Fighting Campaign, and the Supernatural Crisis Support Network. So we will do it for you:
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 800-273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Chat: http://chat.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/GetHelp/LifelineChat.aspx
Next week, Mary returns, the awesome Hunter-Witch twins from 12×6 return, and Richard Speight, Jr., returns to the director’s chair. We’ve already started Dawn on a regimen of sedatives.

Featured Image Source: The CW
I have been tired of Cas’s screw ups and always finding justification for them for far too long. This is just repeating what has been happening ever since he has been on the show, but now it is worse. His constant stream of lies and deceit are no longer acceptable or forgivable. It is not just bad decision making anymore. He spouts all his love for the Winchesters, he’s going to kill the baby so they don’t have to, blah, blah, blah. Then he turns right around to become the baby’s protector and leaves is “family” vulnerable on the ground. It’s not the fact that he may be under the baby’s control, it’s about the fact that he has never learned from his mistakes. He should know by now that he needs to stand by and listen to the Winchesters yet he continues to leave them in the wind and do his own thing. Wrong on so many levels. Thank you for you comments about this. They are spot on.
There is very little to be said about the Winchesters since they were hardly in this episode at all. They were just side pieces to move along the other characters story arcs. That did not make me particularly happy, but I guess it was necessary. I did love it when Dean rephrased Sams “where have you been?” That was perfect Dean. It was good to see Sam using his brilliant mind.
All in all it was a decent episode, but they really need to do something to move it along. Let’s get the story arc back to the Winchesters and hunting. I can’t take to many more eps with Cas riding around in a truck making stupid decisions, whining about his mistakes and his guilt, and pretending like he is the baby daddy. Let’s see more of Crowley and how he is going to deal with Lucifer (or how Lucifer is going to deal with him). Let the war with the BMOL begin.
I know the rest of this season is filmed and written in stone. I can’t wait to see where the next four episodes take us. Hopefully they will be the best of the season and this will carry forward in to next season.
Great job you guys! 110% correct about the suicide scene; I was SHOCKED to see it and actually had to fast forward through it. TOTALLY irresponsible with this show.
And the COLT! For some reason I thought it would be indestructable! WTF? Really looking forward to next week’s show and your take on it.