Scandal Season 6, Episode 12
Posted by Kim
FINALLY ALL OUR CHARACTERS IN ONE ROOM AND WE GET FORWARD MOTION. This was a jam-packed episode, filled with epic group scenes as well as both familiar and unexpected combos for duet scenes. Let’s get right to it, shall we?
Liv wakes up the next morning, in Fitz’s bed, in his SHIRT. Soooooooooo that wasn’t a hallucination then. Olitz is back on.
LOOK AT THAT BREAKFAST SPREAD. Eli is living large in captivity with Fitz.
“You’re safe, Dad.” Sure he is.
“You continue to underestimate this enemy.”
“The only thing I can do is run.” Escape from the city and follow the sun.
“Mr. Pope.” “Mr. President.” Subtext: I hate you. I hate you more.
“I need to go to Paris.” “Do I look like a travel agent?” Okay, but I do live for this passive aggressive bitch fight.
“I don’t want to hear about some suicide mission!” Rowan is 100% done.
“You’re free to eat as many of my croissants as you want.”
Abby and Leo have breakfast in bed and it’s awkward. Leo knows something is up. “Tell me what I did.” OH PUPPY.
“Not everything is about you. I run a whole damn country.”
“My boyfriend’s shortcomings run low on the list.”
Luna Vargas is doing the talk show circuit talking about how fear begets fear in the wake of Frankie’s assassination.
“Quinn coming in today?” “You tell me.” Huck and Charlie are SUPER awkward, as is this love triangle of weirdos.
“I know you and Elizabeth were close.” AHAHAHAHAHA yeah they were. PS What Happened To Susan Ross? Coming soon to a theatre near you.
“Where is she?” “You’re standing on her.” Awww, Jake took him to the random spot in the woods where he dumped her body.
“I believed that underneath that vitriol and blind ambition, she had a good heart.” RIP LizzieBear, we’ll miss you.
Mellie pouting with Sarah Ponytail means so much to me.
“She’s a bit more partial to knives.” Watch out for Mellie’s new assistant, y’all.
“Look at Betty Bossypants! Isn’t she adorable?” I want to give Sarah Ponytail a Feelie for Best One Liners.
“You have to allow me to do something!!” Mellie refuses to be a Lame Duck President for four years.
“The word ‘My’ isn’t in our vocabulary anymore.”
“There’s someone here to see you…” Hey Big Bad Peus is here.
“I suggest you get to the point.” Olivia has no time for him.
“Tough to be VP when you’re out there covering up murders.” They have pictures of Jake cleaning up LizzieBear’s murder scene because of course.
“Release them.” “I’m sorry?” Liv is like I DARE YOU FUCKER.
“I’m pretty sure that would tank her as well.” Bad VP = Bad Mellie = They Lose
Peus wants to be VP LOL.
“It’s going to make it that much sweeter when I destroy you.”
“What do we do?” “I have no idea.”
“I’m supposed to be protecting Mellie.” JAKE BALLARD IS A PRINCE.
“I’d like to see them try.” Jake is not afraid of death threats. I mean, I wouldn’t be either if I was his B613 trained ass.
“Now’s our time to do something, to make our move!” He’s also tired of sitting around and letting Sarah Ponytail run the show.
Quinn is having NONE of Abby’s nonsense.
Charlie’s MIA. “He probably just forgot to tell me his plans,” Quinn says awkwardly. PLEASE DON’T LET THEM BREAK-UP.
“The President Elect’s got a big day at the White House!” Time to announce that new VP elect and Mellie looks like she wants to die.
“Who just up and skips town like that right?” Sarah Ponytail loves to pretend that she DIDN’T smash LizzieBear’s head in with a fire poker.
“You betcha!”
“Let’s see that winning Mellie smile of yours!”
“You can cut the act, I know who you are.” Fitz has no time for niceties with Sarah Ponytail. It’s refreshing that he just cuts the shit.
The Secret Service storm in! The White House is under a security threat. Sarah Ponytail and Abby are separated from Mellie and Olivia and put in one of the White House Bunkers, much to Sarah’s dismay.
Liv and Mellie are brought into another room only to be confronted with THE DREAM TEAM aka most of the cast. Let’s fucking GO.
“Should we get started?” YES PLEASE.
The whole threat against The White House was orchestrated by OPA, down to Huck piloting the drone.
“Charlie thinks that you and me that we have feelings for each other.” Huck puts it all out in the open when Quinn is all “Why is he ignoring me?”
“We need a candidate.” WHO will be VP?
“I have one in mind.” Mellie turns to Cyrus. We’re back to this concept of a Unity Ticket, except Mellie is in charge and I can get on board with that.
“I shot Frankie Vargas. The question is, who would you like me to shoot now?” Rowan is like WTF am I here?
“Say it, Mr. President.” “We need your help.” HOW MUCH DID THAT PAIN HIM THOUGH.
“NO.” Ahahahahaha Rowan.
“What’s Defiance?” Oh Marcus. Stay pure forever.
“Don’t tell me to shut up. My life is on the line!”
It hasn’t even been five minutes and everyone is at each other’s throats. The sheer amount of EGO in this room.
“She begged me. Begged me to spare you.” Fitz has to prove that he’s the most important here.
“Show your daughter some damn respect.”
“So you could buy your way back into my daughter’s bed?” I MEAN IT IS TRUE AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT.
“There is a single word, Olivia. Mercy.”
Fitz tries to comfort Olivia and she just says “Don’t.” There is hope for us yet.
“I was just wondering if you could use something a little stronger…” YES give me all the Cyrus and Rowan scenes.
“There must be something wrong with me. Relationships shouldn’t always end in devastation.” David is finally realizing he doesn’t always make the best choices when it comes to women.
“Why can’t I fall for one of them?” I mean I get what they are saying with this whole Strong Women vs. “Headband Women” thing but I am also offended by it.
“All I want to do is say “What the hell happened to you lady?'” MEN LIKE YOU HAPPENED TO THEM FITZ.
“You’re just attracted to women who don’t wear headbands.”
“If she loves you, she can be any kind of tornado she wants.” BUT ONLY IF SHE LOVES YOU.
“This is what we’re reduced to: drinking wine in the basement.” A good life, TBH.
“What I always liked about you, why we always got along, was at our core, we wanted the same things. At our core we are patriots.”
Cyrus approaches Rowan with the corkscrew. WHAT ARE YOU DOING CY?
“You actually think you can kill me?” It’s cute that Cyrus thought he could get the jump on him.
“He was better than us. He was better.” I don’t think Cyrus will ever get over losing Frankie Vargas.
“Let’s not pretend like we’re some unified team.” Jake always cuts RIGHT to the heart of the matter.
“You think this is about Fitz?” “I don’t know, Olivia, but when isn’t it?” SEE WHAT I MEAN.
“Look, I don’t know much, and I am pretty twisted myself, but I do know that doing the same thing over and over again when you know the end result is the definition of insanity.”
“I would prefer it if you didn’t call me crazy, and I will refrain from calling you pathetic and weak and jealous.”
“You know he’s not the answer.” SO WISE, JAKE. SO WISE.
“I’m not looking for anyone to save me. I saved him, I saved you and I don’t have time to sit around to nurture your feelings because I have to save Mellie.”
“Everybody can plot and scheme all they want but the gun is to MY head.” Don’t despair, Mellie, Marcus is here.
“I won’t let them.” SET ME ON FIRE.
“Do you think I did the right thing? Fighting for the Oval?” He is her moral compass, end me.
“Are you going to sit here and mope or are you going to make the world a better place?” AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
“You have power whether these fools recognize it or not.” Help.
“You’re Mellie Grant. You don’t give up.”
“You know what I’d be telling Cyrus right now if he were in your shoes? If you’d let him win? I’d tell him to go home. I’d say he’s too selfish and egotistical, that he can’t see clearly. But you are strong and clear-headed, patient, exacting. You’re a leader. So let us worry about the gun to your head.”
Meanwhile in the bunker, Sarah Ponytail is realizing that this whole thing is a diversion. “If you’re daring to mess with me…”
“You’ll kill Leo? We’re not together anymore. I’d point you to my friends, but thanks to you, I’ve lost them, too, so threaten me all you want. I have nothing left for you to take.” I mean, to be FAIR, Abby pretty much gave all those things away, but let’s not mince words.
“Who says I’m not up to it? I’m done losing. If they push back, we’ll push back even harder.” She’s so Presidential I want to cry.
“I don’t want it.” Mellie says fuck it, she’s naming her own VP. But Cyrus doesn’t want it. Not without Frankie.
“It has to be someone pure, someone unimpeachable, someone who’s brave enough to step into this mess with us and not back down from the fight.”
“It depends. Would you rather hang out with me or Charlie?” Oh right. That’s still happening in this episode. SO MUCH. Anyway, Huck finds Charlie and Quinn goes a-runnin.
“He and I have history. It was confusing.”
“It WAS love but it wasn’t THIS kind of love. Quinn and Charlie love.” OH THANK GOD.
“You’re embarrassing yourself.” That’s Charlie-speak for I LOVE YOU SO MUCH NEVER LEAVE ME AGAIN.
“How does it feel to be so utterly useless?” Sarah watches from the bunker in horror as Mellie names her VP.
“That’s the first thing you learn. Presidents rarely do what you want them to do. They’re like kids in that way You got to keep your eye on ’em.” Abby should know.
“Olivia Pope. How nice to finally make your acquaintance.” YES FINALLY.
“I took Mellie back. I am now her chief of staff, and you are now our prisoner.” Oh my GOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD.
“Your mistake was thinking you could take what’s mine. And should you make that mistake again, remember this. You can’t take Olivia Pope.”
“Olivia Pope takes YOU.”
“You ready for a fight?” I AM.
Will Olivia REALLY manage to keep Sarah prisoner? Is Olitz on or off? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
*Featured Image Source: ABC
Gillian says
Holy shit I forgot about Susan HOW COULD I?!? And God, please let Mellie and Marcus be. I ask for so little.*
*So much, constantly.
God that LC gif. I want to use it for so many things.
Also, headbands = not strong/powerful. Let me introduce you to my friend, BLAIR WALDORF, MOTHER FUCKERS.
Also, as always, fuck Fitz forever. Even when he’s as redeeming as possible, I still hate him so much.
HeadOverFeels says
Gillian says
Your gifs are perfect. There was a LOT.