Scandal Season 6, Episode 14
“Head Games”
Posted by Kim
When Scandal seemingly wrapped up the Peus storyline last week, with both Sarah Ponytail and Peus being you know, murdered, Sage and I were left pondering JUST WHAT Shonda had in store for the final three episodes of the season. Fasten your seatbelts, kids. Things are about to get real.
Marcus is leading a press conference about Fitz’s final days in office. WE ARE ALMOST FREE OF PRESIDENT FITZ Y’ALL.
“The President will continue to be both passionate and eager, Carol, with a long list of interests he still hopes to tackle.” Meanwhile, Fitz and Olivia are DOING IT. Passionately and eagerly.
Mellie and Luna pose for their Presidential Portrait. I say that’s my baby and I’m really proud.
Quinn is trying on wedding dresses.
“You look beautiful.” HUCK IS THE MAID OF HONOR. Actual preview of his speech:
“We are not done. We aren’t even close to being done.” Marcus is really giving the hard sell for Fitz in this press conference.
“I am retiring. My work here is finally done.” Rowan, on the other hand, is done.
“I trust you are not here to try to keep that from happening.” Rowan to David: Bish, don’t even.
“No, I’m not here in any official capacity. Ah. I’m here…well, I’m here to ask about Samantha, the mean one with the ponytail.” David needs answers other than just “You have terrible taste in women.”
“She had a toothbrush in my bathroom, red.”
“If you knew how it felt to be used, someone pretends to love you and then uses you to try to torpedo democracy…” STOP TALKING DAVID.
“I may have something that could help.”
“You’re scared of trusting her. Abby.” Fitz is sorting through files of people to pardon, ignoring the advice of his Chief of Staff because he’s still punishing her.
“Don’t you have another President to challenge and annoy?” I hate him.
“I could stay and tell you which ones I recommend…” Poor Abby is TRYING.
“Work from home? Sir, let’s not do this.”
“I told you about all the horrible things I did because I needed a friend and you agreed, and now you’re holding it against me.” HYPOCRITE.
“We haven’t had a case in forever.” Remember when OPA was an actual business?
“Trust me, Robin, Olivia’s already got one foot out the door.” Charlie KNOWS.
“This is her legacy. Right Huck?” Quinn refuses to let go.
“We need a slam dunk case that will reflect well on the President.” Olivia passes off the pardons to the Gladiators and Quinn is all “SEE? We’re FINE.”
“I-I need to put this in the freezer or the fridge, but there was no room in my freezer or my fridge, and I thought Abby has a massive freezer and fridge, which is bizarre because she never has any food anywhere.” David shows up at Abby’s all twitchy and clutching a box.
“What’s in the box?” I think we all know.
“David is this some kind of joke? David…is this a human head?” IT IS SARAH/SAMANTHA/GRACE’S ACTUAL HEAD.
“It was a gift from Rowan.”
“Was it your birthday?” THIS IS EVERYTHING.
“He gives me a head, I take a head. I say ‘Thank you for the head.'”
“So fridge or freezer?”
“I’d skip Jefferson if I were you.” Marcus preps Fitz for his final interview and he wants to compare himself to the Founding Fathers which OKAY.
Fitz starts waxing poetic on the Brandon Bill and Marcus has no time for his white man savior complex.
“I’m saying they’re just numbers.”
“Who exactly do you think you’re talking to?” It’s REAL RICH that Fitz is saying all of this to a man of color, y’all.
OPA picks their case. It’s Clarence Parker, a black man imprisoned for allegedly killing a white man who bombed a church. The bomber is known as Bobby the Bigot, in case you had any question about just where this is gonna go.
“Guys, I think there is something wrong with our justice system.” Listen, Imma need Charlie to be a permanent cast member next season because I LIVE for his deadpan asides.
“This pardon is not just for me. It’s for all those folks back home. They need justice, too, Ms. Perkins.” Quinn’s invested now.
Quinn presents the case to Olivia and she barely pays attention. “You guys don’t need me, you’re good to handle this.”
“Like I said. We don’t have to go home Robin but we can’t stay here.”
Abby calls in Jake to deal with the head. “Remember this next time you want to bring a head to my house,” she sneers at David. I propose a spin-off with these three.
“I’m the Chief of Staff of the United States of America!” “And I’m the Director of the NSA, and he’s the Attorney General, and if these walls could talk.” Sarcastic Jake is my favorite Jake.
“Abby, I don’t think you should be attempting to dictate what’s right and what’s wrong for any of us ever again.” I take it back, Judgey Jake is my favorite Jake.
“Stop talking David.”
“Oh no, Liv, that ship has sailed. Marcus and I are over.” “You sure about that?” YEAH ARE YOU THIS IS IMPORTANT.
“Maybe not now, but four, eight years from now? Mellie it doesn’t have to be over.” All of the sudden Olivia is the captain of the SS Mellicus.
“Who wants to go on a road trip?” The gladiators take matters into their own hands and track down Bobby the Bigot’s buddies.
HA HA their trip leads them to a bar with a big old Hollis Doyle banner in it.
“An innocent black fella, huh? Ain’t no such thing.” Listen, I’d love to think this is exaggerated for TV but…
“It was you. You killed Bobby.” Redneck bartender is ACTUALLY the one who killed Bobby the Bigot because he took credit for HIS bombing.
“I learned it by watching Liv.” Huck is super proud of Quinn’s deductions.
“Take Nacho here with you.”
“I was really hoping there’d be trouble.” Charlie was there the whole time incognito in a Doyle hat. OT3 FEELS.
“You…racists.” This is fucking delightful.
“So, what’s the plan? Get a boat? Start deep-sea fishing charters?” “That would require dealing with stupid human beings.” Rowan just wants to live on an island alone. I don’t blame him.
“From where you’ll be standing, there is no place for others, for love. It’s easy to say before you have power, but then you have it. And your head begins to expand, telling you that you can do anything, that you deserve everything, that you have earned the right to happiness, to love, to family, that you may now break the one golden rule. And that’s when you know that you’ve failed.” I need Rowan to stay, if only for these operatic speeches.
“You have it The Oval, and not as First Lady. My girl.” He’s so proud.
“David stop hovering and come in.” RELUCTANT BED SHARING IS MY FAVORITE TROPE.
They make an actual pillow wall, I love it.
“I thought I was a good person before all this.” YES WE KNOW DAVID.
“And now I keep thinking “Why me?” How did she know to pick me? Did she look at me and just see it, see that I’m greedy enough, ruthless enough, callous enough to stick my arm in and dig the bullets out of the corpse of a man who would be president?”
“I never thought I was a good person, David. But I didn’t know that I could be an evil one.”
“Wanna go poke our freezer head with chopsticks?” OKAY I NEED THESE TWO TO BE BEST FRIENDS AND HE NEEDS TO HELP HER GET LEO BACK.
“Quinn, you’re in my office.” Oh, this is not gonna end well.
“I didn’t hear any proof.” Quinn presents her case but Olivia is not moved.
“Since when is the President’s legacy our concern?” YES TELL HER.
“When did you stop gladiating?” Circa season four?
“You do not come in here and you do not yell at me.”
“You have your own office. It’s down the hall. Get out of mine and shut this case down.”
“B613 ended and here I am! I’m still working.” WHEN DID CHARLIE BECOME MY FAVE?
“Doesn’t mean we have to stop being gladiators.”
“This is…it’s round.”
“My gut and that will have to be enough for you.” I’m so proud of her.
“No. I’m not leaving, Sir.”
“She’s not my boss. Not this Olivia.”
“No. This Olivia works for the President-Elect. This Olivia wants things to be safe. This Olivia needs to protect relationships and make sure the country is on her side. That’s not my Olivia.”
“My Olivia works for the people. My Olivia rocks the boat because no one else will. My Olivia doesn’t give a crap about your legacy and paving the way for a smooth transition of power. My Olivia would have marched through that door and shoved that petition down your throat. That’s my Olivia! But she’s not here anymore. So I’m here instead.” I AM CRYING.
“I’d like you to stay on.” Mellie offers Marcus the job…and he turns it down because HE is the one who will be running Fitz’s foundation. (So does that mean Abby is out of a job?)
“I didn’t get into politics to gain power. I did it to make a difference.” PURE.
“If you want to make a real difference, then stay here with me. We make a great team, remember?” I’m DYING here.
“I’m not Olivia Pope.” WELL DAMN.
“Goodbye Madam President Elect, I wish you all the best.” NO NO NO NO
“Do not disappoint me again.” Jake discovers that Sarah/Samantha/Grace/Gertrude was answering to someone ABOVE Peus. Ruh-roh.
Fitz’s Foundation is going to be based around helping people like Campbell. Marcus, you beautiful son of a bitch.
“I’d like them to say he’s just getting started.” This is a Fitz I think I can get behind. Just don’t be all white man savior. Who am I kidding? He will.
“You gave us a case, and you asked us to handle it, and that’s what I did. I handled it. I did what was best for the client, not what was easy or politically efficient, because one pardon won’t make or break the President or Mellie.”
“I needed to know that you could handle that.”
“Quinn. This is your office now.”
“You’re not evil, Abby, not even close.”
“What matters I know who the bigger bad is.” Jake has scoured the security footage and saw a familiar face. The team rushes to stop Rowan from leaving the country.
“You’re the only choice. You know her better than anyone.” Oh….IS IT?
“You said I’d be safer with you gone, right? Mm. Well, who’s gonna protect me from her?” OH MY GOD IT IS.
What madness does Mama Pope have in store for us? Find out in tonight’s 2 Hour Finale! Until then, leave your thoughts on “Head Games” in the comments.
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