Scandal Season 6, Episode 15
“Tick Tock”
Posted by Sage
In the final moments of the last episode, Maya Pope came sauntering back into our lives. Could she be the big boss of Sarah Ponytail and Peus? She’s denying it, but… she would, wouldn’t she?
Scandal closed out its sixth season with a two-part, and that means – you guessed it – TWO gif-caps. I’m taking you through the first hour, and Kim will pick up for the second. Until then, try to pretend like you don’t know exactly what’s going to happen. TO THE GIFS!
“Remember when we used to hate the Patriot Act?” The whole team is tracking Maya and Mr. Attorney General has jokes about the freedoms of American citizens.
“Since we learned that Maya, the mother of the President Elect’s Chief of Staff is America’s next top monster.”
“This is not personal. We’re just stepping stones on her way to a paycheck.” “There’s profit in chaos.” Consensus seems to be that Maya is doing this for money, which means she’s probably not.
In her lair (there’s no better way to describe it), Maya has a map of the inauguration parade route. “Mellie. She’s going to assassinate Mellie.” NOW you care about your wife, Fitz?
“Okay so it’s official. Everyone in your family has wanted me dead at one point or another… Anybody else climbing out of this clown car?”
“Did you redecorate in here?” In a very annoying scene, the OPA boys judge Quinn’s art and furniture choices. She’s NESTING, okay guys?
Maya is about to bone a secret service agent for intel when Jake interrupts them.
“I came here to help.” Maya claims that she’s protecting Liv.
In what was probably the best few minutes of the whole two-hour finale (and what should score Khandi Alexander a Guest Actress Emmy), she waits to be interrogated. And not silently.
(Bet you thought I was going to go with Cameron there, didn’t you? Keeping you on your toes.)
“I tell you, being a black woman, “Be strong,” they say. Support your man, raise a man, think like a man. Well, damn. I got to do all that?” Oh, this is glorious.
“Black women out here trying to save everybody, and what do we get? Swagger jacked by white girls wearing cornrows and bamboo earrings. Ain’t that a bitch? But we still try.” Maya, yes.
“That’s why I’m here. Trying and saving and trying to save, like we do. Here I am. Admirable or ridiculous? Baby, you tell me.” For as off-the-wall Shakespearean as this show is, it’s always real about how unaccommodating this society is to black women.
“You coming in here or what? Tick, tock, Eli.” POPE SHOWDOWN, LET’S GOOOOO.
“Are we not allowed to talk about personal stuff in the office anymore?” Charlie is being a petulant child about Boss Lady Quinn and it’s distracting from saving Mellie from assassination, so I’m mad at him.
Liv hires OPA to figure out what Maya is doing. Then she notices the new chair.
You don’t work here anymore, Olivia. Get over it.
Huck wants to go with Liv. He tells her to be careful. Aw, lonely monster. He just wants to help.
“I remember. You remember Ocean City too, don’t you, baby?” Maya plies Rowan with tales of their fleeting domestic bliss.
But when he interrogates her, she says she had nothing to do with the “Fund for American Renewal.”
“Now I came here to do a job that despite all of your flaws, I always trusted you to handle: Protect our daughter.”
“Her. That’s how they got to you.” Maya knew about Sandra. She seems a little sad about it, tbh.
“I couldn’t make you happy because your happiness was not the mission. But I loved you. And Eli, you deserve to be loved.” “That was the best vacation we ever had.” Olivia hears the whole thing.
The news is predicting one of the largest inauguration crowds ever (heh), because of all the women coming to town to watch Mellie take office.
“They’re not all dead.” Quinn invites Abby to OPA to help with the investigation, and there’s still so much tension. But does she have a choice at this point?
“Who has friends in North Korea?” “Why would you think we had friends in North Korea?” “I got it.” “I have more friends in North Korea than you do. I used to kill there on the regular.” Just get a ruler and measure them.
“I never spent it.” “What do you want Abby? A medal?” Abby wants to donate her earnings from the Peus deal and Quinn understandably could not give one shit.
“You believe her.” “It doesn’t matter.” “It DOES matter.” Olivia tracks the Rowan is believing Maya’s story, despite her long career of, you know, being a terrorist.
“I don’t know why everyone always says little girls dream about weddings. Who dreams about WEDDINGS?” Fitz advises Mellie to cancel her inauguration. Literally over her dead body.
“Because I know what it feels like to be shot.”
OPA can’t tie Maya to the plot.
“People change, Robin. Look at us.” Charlie is still being salty because he can’t deal with his girlfriend being his boss.
“We followed the money. Maya didn’t hire the assassin. She IS the assassin.”
“Two peas in a pod, you and him.” Maya tells Olivia she blames herself for letting Rowan shape her into his image. Olivia doesn’t like to hear that she’s been shaped by ANYONE. Oh, honey.
So… she jumps onto the table and CHOKES her mother with her bare hands. “You can get inside my head. You can’t pull my strings. Because I am NOTHING like him.”
“If I hadn’t pulled her off, she would have strangled her to death.”
“This is not just a ceremony. Not for us… This is THEIR moment. This is THE moment.” Someday we’ll get this lady-friendly inauguration and I have some ideas:
“We are telling them that sure, a woman can be president but it doesn’t deserve as much pomp and circumstance as every man who’s taken the office.”
“We won’t do it, will we?” “No. We won’t.” Olivia will not make Mellie cancel her day, thank god.
“We’re not pressing charges. We’re letting her go.” Fitz freaks out about Olivia’s plan, despite not having contributed one of his own.
“We’re using you, mom. As bait.” They put a tracking chip in her and set a trap for the real assassins.
“If you cross me, I will hunt you down myself and I will kill you.”
Jake asks Olivia if she’s okay. “Never been better.”
“I’m pregnant.” “Okay.” Quinn tells abby of all people, and it turns out to be a good call. Abby’s is exactly the perspective she needs.
“People like Charlie, people like me. We’re dangerous. How can we…how can I?” Psychopath baby, coming to ABC this fall!
“Thank you for your help today. It was nice.” *whispers* Hire her back, Quinn.
“What have you done?” “Wine’s on the table.” Rowan is furious at Liv for letting Maya go.
“Nature abhors a vacuum. Had B6-13 continued, none of this would have happened.” Eli tells Fitz he should reinstitute B6-13 with one last executive order and run it himself. Ooooorrrr he could quietly retire and I’d never have to listen to him again?
“Believe me when I tell you, my mother will not fail me.” I mean, she’d better not.
“When will we know something?” “You’ll know when you know, baby.” Maya may be trying to protect Olivia, but she won’t recognize any of these jamokes as the boss of her.
“Olivia is the power now. Without B6-13, there’ll be no check on her. She is the disease, and she’ll end up ruined. I can see that path for Olivia as clearly as I can see my own image in the mirror.”
Scandal is setting up OLIVIA as the biggest threat to the republic in its finale season, and isn’t this where we’ve always been headed? Absolute power corrupts something something, but first, we have to see if Mellie can survive her own party. Keep an eye out for Kim’s finale gif-cap, heading your way soon!
Featured Image Source: ABC
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