Scandal Season 7, Episode 3
“Day 101”
Posted by Kim
I mean…I guess it had to happen. Tony Goldwyn IS still a principal cast member, after all. After two episodes all about Mellivia ruling the world, I GUESS we had to catch up with Fitz. I guess.
LOL The people holding up the “Where’s Olivia?” signs when Fitz arrives in Vermont.
I want to live in Fitz’s house though.
Oh, RIGHT. Fitz and Olivia DID have that whole Bodyguard kiss before he left. I had forgotten. (So has Olivia IMO.)
Ah, eager young Tad all ready to be head of Fitz’s staff.
Meanwhile, Fitz can’t even bother to call him by his actual name.
“You can call me Ted, I don’t mind!”
“I want to make my own turkey sandwiches!” Fitz fires the entire staff because he can make his own damn sandwiches.
We get a montage of Fitz trying to acclimate to common life again doesn’t know how to do anything.
He can’t even activate his debit card or use a chip reader.
Also who spends $300 on groceries when they live alone?
He’s making all this food for JUST HIM and I am just like HOW WASTEFUL.
I miss Mellie and Olivia
Fitz has a pistol with a nameplate and surely this has some sort of significance but I don’t really care?
Marcus is currently living it up in Cuba.
Marcus goes home ready to WORK. He takes Fitz on a run where they end up overlooking the land where Fitz’s library will be built. This is a very Shonda thing to do.
“This is our next chapter, Marcus.”
Fitz watches the news discussing Mellie’s education bill and gets all “Mellie may need me on this.” SIT DOWN SON.
“100 days out of respect for the new President.” Marcus shuts that shit down REAL FAST, bless him.
“I hate asking people for money. What am I offering these people?” Fitz drags his heels about donors for the library because of course he does.
“Let’s discuss Olivia.” “What about Olivia?” “How much is she going to be featured in your library?” Ohhhhhhh.
“Olivia worked in your White House, advised you, ran your campaigns, lived with you. She was America’s first-ever First Girlfriend. She stood tall in front of the American people and assured them you’d be okay after you got shot, and now she’s the Chief of Staff to the President that succeeded you.”
“Olivia is Hillary Clinton, Beyonce, Oprah, and Sista Souljah all in one.” YEAH SHE IS.
“When I was driving in from the airport last week, there was a house with “Olitz” written on the front in Christmas lights.” I mean I laugh at this but I would most likely 100% write out LARRY in Blue and Green Christmas lights if I had the chance, so who am I to judge?
“Does Cyrus get his own wing?” Why is he being SO PETULANT?? Silly question.
“I spent 8 years in the most powerful office in the world, running the most powerful nation in the world, and you’re basically telling me I’ve been reduced to a man who loved a woman.”
“Welcome the plight of almost every successful woman in the history of mankind.” MARCUS.
“That used to be me.” Marcus and Fitz go for drinks where they watch a young black student protest for the removal of a statue by tying himself to it until the Mayor and Governor takes notice.
“You haven’t spoken to Mellie? What happened with you two?” For SOME reason, Fitz thinks this kind of convo passes for bonding? Marcus is like NOPE.
“I think Mellie’s an amazing person. She’s gonna be an amazing President. That’s her focus. She’s focused on that. Which I can respect.” My poor Mellicus heart.
“Olivia was my Communications Director. She ran my second campaign. That’s how she should be featured. Same as Cyrus. Olivia didn’t define my Presidency.” Sure she didn’t.
Day 74 and Steve the student is still protesting the statue. Fitz won’t use his Presidential clout to pressure the mayor to do something because he is the WORST. “The last thing we need to do in our new town is stick our nose into local politics. Particularly on an issue this complicated and divisive.”
“Is it? Complicated?” Marcus is clearly reaching the end of his rapidly fraying rope.
Marcus’ face during this golf story is me during this episode.
Marcus’ face at “Muchas Gracias, chico” though. Everyone needs to STOP because he’s about to blow.
“Then I guess we’re gonna need some more whiskey.” “Shouldn’t have dismissed the help.” “Marcus.” “What?” “Scrounge us up another bottle.” OH NO HE DIDN’T.
“You can get it yourself. You love independence, right?” YAS MARCUS YAS.
Should have stayed at the White House, boo. Mellie would never do you this way.
“You cant fire me because I quit!” YEAH YOU DO.
“My problem is is that I’m stuck in a freezing-ass town with a lonely, sad-ass man who can’t do anything for himself.” THIS IS FIRE.
“Did I not say please?” OH MY GOD FITZ SHUT UP.
“You’re always pissed off about something. Always wronged, always looking for something or someone to be angry about.” SOMEONE HOLD ME BACK.
“Not everyone is out to get you, Marcus.” Listen.
“You work for me. And you will behave professionally.” OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.
“You don’t know anything about me except that I keep your Internet running, arrange your days out, and laugh at your stories! You know how many times in the past two months I had to hear you talk about Bubba and his damn clubs? Six! Six times! I hate Bubba Watson, and I don’t even know him!”
“You said we were a team. That you needed me. But I didn’t think that meant that I was going to be a glorified valet! This ain’t Buckingham Palace, and you damn sure don’t have a crown on your head.”
“You are an insane narcissist, the worst kind of entitled because you don’t even realize you are entitled!” FIRE FIRE FIRE FIRE.
“Your record? Your accomplishments? Are Olivia’s! A black woman held you up, and now you’re screaming to everyone about how well you fly.”
“You took the first woman who successfully managed a Presidential campaign and turned her into just another home-wrecking black ho.I guess you can call that an accomplishment, except people like you have been doing that to black women for centuries!”
“You want what I have. Power. And you have latched on to whatever person you can to help advance that goal.”
“You’re a joke.” “You’re a coward.” FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT PLEASE FIGHT.
And now they are beating the shit out of each other. A secret service guy intervenes far too quickly in my humble opinion.
OMG MARCUS CALLS HER. You can pry this ship out of my cold dead hands. They are meant to be.
“What did he do?” “He doesn’t have any respect for me, and frankly, he’s lazy.” MELLIE’S FACE THOUGH.
“You are in stage 2 of a relationship with Fitzgerald Grant.Stage one was when he showed you that he was passionate, capable, inspired, when he made you feel like you could conquer the world with him.” BITCH SHOW ME WHERE HE DOES THIS.
“Stage two You realize he is exactly what he was raised to be Entitled, selfish, unmotivated. You wonder why you’re with him and where your own life went and why you gave it all up for him.” UH HUH.
I hate Mellie waxing poetic about Fitz with every fiber of my being.
Like why are we apologizing for him? Show me one good thing he’s done. One. HONESTLY.
“I’m proud of you.” MY HEART.
“You’re welcome, Madam President.” LEAVE ME HERE.
“If I wanted to kill another President, you would have been dead 30 seconds ago.” Oh hey, Papa Pope.
“You haven’t seen anything strange in the house since you’ve arrived?” He’s lost his marbles.
“She? Is my problem. She’s your problem, too. She’s the problem of every living, breathing human being who cares about our Republic. You have been had, robbed, bamboozled.” Men are so dramatic.
“Olivia has shoplifted B613 right out from under you!”
“I had checks and balances. I had limitations. Olivia has none. It is her throne, it is her crown. She’s Command, she owns the Oval. She is the dictator of a country that does not know it no longer exists. There is no American way, there is only Olivia’s way.”

“Who runs the world? One girl.”
“I left Washington. I did my time. It’s my past. Olivia’s my past. If you’re telling the truth, if she’s Command then you handle it.” ALWAYS PASSING THE BUCK THIS GUY.
“My child is slipping away. The woman that we love is disappearing into the darkness, and I just want help. I need you to help me. I need you to help her.” Nope.
“Pull her back before she is gone. Decide quickly, because she doesn’t have a lot of time.” So help me GOD, if this is how the show ends.
“You throw a mean punch. I can hardly move my jaw.” Much to my dismay, Marcus comes back.
“I said some things.” “You did. So did I.” MAN APOLOGIES.
“When the 100 days is up, I need to go back to Washington.” AS LONG AS YOU TAKE MARCUS WITH YOU.
“Before we leave, I’d like to do something meaningful.” YAS THEY GO TO THE STATUE WHERE STEVE IS STILL PROTESTING.
Fitz takes a selfie with Steve, who was on the verge of giving up. That goes viral, natch. The statue goes down. STEVE WINS.
Which brings us to exactly where we ended last week. Fitz at Olivia’s door. Sigh.
What did you think of this week’s All Fitz Extravaganza? Let us know in the comments.
[…] week, Scandal showed us what Fitz was up to during Mellie’s first 100 days. (Making turkey sandwiches, saying racist things to Marcus.) […]