Oh man, has this been the summer of the blindside. There hasn’t been one eviction that has gone 100% according to plan, and I am 100% LIVING for it. Look at how wonderful this show can be when you bring in an entirely fresh batch of houseguests. We’ve got people expertly playing both side, drama shooting through the roof, and eviction nights that have at least one player’s jaw dropping to the floor. THIS is the show I fell in love with all those years ago. And with Bayleigh wearing the HOH key around her neck, this week has been on par with the rest of them. Alliance members are turning on each other, effective bullshit last plea speeches are being given, and a houseguest that has previously done absolutely nothing is now forced to get up off their ass and make a goddamn move in this game. Most of all, we’ve got good TV coming from just about everyone in that place…even the ones I actively despise.
Let’s tune back into the chaos, shall we?
“She caused a lot of drama for me in the house.” FAYSAL. Jesus god, man. YOU caused yourself a lot of drama for pulling dick moves on Kaitlyn when you didn’t need to. Check yourself.
JC voted to evict Rockstar to bring paranoia into the house. Which works, because once he starts denying it, everyone’s thinking it was Scottie because he looked uncomfortable. Keep stirring that pot, dude.
Every time Brett brings up that he’s a cyber security guy, I don’t believe him. I know people lie about their job to other houseguests all the time, but has there ever been a houseguest who lies to America about it?
They’re literally sliding into your DMs in the HOH comp. This isn’t just on the nose, they straight up crushed the nose.
“This week, I’m still trying to lay low.” Okay, Angela…we’re legitimately one month into this game, and every week, I forget that you’re a person in this house until you go into the diary room to vote on Thursdays. I’m always genuinely surprised when I see your face. So please do something? Anything? …No? Okay.
Bayleigh is the new HOH. You know what? I’m actually kind of intrigued about this. I can finally know what her strategy’s about.
Tyler is convincing Bayleigh that Kaitlyn was his number one, voting her out was the hardest thing in the world, and he’s a free agent now. AND IT WORKS. The way he’s just sliding past all of the drama is insane. So either he’s going to take this whole thing, or since this is Big Brother, a bitter jury is going to make him come in second because everyone conveniently forgot the point of this game.
Hard pass for that “fun” Faysal/JC segment, The Tall & Short of It. When I asked for a buddy comedy, I didn’t mean one featuring the gaslighting asshole and the guy who’s at the center of most of the controversy surrounding the house this season.
“If I find out you flipped and didn’t tell me, I will literally find you and cut you up into pieces.” Bayleigh going full on Trudy Campbell on Scottie.
Bayleigh tells Rachel that she wants to put Brett up and she’s considering using her as a pawn. She lets Rachel know that she has the Identity Theft app to reassure her that she will be safe if she’s a pawn. Watch how quickly this becomes a terrible idea.
Bayleigh nominates Brett and Rachel. Oh man, please tell me the Summer of Bro is over soon.
Rachel is crying over the nominations, because Bayleigh is so adamant about Brett going home. Not because she’s on the block. Because that makes sense?
Faysal is on his high horse because he thinks he got Bayleigh not to nominate JC. Even though Bayleigh seems like the type of player to just do whatever the hell she wants.
JC talks to Bayleigh about Faysal, and tells her that his confidence is through the roof because he’s taking credit for keeping JC off the block. Which makes Bayleigh wake Faysal up in the middle of the night to talk about this like it isn’t something that could have waited until the morning. Honestly, I’m all for this, if only because I don’t like Faysal.
“Nobody thinks you’re a big target.” -Bayleigh to Rachel. More of this blunt honesty, please.
This veto comp, unlike the Bonus Life comp, is the kind of puzzle that actually warrants frustration. I feel like Kaitlyn probably screwed up whatever production was planning around her staying in the house by losing Bonus Life. Whoops?
“I like to draw outside the lines.” Which is great, and is probably a wonderful mantra for life in general, but for this comp, Sam, maybe not the path to take.
Big ups to whoever edited Sam to be Godzilla, though. I was amused, sue me.
Almost everyone timed out at 30 minutes. At this point, I just want to see what happens in a six-way tie for last place.
Tyler wins the veto. And he finished the comp in just under seven minutes. HOW ARE YOU HUMAN, SIR?
Tyler tries to work his way around using the veto by blaming it on a power app, throwing Angela’s name into the mix as a possible replacement nominee. Okay, buckle up, because this is going to get disastrous. Bayleigh relays all of this to Rachel, who gets super pissed at Tyler and relays it to Angela, who thinks it’s bullshit but relays it to Kaycee anyway, who relays it to Tyler, who sets things straight with Angela. And Angela no longer trusts Rachel because of all of this. Exhausting enough for you?
Rachel tells Angela about Bayleigh’s power app. She also unwittingly hands over the fuel for Brett’s future last plea speech, but we’ll get to that in a second.
Tyler doesn’t use the veto. Which was a safe move for the obvious reasons, but even if he did use it, Bayleigh probably would have put another Level Six member in whoever’s place.
Bayleigh trusts Tyler completely after the veto ceremony. Um…he’s been pretty invincible in this game because he’s been playing both sides, so maybe don’t do that?
Level Six wants to vote to keep Brett. But…but we were so good at getting the bros out before?
“Who would you vote out?” “Whoever you tell me.” Sam…between this and the whole replacement nominee fiasco last week, are you sure you know how this game is played?
“I woke up hungry and sad.” -Haleigh. And also me for the majority of 2018.
Faysal is pissed that Haleigh is spending time with Brett. Because it’s not like she’s her own damn person or anything…
Swaggy C meets Bayleigh’s parents. WHY. WHY DO WE HAVE TO SIT THROUGH THIS. NO ONE WANTS THIS.
He’s wearing a Swaggy C shirt to meet her fucking parents. I just…I am so baffled and yet not baffled at all. Is that a thing? Is that a thing I can be?
No, for real, this is so awkward. This was such a bad idea. You could have done literally anything else to kill time before the vote, and this is what you decided to do. Go sit in the corner with your choices, CBS.
Brett tells the house Rachel told him about the power app, then made up some all girls alliance called the Man Eaters, because casual misogyny. I can’t with this guy and his speeches. Why does this keep working?
Rachel is evicted from the house. On one hand, I really like a good blindside. On the other, we’re stuck with Brett for another week.
Rachel leaves without saying goodbye to anybody. Which has happened so many times this season. At this point, shouldn’t they just expect to be wrong in their assumptions and put on a brave face?
Julie can’t even get anything out of Rachel in the exit interview. Like, she’s dragging this out by making Rachel guess who voted to evict her, it is so painful.
“Final thoughts?” “WHAT’S WRONG WITH ANGELA?” Why did this make me laugh so much?
Angela is the new HOH. Holy shit, she actually has to do something this week.
A new twist is introduced! But it actually sounds like an old twist? With the hacker comp, a houseguest will win the opportunity to shake up the house in some vague way that I guess will be explained in the coming week. Which kind of sounds like the saboteur/America’s Player thing of seasons past? I don’t know.
What did you think of Bayleigh’s week as HOH? How do you think the hacker twist will affect the house? And WHAT’S WRONG WITH ANGELA?! Let’s chat in the comments.
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