Rockstar, meet Insurmountable Problem, also known as the hacker. Girl just couldn’t win this week. Granted, some of that was placed on her own shoulders (I know I have to talk about OTEV in this recap, but also can we not talk about OTEV? I’m still cringing from Wednesday night), but to go home on your ally’s HOH week is the worst. For everyone watching at home, though, this week just keeps on proving that BB20 never churns out a dull moment. Let this be a lesson to casting: keep filling the house with more people like this. And let this be a lesson to any future houseguests: NEVER give away the answer to a veto question to someone who’s on the other side of the house.
Let’s dive in, OTEV madness and all.
“Everything in this house makes me feel uncomfortable…except my bed.” I really feel for Sam, and I’m pretty sure everyone has felt this so hard at one time or another.
“These people are here to win a bunch of money.” Again, I feel for you, Sam, but also…yeah. That’s exactly why they’re here.
Faysal: “I want to spoil you.” Haleigh: “You don’t know me.” I mean…
“I think that’s why I like you so much, if I can see you like this and still care about you so much.” Is something Faysal said to Haleigh when she was in bedtime mode and looked perfectly fine, by the way. Hi, boys are gross. That is all.
Sam’s casually telling JC what a curb stomp is, and he’s terrified. Although his reaction is priceless: “What kind of movies do you watch?”
Tyler tries to convince Haleigh to backdoor him so he doesn’t have to use his Cloud app until the veto ceremony. I know that this was what Haleigh was planning anyway, but holy shit, the audacity of this fucking guy.
Haleigh nominates Angela and Kaycee for eviction. I mean, cool, keep up the charade that you have any say in what happens this week.
Kaycee wearing her hacker hoodie over her peanut unitard is a look. I’m actually surprised it can fit over that thing?
“I’m really good at looking at stuff.” -Brett, who has zero points in the hacker comp so far.
Kaycee is this week’s hacker. Oh my god, she finally won something that’s not a unitard.
Kaycee removes herself from the block and puts Rockstar up in her place. And Rockstar is understandably upset that she keeps getting put on the block. I mean, come on, guys…bigger fish to fry.
“You don’t think it was Scottie?” -Rockstar trying to guess who the hacker is. Why does he keep getting blamed for shit?
The game is really starting to get to Sam. She just seems like such a genuinely sweet person, and as much as I want to see her do well in the house, this doesn’t seem like a healthy environment for her anymore. All I want to do is give her a hug.
Sam is straight up and tells Tyler that she thinks he’s lying to her. Girl, go with that. Seriously.
Haleigh: “If you won, would you take Rock down?” Tyler: “If that’s what’s best.” Okay, yeah, put a pin in this.
Kaycee picks Tyler to play in the veto comp, because of course she does.
OTEV is a skunk this year, which I guess is better than the pig that needed an exorcism last year?
“I’m too sick to go outside.” Okay, this narrative is already destroyed because YOU ARE OUTSIDE, SKUNK. Seriously, one year, I just want OTEV to be like, “I’m too lazy to do this myself, go find some stuff for me.”
“That’s Faysal in the morning.” -JC when OTEV sprays its skunk stink. Well, that’s a fun fact I didn’t really need to know.
Faysal is working under the assumption that Rockstar’s name would be on one of those bottles…even though she’s actively competing in this veto comp. So that’s someone who made the top 10 of Big Brother 20.
Rockstar gives Tyler the right answer when he doesn’t have the right bottle. ROCKSTAR. WHAT. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT.
“Rockstar can’t win anything.” -Faysal. Even though she definitely beat him in this comp. And he didn’t understand the reason why certain houseguests’ names were on the bottles. Save your criticisms, asshole.
In the final round, Rockstar is the first to climb up to OTEV with the wrong bottle. Tyler wins the veto because of it, and I am certain I have just witnessed the most painful veto comp in the history of this show.
Tyler takes Angela off the block and blames it on the fact that Haleigh tried to get him out last week, and therefore doesn’t deserve her wishes. I mean, that’s a little much. Can’t you just be like, “I’m doing this,” and move on?
Haleigh puts Kaycee back on the block. Well, that was a nice little reprieve from the threat of eviction, wasn’t it?
Faysal destroyed the HOH bathroom sink by sitting on it. I just…how do you even do that?
Faysal: “I’m riding with you ‘til the wheels fall off.” Haleigh: “You give me stress.” They’ve really got that flirting thing down pat.
Faysal and Haleigh make out in bed. So I guess the whole “no showmance” thing was bullshit?
Rockstar thinks Brett will work with her as a secret alliance. She wants to call it the Mr. & Mrs. Smith alliance. Okay, obviously that’s not going to happen, and that alliance name isn’t even original, but now all I want to do is go back and watch BB5.
“Do you want to help Rockstar with her speech?” -Haleigh to Brett. NO. LET THE ANSWER BE NO. I AM SO SICK OF HIS SPEECHES.
Kaycee jumps on the “Throw Fake Shit Out There in the Last Plea Speech” bandwagon by claiming that there’s a second all girls alliance. Guys, honestly, isn’t this all a little tired by now?
Rockstar gives a 100% honest speech that will probably get washed under the fake one. I mean, it wasn’t like it was going to help her anyway, but still.
Kaycee cancels Faysal’s eviction vote. Because no shit.
Rockstar is evicted from the house and becomes the second member of the jury. Damn, this was such a painful week to go out on.
“I think it was probably Sam.” -Rockstar guessing who cast the sole vote to keep her. Guys, the one time Scottie did something, and he’s not blamed for it? Come on.
Julie: “Who do you feel betrayed by?” Rockstar: “Whoever came up with that hacker twist.” I’m going to miss her hot takes from here on out.
Brett rubs in the fact that he was blindsiding Rockstar in his goodbye message. Two things here. 1.) Do you just get off on hearing yourself talk? And 2.) You’re seriously going to talk like that to someone who could decide whether or not you win half a million dollars?
“Does he realize you’re a juror?” See? The Chenbot gets it.
It’s a slip and slide HOH comp! God I love it when people fall all over the place, bless whoever came up with this idea.
JC immediately gets stuck in his lane. Which I feel like is the opposite of what soap is supposed to do to your movement, but you do you, sir.
NEXT WEEK IS ZINGBOT! Holy shit, tear these houseguests to shreds, you sassy, sassy robot.
What did you think of Haleigh’s reign of power and the hacker’s final reign of terror? And how much did you cringe at the hand Rockstar was dealt this week? Let’s talk in the comments.
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