If you’re anything like us, you still haven’t recovered from seeing Avengers: Endgame. So what better way to just be in your feelings than a good old fashioned Fan Video Friday post? We scoured the internets for the newest, the FEELSIEST, and TBH, the most devastating videos we could find. So grab your tissue box and maybe a glass or two of wine and kick back with this playlist. You’ll thank us later. — Kim
“Wait for It”
Sage: Yeah, okay, this is an easy fit. But, on the real, every Avenger somehow, in some way, is waiting for it: the moment they live up to their legacy, the moment they understand why they’re really here, the moment they get to make up for their losses — and no one more than Steve, which is why he dominates this video. (Putting Bucky, my brainwashed sad boi, over “I am the one thing in life I can control” is very mean.) Who’s Hamilton in this scenario, you may be wondering? Watch all the way through for a surprise!
Kim: Honestly the fact that you can pair Hamilton with just about any fandom that exists just proves Lin-Manuel Miranda’s universal brilliance. This video works particularly well by pairing “Yorktown” with the spectacular ROMP that is Thor: Ragnarok. The Revengers are so perfectly cast, with Thor as Hamilton, Loki as Lafayette, Bruce as Laurens, Heimdall as Washington, and an INSPIRED choice of Valkyrie as Hercules Mulligan. Because that bitch totally WOULD BE the spy on the inside.
Sage: We will listen to no Imagine Dragons slander on this blog, because nobody writes fan vid songs like those guys. And this video makes great use of big team and individual hero moments that befit these extra lyrics, while still including plenty of personality. Setting Peter’s story over the second verse is particularly inspired.
“This Is Me”
Kim: Listen. I am a hoe for “The Greatest Showman” and an even bigger hoe for “This is Me,” which honestly, was written with fan videos in mind. There are some particularly good edits in this video, from the shot of Peter crumbling to dust on “I won’t let them break me down to dust” (Mother fucking OUCH) to Thor lifting Mjolnir on “for we are glorious” to the Stucky embrace on “I know that I deserve your love.” A little on the nose? OF COURSE. But that’s what makes a fan video GREAT.
Sage: It was bound to happen. Someone was always going to set an angsty, ever-so-lightly tongue-in-cheek video about the disastrous conclusion of Infinity War to Celine Dion’s should have been Oscar Nominated Deadpool 2 ballad. Do you cry? Do you laugh? Focus on Celine’s PRISTINE vocals and just see what happens.
“Hall of Fame”
Kim: There are just some songs that are destined to go with certain characters. There are many, many Steve Rogers tribute videos out there, but this one to The Script’s “Hall of Fame” feels the most apt to me. The song is as earnest as Steve Rogers is, and it ALSO urges you to “do it for your country” which is basically Captain America in a nutshell. (And maybe a bit of hidden propaganda? Discuss.) Tack on the montage of Bucky, Sam, Natasha, and Peggy for the phrase “do it for your people” (SOB!!!) and you’ve got a video worthy of our Captain.
Sage: Never have I ever met a “Believer” video that didn’t get me, even a little bit. This one tells the story of Tony Stark’s life relatively chronologically, even cleverly using some older RDJ material to fill out the early years. Shannon’s epic ode to the man in the suit spells out in beautiful detail why this is a Tony song if there every was one. (If you haven’t read it, what are you doing here?) But I’ll try to sum it up: his life, his love, his drive, it came from (everybody!) PAIN.
“Look What You Made Me Do”
Kim: Also known as the only context in which I will ever JAM OUT to this song. It’s so perfect for Natasha and Wanda and I LOVE all the bad ass Peggy Carter footage. (But seriously, this song is garbage.)
Sage: I don’t even ship it, but “Battlescars” has made me do a lot of things I never thought I would. And I’d never begrudge anyone their strangers-to-friends-to-enemies-back to friends-to-almost lovers ship. This edit gets creative with some footage from Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which is smart. And I also enjoy how it makes Bucky look like the other woman.
“Depth Over Distance”
Kim: Well this video just goes for the jugular doesn’t it? Goddamnit. (Also the greatest failing of Endgame is the fact that they DIDN’T lean into the idea that everything Steve Rogers did, he did it to save Bucky Barnes and that’s the tea.)
“Wicked Ones”
“Isn’t It Lovely?”
Kim: I bitched before about the MCU failing the Stucky relationship. On the flip side, I think the MCU’s greatest accomplishment is the relationship between Tony Stark and Peter Parker. The surrogate father/son relationship, the older generation passing wisdom to the younger generation, urging them to be better than they were…it’s all so much already. But it’s taken to the next level by the incredible chemistry between RDJ and Tom Holland to where every single interaction between them is a punch right to the feels and this video exemplifies all of that.
Sage: Oh, you want a COMPREHENSIVE Marvel edit? “Human” has EVERYTHING: Quake doing her thing, Frank Castle single-handedly taking down an entire cell block, Coulson’s death scene, Tony’s Age of Ultron vision, and an ending that, frankly, was too much for me after a long day. If you’re feeling hearty, go nuts.
“Don’t Stop Me Now”
Kim: This video is a masterpiece, full stop. End of post.
Do you have a favorite Avengers fan video? Let us know in the comments!
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