Schitt’s Creek Season 6, Episode 13
“Start Spreading the News”
Posted by Gillian
They came for our THROATS, y’all.
I knew we couldn’t possibly get out of this show without some tears being jerked out of us, but there’s knowing something’s coming and then there’s experiencing it when it finally does. And this episode was a doozy. I’m thinking Dan Levy always planned to hurt us a little more in the penultimate episode so we could focus on celebrating in the finale, and I’ll be grateful if that’s actually the case. For now, though, I’m still swirling around a bit in my feelings hangover.
When I first watched “Start Spreading the News,” I panicked at the thought of having to choose just one Sweetest Moment or focus on just one Journey for this week’s superlatives. But then I remembered these are my dumb recaps and we’re talking about the first part of a SERIES FINALE and most importantly, this isn’t real life (hat tip, Sage). And I decided the idea that a superlative is meant to be singular can take a fucking hike this week. So basically the entire recap this week is just superlatives. It’s what this show deserves, after all.
So let’s get on into it, friends.
Love That Journey For Them: Moira and Alexis and Stevie and David
As much as Alexis and I loved Moira finally realizing her value and demanding her due from the Sunrise Bay producers, and as lovingly optimistic as the indefatigably supportive Johnny is about Broadway coming to call, the truth is that, until that tennis bracelet arrived, Moira really didn’t have anything to look forward to for herself beyond simply leaving Schitt’s Creek. She seemed to realize she’d need something more concrete in her life than just being back in New York City, inquiring whether Rosebud Motel Group might have some use for her. While I would absolutely love to see whatever the RMG equivalent of Moira sunbathing atop a VHS tape is plastered across Time Square for a season, it’s immeasurably more satisfying to know Moira is heading back to Sunrise Bay on her own terms. And without Clifton around to sabotage her, no less. The fact that Johnny re-arranged his new work situation to be with his wife in Los Angeles instead of across the country while she films is a fantastic bonus. He’s learned from his past workaholism and is prioritizing his marriage this time around. That’s growth, Mr. Rose. We love a husband whose support isn’t limited to gleeful exclamations and hugs. (Although we love that part of the support too.)
It’s no secret I wanted Alexis to forge ahead on her own, whether that was in New York or somewhere else. Not that I don’t love her being close to her family. But I know she can do great things on her own, and I wanted her to know that, too. Of course my show came through for me. Johnny asking whether Alexis would follow him and Moira to Los Angeles when they learned David and Patrick would be staying in Schitt’s Creek was really kind and supportive. It was also an important final crutch for Alexis to refuse – after just hours before refusing a big ol’ check-shaped crutch from Twyla. It wouldn’t have been good enough for Alexis to have to deal with being alone in New York. She needed to choose that journey for herself. And she did. Without hesitation. Love that.
Speaking of big city-related choices, Stevie’s decision to eschew living in one is equally satisfying. After years of theoretical yearning to escape her tiny hometown – from which everyone who’s funny and smart and has a well-rounded sense of humor and a wide range of knowledge moves away – she’s finally found her place there.
That she’ll be able to travel around to set up their new motels is a perfect balance for her. No wonder she’s started tucking her shirt in.
And then there’s David. Darling, tentative David, who – thanks to a stellar best friend and truly good partner – finally realized he doesn’t need to prove a damn thing to anyone he used to know in New York. He’s already won the game he never stopped playing against his former self and the people he used to surround himself with. And his prize is right there in Schitt’s Creek in the shape of a house that looks just like Kate Winslet’s cottage in The Holiday. Staying put looks so much better on him that running away.
Moira’s Rose’s Garden’s Honorary Roses of the Week 4856: Stevie and Patrick
Stevie and Patrick are always and forever honorary Roses, honestly. And this week they both reminded us of why they’re such crucial parts of the family – each by helping David realize, in different ways, that not only does he not need to return to New York to be happy, but that he already is in all the ways that matter.
Both Patrick and Stevie question David about the rose-colored memories of his life in New York, but while Patrick continues to play the fully supportive fiancé and partner, willing to move to a place he’s never even visited because it’s what David says he wants, Stevie is able to come right out and confront him about what his life in New York really was. And how, in stark contrast, he’s actually got a really good life in Schitt’s Creek. Which includes her.
Stevie’s also the reason David learns Patrick had been making arrangements for them to buy a house David has loved in passing for a long time. Of course, Patrick had been waiting to tell David about the house until after the wedding to avoid flustering him. And of course the house was only even an option for them because Patrick had knocked on the door after the fourth time David mentioned liking it to ask the owners to call him if they ever decided to sell it. Because that’s the kind of person and partner Patrick is. A subtle grape, for sure. And one you definitely want in your wine.
You really are, bub.
The Mariah Carey Award for Outstanding Achievement in Schitt’s Creek Fandom Contributions: The Schitt’s Creek Cast and Crew
The same day “Start Spreading the News” aired, Dan Levy announced that he and other cast members would take turns going live on Instagram every night for a week as part of a fundraiser for two food banks: one in Canada and one in the United States. Various cast and crew members have participated, sometimes teaming up, and often at least commenting on each other’s livestreams, and as a result the Schitt’s Creek Gives Back GoFundMe fundraiser exceeded its initial $100,000 goal and is now going for $150,000. If you have the means, head on over and add some goodwill to the pile via donation or sharing.
But it can help get meals to people who really need them. You don’t need more snowmobiles, anyway.
“Roland in the Bedroom” Funniest Bit: Surprise! Twyla is RICH, BITCH!
Twyla. Sands. Has been. A multi, MULTI millionaire. This Entire. Damn. TIME.
When Twyla said she didn’t work at the cafe for the money, I was like, “oh, sweetie,” but it also didn’t feel completely like it was just a pure, precious Twyla thing to say. I wondered right away whether it was about to unravel into something bigger, but I definitely didn’t guess what exactly. The second she leaned in to tell Alexis a secret, my eyes went wide and my jaw got in position to drop as I giggled with a combination of disbelief and anticipation. I cannot imagine a better reveal.
Twyla won the lottery a few years ago!
Her mom bought MULTIPLE snowmobiles with the money she gave her!
The whole scene – especially Alexis’ evolving reactions – was so damn funny, and it’s made even better when you think about how long Dan Levy has been sitting on this. Every time I imagine the moment he thought of this idea for Twyla it makes me laugh. It’s so wild but also so completely in character for her. Just perfect.
And so is the name Twyla’s Cafe Tropical.
The “David Plucking at the Plastic Sheet” Funniest Moment:
Aw, David! Sweetest Moments
In honor of the fact that this episode made my very kind but very reserved partner cry for maybe the third time in the seven years we’ve been together, I’m introducing the “What? It’s just nice, nothing’s happening. It’s just…we’re…we ran out of red!” Cry Count: Five scenes, containing 13 cry-able moments.
Moira saying goodbye to her Gals: Listen, I wasn’t expecting to cry over the Jazzagals either, but where Ronnie goes, I go. The whole scene was supportive and lovely. From the gals all wearing New York shirts and trash-talking the Sunrise Bay reboot because they thought it was happening without Moira, to the way they’re suddenly overcome with emotion at finding out it will be her last rehearsal, her wolf pack really comes through for her. And Moira’s heartfelt expression of gratitude to them took it to another level. It took me by surprise; the gals didn’t stand a chance. She has never felt more buttressed than she has in their company, dear gals! It was in their care that she learned to see and hear the beauty in the bucolic! Jesus, I’m tearing up just writing this.
David and Stevie talking things through: If Ronnie and Gwen tearing up was enough to get me going, I obviously had no chance when David’s eyes were glassy from the first second of his and Stevie’s talk on the hood of her car. I’ve already discussed what a solid friend Stevie is for demanding David realize how unimportant it is for him to go back to New York to show a bunch of jerks he’s done well. That’s a big part of the sweetness of this conversation: her righteous indignance and full-on anger on his behalf – and a little bit at him for what he’s not seeing. This scene was about more than just that, though. It’s about their friendship as a whole. They don’t always understand what’s going through the other’s mind, but they still see each other. They still offer each other the exact kind of friend the other needs. They both talk about what a good person Patrick is (it’s why they can’t understand the things he does) but the focus is still on the two of them, and what they mean to each other. Despite their joking protestations, they’re good people too. And despite the occasional accusations of forgotten deodorant when a farm is nearby, great friends.
Alexis and Twyla solidifying their friendship: Basically every conversation between Twyla and Alexis this season has been in the running for this superlative. And both of their conversations this episode are worthy, as well. The second one though – in Alexis and David’s room – is the winner between the two. Twyla wearing Alexis’ dress as a clear sign of how close she feels to her, thanking her for making her realize she should splurge on something that would make her smile, telling her she’s going to do great things and offering her a generous “goodbye gift’ but also understanding and respecting when Alexis can’t accept it. Alexis shyly asking Twyla to visit her in New York and then BOOPING HER NOSE and then cheekily complimenting “her” dress. Twyla agreeing to visit (12/10 will read every fanfic inspired by this) and then sweetly calling Alexis her friend on the way out. It’s all so tender and warm and mutually supportive. Their friendship may have been built upon transactional tea time and smoothies, but it’s still real. And for Alexis, maybe the most meaningful friendship she’s ever had.
David and Patrick getting the dream house to go with their dream life: The final scene in front of their new house – once Patrick double-checks what David actually did when he “put an offer in” – is moving for a bunch of reasons. It’s lovely that they’re going to be starting their married life together in an adorable house that came to them in a way that feels a bit like fate. It’s even lovelier that they’re going into their wedding without any uncertainty or ambivalence from either of them about where they’ll be living. And it’s the absolute loveliest that on the way to getting there, they each were so willing to put the other’s excitement and happiness above their own.
It’s such a satisfying conclusion to the will they / won’t they question of moving their lives to New York. I didn’t ever actually doubt they’d stay in Schitt’s Creek, but I still really appreciate the way the confirmation of that unfolded. And I especially appreciated that David’s reaction to Patrick promising he’d make him happy was so much better than the schmaltzy, “You already do” I half-expected/worried it would be.
Exactly right.
And finally, Johnny is so proud of his family. I don’t have words left, it’s not my fault. But, just. Look at this precious fam.
Blouse Barn Durability Award for Best Look of the Episode: David’s Open Palm Shirt
It was going to be this shirt from the second I saw it, before Dan tweeted its meaning. But that certainly didn’t hurt.
Honorable Mention: Twyla in Alexis’ Shiny, Patterned Hand-Me-Down Dress
The Moira’s Crow Feather Headband Accessory of the Episode: Moira’s Sparkly Kind-Of-Fez
A Vocabulary Lesson from Schitt’s Creek’s Resident Sesquipedalian
bazoo [ba-zooː], n. A United States slang word for mouth. As in, “Bev and her big bazoo will get the word out quicker than any group memorandum.”
clangorous [klang-ger-uh s], adj. Loud, resonant, clamorous. As in, “My answer is a yes – a clangorous, vociferous yes!”
getatable [get-at–uh-buh l], adj. capable of being reached or attained. As in “Wondering when you might be getatable for a little red biddy, a little back chat.”
jape [jeyp], n. a trick or practical joke. As in:
redolence [re-duh-luhns], n. a pleasant or agreeable odor. As in, “Is it just me, John, or does the air not have a particularly lovely redolence today? Do I detect a scintilla of lavender?”
A Lotta Bit Alexis
The episode itself didn’t offer anything up, but Annie Murphy did her Schitt’s Creek Gives Back Instagram Live on Saturday night partially in character as Alexis, so I’m counting every historical morsel she shared as canon. I was laughing a lot so I might have missed something, but at the very least we learned:
- To learn the “A Little Bit Alexis” dance, she did a seven-week intensive class with Janet Jackson’s choreographer…who is a descendent of Ginger Rogers’ choreographer.
- While we’re on the subject, the “expensive sushi” move was Harry Styles’ favorite to watch her practice.
- She dated Bob Ross.
- “Hamptons Hoes,” another song on her album, is Johnny’s favorite.
- She FaceTimes with Post Malone, who gets really cranky if she’s late.
Estate Sale Auction Items
- This week in continuity:
- And also this:
- Johnny getting the perfect family photo and then accidentally deleting it is so precisely in character. As is David’s immediate frustrated exit/implied refusal to pose for another one.
- Jocelyn and Roland’s “splurges” now that they have a regular paycheck are similarly on brand. A new truck – hopefully with a cinnamon-bun bribe sunroof – and a pedicure and a blowout for Jocelyn AT THE SAME TIME! Twyla could take some tips from these big spenders.
- In which I am David:
- My appreciation of Dan Levy’s comedic acting skills has been well documented across these recaps. But he really set out to make sure we know he’s got the sad, crying chops, too, didn’t he? Noted, Daniel. We see the depth and breadth, and are very here for both.
- “Worry is but undernourished enthusiasm.” I almost included something like a “Rose Family Values” or “Life Lessons” superlative when I started these, and sometimes I really regret that I didn’t.
- I am such a sucker for the first-and-last side-by-sides. Even the Jazzagals one got me good.
- Twyla not wanting to tell the Roses she had won the lottery because they had just lost all their money. She is the purest soul.
- Of COURSE the reason David’s New York “friends” aren’t coming to the wedding is an electronic music festival in Norway. Fine. More caviar for everyone else then, dicks.
- Obligatory Dan Levy and Annie Murphy face and hand appreciation gifs:
- Is there a better encapsulation of Moira as a mother than telling Alexis, “You take that ember of independence and you keep it burning, because you, my darling, are destined to be on fire!” and giving her a hug and then a minute later barely agreeing to push their flight to L.A. from the night of David’s wedding to the next morning because the lie-flat seats are only available on the evening flight?
What surprised you the most? What loose ends do you still want tied up? What kind of receptacle are you planning to use to catch your tears in the final episode? Share your hopes and dreams and coping mechanisms in the comments!
Featured Image Source: CBC/Pop
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