Posted by Maggie and Sarah Unlike the rest of the internet and your social media feeds, this post contains no spoilers for season four, just a continuation of our love for canon leading up to it. The Veronica Mars movie is a love letter to the … [Read more...]
The Best Performances of 2018
Posted by Kim & Sage Did you think we DIDN'T have something to say about this year's performances? Yeah, yeah, we're late, but we're here. Because 2018 brought us so much great work, from stage to screen, that deserves to be shouted out. … [Read more...]
Ocean’s Cate
Posted by Gillian We’ve gotten a lot of evidence over the years of Cate Blanchett’s greatness and charm and sex appeal and talent. We’ve seen her showcase a lot of facets of a lot of people. In Carol, we saw her be regal and subtly glamorous and … [Read more...]
The Shape of Sequins – Oscar Fashion 2018
Posted by Maggie Let’s get some housekeeping out of the way: I didn’t watch the red carpet on E! this time. Their coverage is great in that you probably see the most attendees possible in a short amount of time, even if some are only from the … [Read more...]
Fran Fine and Phyllis Nefler Are Spirit Sisters: A Study
Posted by Sarah I’m not going to lie, I definitely have a type. When it comes to an appealing fictional character, if she’s a strong badass with a firm, unwavering sense of self as she grows throughout her narrative, I’m so in love. Bonus points … [Read more...]
How The Last Jedi Turned Me Into A Reylo Shipper And What, Exactly, I’m Planning To Do About It
Posted by Sage I can't afford therapy - in part, because of this blog. So when something happens in my pop culture life that makes me question my concept of self, you have to hear about. That's our deal. It all started on a Thursday evening in … [Read more...]
Star Wars: The Last Jedi — A Comprehensive List of All the Times We Overreacted
Posted by Sage If you hated The Last Jedi and are looking for someone to commiserate with, you've come to the wrong place. It's good Star Wars vibes only in here, where we shall flail and scream over every perfect moment in the new episode. … [Read more...]
The Best Performances of 2017
Posted by Kim and Sage I know I said that our top 20 TV moments of the year was always my favorite post of the year to write, but I lied. It's always our Best Performances of the year. It's hard to cover everything that we consume pop culture wise … [Read more...]
They’ve got fire in their eyes, hunger in their bellies, and great big shoes on their feet: Is Spice World the Best Movie?
Posted by Gillian I’ve already lost some of you, but hear me out. I’m not saying Spice World should be your favorite movie. It’s not mine. It’s not even in my Top Ten. But about four months ago (sorry, Kim and Sage, hopefully my slowness is mostly … [Read more...]
A Trapper Keeper Full of Life Lessons from Wet Hot American Summer
Posted by Maggie and Sarah HOF readers know me as the resident red carpet commentator and Sarah as our nostalgia expert, if you will. But when we team up, we bring you life lessons from beloved classics like Troop Beverly Hills and First Wives … [Read more...]
“I still really really really want to go back” – Romy & Michele’s Life School Reunion
Posted by Gillian Editor's Note: Everyone welcome longtime commentator and even longer time friend Gillian to her first official Head Over Feels post. Gillian is the brains and organizational power behind CommuniCon, is constantly inspired by Harry … [Read more...]
“Oh, what a night!” – Oscar Fashion 2017
Posted by Maggie I’m as intrigued by the details of the Best Picture mix-up as everyone else, but the real mystery is WHO WAS THE GUY ON THE RED CARPET IN THE PINK TUX? Listen, I hurt my wrist trying to pause the TV at just the right angle … [Read more...]
“It’s just fashion, it’s supposed to be fun.” – Golden Globes 2017
Posted by Maggie And we’re back! I really missed red carpets, guys. I read Anna Kendrick’s new book, Scrappy Little Nobody, over Christmas break and her section on Hollywood turned out to be the perfect warmup for the season. It was interesting to … [Read more...]
The Best Performances of 2016
Posted by Kim and Sage We've discussed the best TV moments of 2016 (you can find those here and here), so now we turn to the individual performances that brought us the most joy this year. These are the performances that inspired us, that stayed … [Read more...]
Everything We Need To Know In Life, We Learned From Jerry Maguire
Posted by Kim and Sage Jerry Maguire turned TWENTY last week. (News Flash: We're old.) Jerry will forever remind me of a simpler time. A time when we had no idea JUST how crazy Tom Cruise was. A time where articles weren't written about what Renee … [Read more...]
16 Things We Learned at New York Comic Con 2016, Part I
Posted by Kim and Sage I don't have any grey hairs yet, so I'm marking the aging process by how tired I get when someone even MENTIONS Comic Con. Some people's bodies show evidence of long-term damage from playing sports or running a marathon. I … [Read more...]
How Bridget Jones’s Baby Reminded Me That I Like Her, Just As She Is
Posted by Sage As far as I’m concerned, Fielding had a duty to write a laugh-out-loud book about a female protagonist who’s in her 50s and fumbling realistically in a new stage of her life. I’m 30 and I hardly ever feel like I know what I’m doing. … [Read more...]
You Don’t Own Me- Life Lessons from The First Wives Club
Posted by Maggie and Sarah Months ago, I saw a copy of First Wives Club on sale for $3 and instinctively picked it up, planning on finding it a good home (I’d already upgraded my VHS to DVD). That good home turned out to be with Sarah, who woke up … [Read more...]
Climbing Mount Everest- A Celebration of Valley of the Dolls
Posted by Sarah Cards on the table: I adore campy movies. When I want to unwind from the day with a flick, I will more often than not gravitate towards the She-Devils, Death Becomes Hers, and Mommie Dearests of cinema. I’m also low-key obsessed … [Read more...]
“Sounds a bit soppy, this: love conquers all.” – SDCC 2016, Part III
Posted by Kim and Sage Everyone knows that a massive part of San Diego Comic Con involves making tough choices. It's no secret that Hall H is the place to be on Saturday but it's ALSO no secret that if you want to score one of those coveted seats, … [Read more...]
“What up, bitches?” – SDCC 2016, Part I
Posted by Kim and Sage The travel gods TRIED to prevent us from getting there but Team Head Over Feels refuses to be kept from the Super Bowl of Geek Culture: San Diego Comic Con. (Always build a buffer day into your Con Travel if you can. ALWAYS. … [Read more...]
HOF at SDCC AGAIN – Our Expectations and Wildest Dreams
Posted by Kim and Sage It's almost the day of the show, y'all! San Diego Comic Con is just over a week away. Surely the city is neck-deep in preparations for the hordes of nerds about to roll in from all corners of the world. It's our second ever … [Read more...]
Fan Video Friday – Avengers Edition
Posted by Sage & Kim I hope you danced in a field in a flower crown to celebrate the summer solstice this week. And since the summer is officially upon us, Fan Vid Friday is BACK IN SESSION. *confetti drop* Civil War put us back in a very … [Read more...]
Captain America: Civil War: A Comprehensive List of All the Times We Overreacted
Posted by Sage Hello, fellow hysterics. Welcome to our first overreaction post of the spring/summer movie season. As always, we encourage screaming/flailing/clutching your own pearls or the pearls of the person next to you, but save some for … [Read more...]
In Appreciation Of Fanfiction
Posted by Kim and Sage Sage: I have a problem with people telling me to be embarrassed about things that aren't a source of personal shame. That problem being...I can't. And it's one of the great joys of being in my 30s. I've been reading fic … [Read more...]
“In the end, we all fruit.” – The Timelessness of My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Posted by Kim and Sage In 2002, a little movie called My Big Fat Greek Wedding surprised the HELL out of Hollywood by becoming the 5th highest grossing film of the year. The other four films to make that list? Spider-Man. The Two Towers. The … [Read more...]
Live Blogging The 2016 Oscars
Posted by Kim and Sage It's Brie and Leo's evening, and Chris Rock has LONG NIGHT ahead of him. (#OscarsSoWhite, in case you forgot.) Here's hoping that Spotlight will pull it out of the bag. Either way, we'll be drunk. LET'S GO. … [Read more...]
Live Blogging the 2016 SAG Awards and Red Carpet
Posted by Kim and Sage Welcome to the 2016 SAG Awards everyone! Join us for all the fashion, celebs, and awards. Will Kate and Leo walk away winners? Will Spotlight take home the Best Ensemble Award? Will SAG ever learn that there is a difference … [Read more...]
Live Blogging the 2016 Golden Globes
Posted by Kim and Sage AW YEAH. Let's do this. Who will win? How many people will Ricky Gervais offend? Stay tuned! … [Read more...]
Live Blogging the 2016 Golden Globes Red Carpet
Posted by Kim and Sage HAPPY AWARDS SEASON AND GOD BLESS US EVERY ONE. We're expecting some major fashion on the Red Carpet tonight with the likes of Cate Blanchett, Charlize Theron, Lady Gaga and Kate Winslet in attendance. Who will stun and who … [Read more...]
The Best Performances of 2015
Posted by Kim and Sage Sure, it's 2016 now, but I'm still writing 2015 on my checks and I am still digesting all the great pop culture I took in over the past year, so we're still allowed to talk about what blew us away in 2015. We've already … [Read more...]
The Force Awakens: A Comprehensive List of All the Times We Reacted An Appropriate Amount
Posted by Sage "I don't even care about Star Wars!" is the new "I don't even own a TV!" They're both answers to a question no one's ever asking, and my knee-jerk response in both cases is "I'm very sorry." (Or: "I find your lack of cable … [Read more...]
“Put on your Sunday best, kids. We’re going to Sears!” – The Perfect Satire of The Brady Bunch Movies
Posted by Sarah Like any good child of the ‘90s, at least one TV in my house growing up was tuned to Nickelodeon at all times, which inevitably meant that come nightfall, Nick at Nite opened the door to sitcoms I wasn’t around to catch the first … [Read more...]
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