Posted by Maggie Another red carpet season with Maggie has come to an end. She's spent the past month sorting through countless photos of every awards show in existence in order to determine her favorite (and most hated) looks of the season. What … [Read more...]
“Little black dress just walked into the room.” – Oscar Fashion 2016
Posted by Maggie It's the Super Bowl of Red Carpets! Who scored a touchdown? Who fumbled at the 1 yard line? Who made a two point conversion? Who missed an easy field goal? How many more sports metaphors do you need? Let's get to Maggie's picks … [Read more...]
“This is a really volcanic ensemble you’re wearing.” – SAG Awards 2016 Fashion
Posted by Maggie Bless the SAG Awards for being on a Saturday this year, my awards show hangover is much easier to deal with on a Sunday, thank you very much. This was kind of an off night in the season; not a lot of wow moments, l could only come … [Read more...]
“On Sundays, we wear white.” – Golden Globes Fashion 2016
Posted by Maggie Everyone welcome back our fashion blogger, Maggie. (Also it's her blogaversary with us, so throw some glitter at her. YAY SPARKLES.) Maggie will once again be your guide through the madness that is Red Carpet Season. What were her … [Read more...]