Posted by Maggie with commentary from Kim and Sage After the 2014 Emmys, our dear friend Maggie (Queen of Snark and Horizontal Stripes) sent Sage and I a novel-length email detailing her thoughts on every single red carpet look. You know. Just … [Read more...]
“I’ve Gotta Crow” – Live Blogging Peter Pan Live!
Posted by Kim I grew up wearing out my VHS tape of the Mary Martin Peter Pan, so obviously when NBC announced that the successor to last year's Sound of Music Live! would be Peter Pan, I was both intrigued and terrified. While the Celebrity … [Read more...]
12 More Top TV Moments of 2012
Posted by Sage You didn't think we could stop at 12, did you? After Kim's top TV moments post, a few of you were kind enough to ask about my list. My babies, you flatter me. It didn't take long to come up with 12 (and a half) more memorable pieces of … [Read more...]