Posted by Kim and Sage We have a new Most Handsome Young Man...and your winner is JOHN CHO. That's right, the guy who brought the term "MILF" into our lexicon is now your Most Handsome Young Man. We could not be more … [Read more...]
“I choose to forge my fate with you.” – Sleepy Hollow Recap
Posted by Kim Sleepy Hollow 1 x 12 "The Indispensible Man" Well then, Sleepy Heads. As I watched the finale, I harkened back to the roundtable at New York Comic Con (remember how THAT happened) where I asked Alex Kurtzman if he had any … [Read more...]
“Death Will Not Be Silenced” – Sleepy Hollow Recap
Posted by Kim Apologies, Sleepy Heads. Sage and I were both slammed with real life events and the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary fandom events this past week, which has kept us from blogging. But never fear, we still watched Sleepy Hollow and … [Read more...]