Posted by Kim and Sage If you're even a casual reader of this website, you'll know that we are Boy Band Trash to our very core. Our love for cute boys singing catchy pop songs is in our blood, in our DNA, in the very marrow of our bones. This week … [Read more...]
The Top 20 Television Moments of 2015 – Part Two
Posted by Kim and Sage Another year of television in the books. We've laughed and we've cried and we've flailed. We've fallen madly in love and we've had our hearts broken. We've said goodbye to beloved shows and embraced new ones. It's the … [Read more...]
“Don’t you think this is weird?” – SDCC 2015 Part I
Posted by Kim and Sage Nothing can truly prepare you for San Diego Comic Con. Sure, you can scour fan forums for advice and tips (the Friends of CCI forum is an INVALUABLE resource) and can spreadsheet the hell out of your plan for the con, but … [Read more...]
“Loneliness Is Tragical” – Ranking the Top 12 BSB Music Videos
Posted By Kim Happy Friday, dear readers! Normally we do a Fan Video post on Fridays, but since we've been all Backstreet Boys all the time this week in preparation for seeing them on Sunday, this lovely Friday I am taking a look at the BSB … [Read more...]
“Faster Than A Shark Attack” – Our Favorite Backstreet Boys Deep Cuts
Posted by Kim I've always made my Boy Band Allegiance known. I'm a Backstreet girl through and through, and I will NEVER be ashamed of that fact. When Sage suggested that I should do a "Deep Cuts" post for BSB, it was a no brainer. It's also a … [Read more...]
YOLO Dark Thirty: My Life In Pop Culture So Far, Part 2
- Posted by Sage I live by the philosophy that one's birthday is actually a week-long affair. So even though I've been 30 (and flirty and thriving) for the past four days, it's still all about me. I hearby bequeath you the same license for all of … [Read more...]
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and The Doctor Feels – Playlist Post #14
Posted by Sage Music business, I am on to you. You're all secret Doctor Who fans. Just admit it. Let your Whovian freak flag fly. A few of you are doing a particularly shoddy job of keeping your fandom membership under wraps. Why else would your … [Read more...]
Your Weekly Dose of Rose and Ten Feels: Playlist Post #6 – Teen Pop Edition!
- Posted by Sage I'm having a hard time starting this post, because I'm so distracted by this gif. He closes his eyes. HE CLOSES HIS EYES. Sigh. My OTP is more beautiful and star-crossed than yours. Anyway. Last week, the fangirl wife and I touted … [Read more...]
Lifelong Boy Band Loyalty Post: Kim on Backstreet Boys
Posted by Kim I didn't hit my boy band phase until I was at the end of my sophomore year of college. I know. I wasted SO MANY years repressing my inner fangirl. Frankly, the years of repression explain a LOT about why I am the way I am … [Read more...]
Lifelong Boy Band Loyalty Post: Kim on Backstreet Boys
Posted by Kim I didn't hit my boy band phase until I was at the end of my sophomore year of college. I know. I wasted SO MANY years repressing my inner fangirl. Frankly, the years of repression explain a LOT about why I am the way I am … [Read more...]
Lifelong Boy Band Loyalty Post: Sage on *N Sync
-Posted by Sage Between yesterday's Black Friday shopping trips and Thanksgiving leftovers, I was gleefully scrolling through Twitter to follow the social media smack talk between current reigning Brit boy bands One Direction and The Wanted. It's … [Read more...]