Posted by Sarah You guys, we made it! After a surprisingly great season of game, a winner has been crowned, America’s Favorite Houseguest has been named, and someone proposed after only spending about 20 days with his new fiancée. Here’s hoping … [Read more...]
But First: Highlights from Big Brother 20, Week 12
Posted by Sarah Well, dear readers, the end is upon us. In just a few days, we’ll have a winner. Whether that winner will be determined by a bitter jury or legitimate consideration of the final two’s gameplay is still in the air. But still, aside … [Read more...]
But First: Highlights from Big Brother 20, Week 11
Posted by Sarah I bet you I could have written this recap directly after the last eviction, and it would have been completely accurate. If we don’t either get a shift in power or all-out war amongst Level Six soon, I’m going to go nuts. And I know … [Read more...]
But First: Highlights from Big Brother 20, Week 10
Posted by Sarah I don’t know about you, but I’m kind of getting sick of this whole Level Six controls the house thing. It was a lot more fun when I didn’t automatically know what was going to happen as soon as the new HOH was crowned. Just once, … [Read more...]
But First: Highlights from Big Brother 20, Week 9
Posted by Sarah One houseguest leaves; another comes back. Yes, it’s that time of year when we get all those lovely twists like the Jury Battle Back that leave you wondering how the hell they’re going to finish this season in less than a month … [Read more...]
But First: Highlights from Big Brother 20, Week 8
Posted by Sarah Here’s a conundrum: how the hell has Faysal made it so long in this game? No, seriously, HOW?! I just want to know the sequence of thoughts in his head--after seeing how horrible Haleigh’s HOH reign went and sitting through an … [Read more...]
But First: Highlights from Big Brother 20, Week 7
Posted by Sarah Rockstar, meet Insurmountable Problem, also known as the hacker. Girl just couldn’t win this week. Granted, some of that was placed on her own shoulders (I know I have to talk about OTEV in this recap, but also can we not talk … [Read more...]
But First: Highlights from Big Brother 20, Week 5
Posted by Sarah Oh man, has this been the summer of the blindside. There hasn’t been one eviction that has gone 100% according to plan, and I am 100% LIVING for it. Look at how wonderful this show can be when you bring in an entirely fresh batch … [Read more...]
But First: Highlights from the Big Brother 20 Premiere
Posted by Sarah During the Fall TV season, I’m your trusty Will & Grace recapper. But as soon as that sun starts shining and the temperatures start rising, my social life swiftly flies out the window. And it’s all thanks to a batch of … [Read more...]