Posted by Kelly Just before we left for Los Angeles, Sage sent us the following gif. Caption? “Us by day three.” Accuracy? Astounding. Con life is a commitment. If you don’t throw your body and soul into it, you’re not doing it right. This … [Read more...]
“Have fun! Get drunk! Kiss boys!” – Gallifrey One 2015, Part 2
Posted by Kim Well, two out of three ain't bad. Unless you count being groped by John Barrowman, which we very much do. After turning in (read: passing out as soon as we queued up "Galentine's Day" on Sage's computer) at a decent hour on … [Read more...]
Fan Video Friday – Doctor Who Meets Disney
Posted by Kim Welcome to Fan Video Friday, where we seek to give you all the ways to procrastinate before you leave the office for the weekend. This week we're diving in to the delightful treasure trove of Disney and Doctor Who. Why do Disney … [Read more...]