Posted by Kim, Maggie, Kelsey, and Sage Sage: How the hell is it gonna take three hours to give away one rose and why did I volunteer for this? Actually I know why. It's because reading Maggie, Kim, and Kelsey's hilarious commentary has given me … [Read more...]
Rose Petals: a Newbie and a Veteran Watch The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All
Posted by Kim and Maggie AKA Men are So Catty, the Semi-Live version. Let's do this. Maggie: "My man, Luke Pell!" That's the first time James Taylor hasn't made me want to vomit, honestly. Kim: James Taylor was made for these kind of reunion … [Read more...]
Rose Petals: a Newbie and a Veteran Watch The Bachelorette, Week 8
Posted by Kim, Maggie, and Kelsey Kim: First of all, I have to say I was eating delicious carne asada fries and drinking the BEST frosty margarita in San Diego and my television FOMO still kicked in when Maggie started having a meltdown on … [Read more...]
Rose Petals: a Newbie and a Veteran Watch The Bachelorette, Week 7
Posted by Kim, Maggie, and Kelsey Maggie: Guys, remember what a train wreck Jojo's hometown was last season? Do we usually see more of the family during the season or did Ben's parents just not have a lot going on? Kim: We'll see JoJo's family in … [Read more...]
Rose Petals: a Newbie and a Veteran Watch The Bachelorette, Week 6
Posted by Kim, Maggie, and Kelsey Maggie: Shout out to my sister in Boston who attempts to read these even though she doesn't watch the show <3 Kelsey: Last episode feels SO long ago. Like aren't we over the last rose psych out … [Read more...]
Rose Petals: A Newbie and a Veteran Watch The Bachelorette, Week 5
Posted by Kim and Maggie Maggie: First things first, we've seen Derek's twitter cover photo and he might be the Liam of the house, you guys. Kim: I found myself being completely charmed by Derek's social media WHICH CONFUSED ME. THIS IS ALL … [Read more...]
Rose Petals: A Newbie and a Veteran Watch The Bachelorette: Week 4
Posted by Kim, Maggie, and Kelsey Previously on The Bachelorette, the house united in their hatred of Chian and then rejoiced when the Smol Marine triumphed over him in the 2-on-1 date. Chian stomped through the woods and then showed up at the … [Read more...]
Rose Petals: A Newbie and a Veteran Watch The Bachelorette: Week 3, Part 2
Posted by Kim and Kelsey Welcome, Rose Lovers! As our resident Bachelorette newbie Maggie is on vacation (WE MISS YOU MARSHMALLOW!) this week, our friend and psuedo-Newbie Kelsey will be filling in for the thrilling conclusion of Monday's episode! … [Read more...]
Rose Petals: A Newbie and a Veteran Watch The Bachelorette, Week 3 Part 1
Posted by Kim and Maggie Maggie: White girl wasted off of two glasses of wine, reporting from Tropical Storm Colin in Florida, let's do this thing. Kim: First of all, HOW MUCH DO I LOVE YOU that you are doing this from your vacation. (A LOT) … [Read more...]
Rose Petals: A Newbie and a Veteran Watch The Bachelorette, Week 2
Posted by Kim and Maggie It's week two of JoJo's journey to find love. Let's get to know some of these "gentlemen", shall we? Maggie: I like how the "Coming up tonight on The Bachelorette" scenes are all about Chad who will hopefully eventually … [Read more...]
The 15 Best Things said on The Bachelor, Week 4
Posted by Kim Greetings, Bachelor fans! My guest blogging stint at The Bachelor Bracket continues as I take you though week 4 of Juan Pablo's "adventure". (Anyone else love Juan Pablo's distaste for The Bachelor's favorite word "journey"? Only … [Read more...]
The 15 Best Things Said on The Bachelor, Week 3
Posted by Kim Hello Bachelor fans! This week kicks off my guest posting gig at The Bachelor Bracket and I am super excited about it. Every week I will be taking you through my favorite soundbites from this week's episode of The Bachelor. While … [Read more...]
The 15 Things Most Ridiculous Things Said on The Bachelor, Week 2
Posted by Kim I have a confession to make, dear readers. I, Kim, lifelong purveyor of good taste and champion of scripted television, am a MASSIVE fan of The Bachelor. I know. I'm sorry except I'm not sorry. I've watched every single … [Read more...]