Posted by Jaime Editor's Note: When Jaime came to us with the idea for this post, I laughed and laughed and laughed some more. "You KNOW how I feel about the HIMYM finale, RIGHT?" It's been two years and I am STILL angry. True to my word, I've … [Read more...]
Avengers: Age of Ultron – A Comprehensive List of the Times We Overreacted
Posted by Sage Summer movie season, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE. Nothing feels quite so decadent as spending a blistering summer day in the treasured air conditioning of a movie theater, sipping that giant Diet Coke I only allow myself on such … [Read more...]
11 Ways San Diego Comic Con 2014 Ruined Our Lives
Posted by Kim and Sage Another San Diego Comic Con, another four days that most of us spend in abject agony, knowing that we're (yet again) missing the fandom event of the year. We know, we know. The Hall H lines are misery. But frankly, a 4am … [Read more...]
“Kids, This is the Story of How I Betrayed the Audience.” – Kim on the HIMYM Finale
Posted by Kim Well. That happened. It definitely happened and it definitely wasn't an April Fools Day joke. In the moments after the How I Met Your Mother finale I had the urge to come to this site and take down the two posts celebrating … [Read more...]
“Wait For It…” – How I Met Your Mother’s 20 Most LEGENDARY Episodes, Part Two
Posted by Kim So here we are. The end of the line. Tonight Ted Mosby finally meets the woman he's been waiting for his whole life. I'm cramming 7 of my friends into my tiny studio apartment so we can all watch together. We're ordering wings. … [Read more...]
“Wait For It…” – How I Met Your Mother’s 20 Most LEGENDARY Episodes, Part One
Posted by Kim "Kids, this is the story of how I met your mother..." When Ted Mosby uttered those lines in the pilot nine seasons ago, I had no idea that I was about to embark on one of the greatest love affairs with a television show of my … [Read more...]
“Say Goodbye to the Bad Things” – HIMYM Recap
Posted by Kim “You wrote down all these things to say goodbye to, but so many of them are good things. Why not just say goodbye to the bad things? Say goodbye to all the times you felt lost, to all the times it was a ‘no’ instead of a ‘yes,’ to … [Read more...]
“I’ll Be Right Here.” – How I Met Your Mother Recap
Posted by Kim The final countdown begins. T-Minus 55 hours till the legen-you-no-longer-need-to-wait-for it-dary wedding of Barney Stinson and Robin Scherbatsky. T-Minus what I am guessing is 58 hours (or so) till Ted Mosby finally meets the … [Read more...]
45 Days – A Ted Mosby Appreciation Post
Posted by Kim "You know what? I'm done being single, I'm not good at it. Look, obviously you can't tell a woman you just met that you love her, but it sucks that you can't. I'll tell you something though, if a woman, not you, just some … [Read more...]