Posted by Sage We've arrived at the conclusion of our Friends appreciation posts, and who better to take us home than Chandler Muriel Bing? In the original character descriptions of our six favorite New Yorkers and obviously influenced by … [Read more...]
In Appreciation of Rachel Green
Posted by Sage Recently, my dad interrupted one of my The-Big-Bang-Theory-doesn't-deserve-all-this-Emmy-attention rants by arguing that the Friends are just as emotionally staid as Sheldon and company. That statement is patently false; and in … [Read more...]
“And long story short: we did it.” – The Best “Morning After” Scenes
Posted by Sage I like to think I know you guys pretty well. Thus, I'm guessing that you're pretty excited for tonight's episode of New Girl. Considering the way my timeline blew up last Tuesday night, we're all pretty invested in the budding … [Read more...]