Posted by Maggie Another red carpet season with Maggie has come to an end. She's spent the past month sorting through countless photos of every awards show in existence in order to determine her favorite (and most hated) looks of the season. What … [Read more...]
“This is a really volcanic ensemble you’re wearing.” – SAG Awards 2016 Fashion
Posted by Maggie Bless the SAG Awards for being on a Saturday this year, my awards show hangover is much easier to deal with on a Sunday, thank you very much. This was kind of an off night in the season; not a lot of wow moments, l could only come … [Read more...]
“Lighten up, it’s just Fashion.” – Maggie’s Award Season Wrap-Up
Posted by Maggie We couldn't let awards season come to a close without Maggie offering her final thoughts and dress rankings. Who won Awards Season 2015? What were the best and worst looks? Take it away, Maggie! --Kim MVP: LUPITA … [Read more...]
“You are tacky and I hate you.” – Oscar Fashion Post
Posted By Maggie with commentary from Kim and Sage The show went until after midnight and we are exhausted. Let's get right to the fashion, shall we? The Best Dressed 1) Rosamund Pike Maggie: FINALLY. This is the flawless queen I … [Read more...]
Live Blogging The 2015 Oscar Ceremony
Posted by Kim and Sage YAY CEREMONY. What will NPH do in his opening number? Who will win: Birdman or Boyhood? (It better be Boyhood!!!!!) … [Read more...]
“Fashion show! Fashion Show! Fashion Show at Lunch!” – SAG Fashion Post
Posted by Maggie, with commentary from Sage and Kim. Let's get right to the fashion, shall we? Who do we think we are? The E! Red Carpet team vamping until the famous people show up? Best Dressed 1) Julianne Moore Maggie: Look at … [Read more...]
Live Blogging the SAG Awards!
Posted by Kim and Sage Awards Season is a marathon and the SAG awards fall at the all important midway point. The Oscar Nominations are out and the campaigns are in full swing. A bad acceptance speech can make or break you. A win can cement … [Read more...]
“White Middle Aged Guys” – An Oscar Nominations 2015 Roundtable
Posted by Kim, Sage, and Chelsea HAPPY NOMINATION DAY EVERYONE! Every year, the Academy manages to pull surprises out for the Oscar nominations, both elating and cringe worthy. This year, we enlisted our friend Chelsea (the monster behind the … [Read more...]
“What’s that?” “A dress!” “Says who?” “Calvin Klein!” – Golden Globes Fashion
Posted by Maggie with commentary from Kim and Sage After the 2014 Emmys, our dear friend Maggie (Queen of Snark and Horizontal Stripes) sent Sage and I a novel-length email detailing her thoughts on every single red carpet look. You know. Just … [Read more...]