Posted by Maggie It would be naive and offensive to pretend that the SAG Awards were the only or most important thing that happened this weekend. However, as depressing as it is to acknowledge, we’re in for a long four years. We need to pace … [Read more...]
“On Sundays, we wear white.” – Golden Globes Fashion 2016
Posted by Maggie Everyone welcome back our fashion blogger, Maggie. (Also it's her blogaversary with us, so throw some glitter at her. YAY SPARKLES.) Maggie will once again be your guide through the madness that is Red Carpet Season. What were her … [Read more...]
“What’s that?” “A dress!” “Says who?” “Calvin Klein!” – Golden Globes Fashion
Posted by Maggie with commentary from Kim and Sage After the 2014 Emmys, our dear friend Maggie (Queen of Snark and Horizontal Stripes) sent Sage and I a novel-length email detailing her thoughts on every single red carpet look. You know. Just … [Read more...]
Kim’s Top 15 Romantic Comedies
Posted by Kim Earlier this week, my friend Jenn tweeted that she made a list of her top 25 Romantic Comedies and I called her out on it. "25?!" I said, "That is NOT a list." I then challenged her to cut it to ten, because, come on, why even make … [Read more...]