Posted by Jaime Editor's Note: Everyone welcome Jaime Vazquez to Head Over Feels! Jaime is a stay-at-home dad, a long-time comic book nerd, and a huge fan of reading too much into TV shows. (Follow him on Twitter, or check out his interview with … [Read more...]
10 Scenes That Were Hotter Than Olicity’s First Time
Posted by Kim and Sage Sage: After nearly three seasons of build-up, Oliver and Felicity finally did it on Arrow this week. And it was...underwhelming. I mean, I assume that they did it, since they acted like they did the next morning. (Before … [Read more...]
The Top 20 Television Moments of 2014 – Part Two
Posted by Kim and Sage When we posted our first ten moments of the year at the end of last week, one of our favorite commenters (you know who you are) said that she expected to see the How I Met Your Mother finale on the second half of the list. … [Read more...]
John Cho: Your Most Handsome Young Man 2014
Posted by Kim and Sage We have a new Most Handsome Young Man...and your winner is JOHN CHO. That's right, the guy who brought the term "MILF" into our lexicon is now your Most Handsome Young Man. We could not be more … [Read more...]
The Head Over Feels Most Handsome Young Man 2014
Posted by Kim and Sage Let me be up front about this: the decision we are asking you to make here today is not an easy one. Unlike People Magazine, Head Over Feels has a three-year tradition of leaving the crowning of our sexiest man up to our … [Read more...]
“Hacker or a Hero?” – Arrow Recap
Posted by Kim Arrow Season 3, Episode 5 "The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak" "If I had accepted my life, I would be a cocktail waitress in Vegas like my mother, and I never would have gone to college, and I never would have moved a … [Read more...]
“Suffering is Optional” – Arrow Recap
Posted by Kim Arrow Season 3, episodes 3 and 4 "Corto Maltese" and "The Magician" Another 2 weeks, another 2 episode recap. One day, I'll be caught up enough to look at each episode individually, I promise. While on paper … [Read more...]
“Everyone is looking to me to lead.” – Arrow Recap
Arrow 3 x 01, 02 "The Calm" and "Sara" Posted by Kim This was never supposed to happen. Over the summer I was looking to take on a new show to recap (because I am a masochist and clearly we don't do enough recaps on this site). I … [Read more...]
“Kick Ass, Totally Unrelenting, Utterly Heartbreaking.” – NYCC 2014, Day 3
Posted by Kim and Sage Kim: You know those times when you are about two-thirds the way through your workout and your body tells you that you can't go on any longer? You are sweaty, your feet are killing you, you're cranky, and you've had it up … [Read more...]