Posted by Kim and Sage Happy holidays, y'all! Our series of year-end lists continues with the second half of our Top 20 TV moments of the year. Honestly, it gets harder and harder every year to narrow our TV feelings down to just this. And in the … [Read more...]
16 Things We Learned at New York Comic Con 2016 – Part II
Posted by Kim and Sage Believe it or not, our first post only took us through the first 36 hours of NYCC 2016. Our con was SUPER front-loaded this year, with Friday being our biggest day and our panel schedule lightening for Saturday and Sunday. … [Read more...]
“That’s so f***ing metal!” – SDCC 2016, Part II
Posted by Kim and Sage In every Comic Con, there's That One Day. You know it: it's the day where everything you want to do is happening with little-to-no breaks in between. The day where you have to woman-up, be your best pre-planned self, and … [Read more...]
HOF at SDCC AGAIN – Our Expectations and Wildest Dreams
Posted by Kim and Sage It's almost the day of the show, y'all! San Diego Comic Con is just over a week away. Surely the city is neck-deep in preparations for the hordes of nerds about to roll in from all corners of the world. It's our second ever … [Read more...]