Posted by Kim and Sage We've discussed the best TV moments of 2016 (you can find those here and here), so now we turn to the individual performances that brought us the most joy this year. These are the performances that inspired us, that stayed … [Read more...]
Everything We Need To Know In Life, We Learned From Jerry Maguire
Posted by Kim and Sage Jerry Maguire turned TWENTY last week. (News Flash: We're old.) Jerry will forever remind me of a simpler time. A time when we had no idea JUST how crazy Tom Cruise was. A time where articles weren't written about what Renee … [Read more...]
How Bridget Jones’s Baby Reminded Me That I Like Her, Just As She Is
Posted by Sage As far as I’m concerned, Fielding had a duty to write a laugh-out-loud book about a female protagonist who’s in her 50s and fumbling realistically in a new stage of her life. I’m 30 and I hardly ever feel like I know what I’m doing. … [Read more...]
Pages Read: 386. Regrets: Thousands. – Bridget Jones: Mad About The Boy Review
Posted by Sage There's that special kind of resentment that's bred by the neglect or outright destruction of something you once loved by its own creator. And, in the case of Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy, the unfortunate added blow of proving … [Read more...]
Kim’s Top 15 Romantic Comedies
Posted by Kim Earlier this week, my friend Jenn tweeted that she made a list of her top 25 Romantic Comedies and I called her out on it. "25?!" I said, "That is NOT a list." I then challenged her to cut it to ten, because, come on, why even make … [Read more...]